Male shugaring is becoming more and more popular because not only women, but also men monitor their appearance and want to look irresistible. Getting rid of increased vegetation in some parts of the body is not shameful, on the contrary, indicates body care.
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What is shugaring and why does a man need it?
Another name for this procedure is sugar depilation. Removing unwanted "vegetation" is carried out with a heated sweet paste.
Initially, this process was available only to women, since there is a stereotype that the stronger sex should be hairy. If the curls have grown on the chest or in other places, then this is a sign of the male rod.
In fact, the increased vegetation on the body is an amateur. Aesthetic norms and standards of courageous beauty have long changed. Now, the hair under the arms can be regarded only as a lack of proper body care. That is why the salons began to offer shugaring not only for girls, but also as a natural service for the stronger sex.
Processing areas
The depilation zones on the body of a man are much larger than that of a woman. Using this procedure, you can remove hairs anywhere. Possible processing zones:
- face;
- ears
- neck (front and back);
- axillary hollows;
- shoulders
- chest;
- back;
- stomach;
- arms, legs (in whole or in part);
- deep bikini;
- buttocks.
The last two zones are mainly depilated by men who are professionally involved in sports or are engaged in fashion. According to other representatives of the stronger sex, such a procedure is useless.
Sugar depilation can affect areas such as cheeks, beard, mustache, whiskey, eyebrows.
Note. Only the master decides on the permissible number of zones depilated in one session. Full one-time processing is not carried out.
Procedure benefits
The advantages of the presented methodology are much greater than the disadvantages:
- extremely smooth skin, lack of bristles and ingrown hairs;
- skin hydration after a session;
- reduced sweating due to the removal of thick hair;
- speed of the procedure (you can get rid of hairs in a large area of the body in a short time);
- saving the result for a month;
- lack of irritation and inflammation, cuts;
- the ability to remove hair in hard to reach places.
A new "shoot" will become possibly soft and rare, so that all subsequent activities become less painful.
The only drawback is financial costs. The cost of the procedure is higher than the purchase of a shaving machine. And also the minuses include soreness, but its severity depends on the pain threshold of each person.
Note. Male shugaring is more expensive than female: hairs are more difficult to remove from the skin, since they are very stiff.
It is worth noting that men are more acutely aware of pain during sugar depilation than women.
Features of male shugaring
This depilation technique allows you to achieve a lasting effect with low invasiveness of the skin. Only an experienced craftsman can trust his body. If you provide this to the trainee, then there is the likelihood of a poor-quality result and causing severe pain.
Note. During shugaring, it is important to maintain complete sterility. The master must use disposable napkins and work with gloves.
Before applying sugar paste, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of sweat, grease, dust, dirt. If this is not done, then the desired effect may not be achieved ..
The consistency of the paste depends on the thickness and stiffness of the hair. The finished composition is applied against hair growth with small “strokes”. On top of it, it is allowed to impose a flap of tissue that breaks off along with the sugar mass.
Then you need to wait 3-5 minutes for the paste to freeze. She is removed with sudden movements. Hair is removed along the growth line. This prevents their ingrowth, the appearance of cracks and unpleasant irritation. After this stage, all excess paste is carefully removed from the skin surface, a soothing lotion is applied.
Using shugaring, you can not only completely remove hair, but also adjust your mustache, cheeks and chin, make a stylish beard. Using a razor to get perfectly even contours is very problematic.
Sugar Depilation Preparation
It is advisable to start the preparation a week before the procedure. It is necessary to shave the hair, at the time of shugaring, their length should not exceed 5 mm. Of course, a cosmetologist is also capable of cutting hair perfectly, but you will have to pay extra for this. Such a service is not included in the cost of shugaring.
A day before going to the salon it is undesirable to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, it is also undesirable to visit saunas and baths. Any thermal effect will adversely affect the condition of the skin, can lead to irritation and inflammation of the skin after depilation.
And also on the eve of the session you can not use other methods of depilation. The shaving machine severely injures the skin. On the day of visiting the salon, cosmetics should be excluded, it is advisable to take a shower so that the skin is clean.
Skin care after the procedure
Shugaring of the intimate zone, as well as other parts of the body with sensitive skin, is often accompanied by hyperemia in men.But the redness disappears 2 hours after the procedure.
The skin after depilation needs to be moisturized. For 2-3 days, it is advisable to use moisturizers and lotions. Cleansing scrubs can be used no more than 1 time per week.
A month after the measures taken, a need for a second procedure may arise, since the hairs will begin to grow back. In between sugar depilation, you cannot use a razor, otherwise hair growth will accelerate again, they will become stiff.
Differences between male and female shugaring
Hair growing on a man’s body is characterized by stiffness and density. Even in the intimate zone, they are more rigid and dense than in women. This must be taken into account during the preparation of the paste, otherwise you may not achieve the desired effect.
But at the same time, one should not forget about the sensitivity of the skin in some areas, for example, under the armpits, on the chest and abdomen, in the groin area. The pain here is much higher, and there are also many folds. For such a procedure, a less dense paste is made.
Quite problematic is the removal of hair on the beard and neck. Even after preparing a thick mass, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, since the hairs grow randomly and quite densely, and the follicles are located very deeply.
The simplest and least painful procedure performed on the back, shoulders, legs and arms. The absence of folds and irregularities make it possible to achieve absolute smoothness.
Contraindications to the procedure
The following contraindications:
- allergy to the components of sugar paste or skin care products;
- various skin diseases (inflammatory, infectious, fungal);
- damage to the skin;
- moles, papillomas, warts and other formations.
And also it is not necessary to carry out depilation for diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, varicose veins, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and, of course, in a state of intoxication.