Sagittarius man, Aries woman - the couple is very mixed. Both are quick-tempered, hot, bright, with fire inside. They can achieve a happy long-term union only with strong mutual feelings and consent to go towards each other.
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General characteristics of the zodiac signs
The characterization of a Sagittarius man should start with the fact that such a sign belongs to the element of Fire. This explains his incontinence, the desire to always be in time everywhere, haste, the desire to get everything at once, as well as some other similar basic qualities.
Sagittarius men are very friendly, open and always ready to make contact. But you need to remember about their straightforwardness. Sometimes it even borders on rudeness. With this character trait of the representative of the sign under discussion, you just need to get used to and not try to remake it. But Sagittarius always tell the truth. You can be sure that such a person is distinguished by sincerity and honesty. He himself also does not accept deception and falsehood in any manifestation.
Sagittarius is often called meticulous. But they are real optimists and spend most of their lives, if there are no serious problems, in an excellent mood. Such men know how to have fun and always try to come up with interesting ways of leisure. Sitting at home in the evening in front of the TV with a glass of beer is definitely not a vacation for them. If a friend or a close person of Sagittarius suddenly needs help, he will immediately break loose and go to the needy, no matter what he does.Inherent optimism helps to quickly raise the mood of a person in trouble, and together come up with an action plan that will solve the problem that appears, no matter how serious it may be.
Some crazy ideas constantly swarm in the head of the Sagittarius men. It is very important for them to feel the support of friends and a second half in all endeavors. Then he will be ready to literally roll mountains.
Marriage or just a serious relationship often become a burden for Sagittarius. After all, such a man loves and appreciates freedom. He will never be next to a jealous woman trying to limit him in something.
The characteristic of the Aries woman suggests that such a young lady is no less energetic, vibrant, active. She also adores moving forward, does not favor “seals” rest and monotony.
Representatives of the zodiac sign Aries rarely become housewives who are ready to fully devote themselves to family and children. More often, they head off into a career and forget about everything in the world, successfully conquering the career ladder.
Aries girls are easily twisted by men. We can say that they are wonderful actresses who can play any role in order to achieve the desired. The bearers of the sign under discussion love compliments, and sometimes frank gross flattery is often perceived as truth. But criticism (even minimal) is able to infuriate the Aries woman. Even good advice to such a lady should be given with caution and softening every word as much as possible, otherwise you won’t be able to reach her.
Aries girls are independent, purposeful, independent. But with all this, they badly need the support and care of a partner. Coming home, they dream of finding themselves in a tight embrace and receive an avalanche of attention that they have not been able to get all day. Unfortunately, not every modern man is ready to meet their needs.
Sagittarius man and Aries woman: compatibility
It is difficult to unambiguously name the degree of compatibility of the male Sagittarius and the female Aries. It all depends on the characters and already formed views on the life of both partners.
In a love relationship
Feelings in such an unusual couple always flare up instantly. Sagittarius and Aries in love at first it seems that they are ideally suited to each other. Partners are incredibly interesting together - one starts a thought, the other picks it up right away and finishes it. But, when the passions subside a little, often in such a pair there is rivalry. The Sagittarius man and the Aries woman begin to endlessly fight for leadership and try to figure out which one is better.
For Sagittarius and Aries to be happy in marriage, both endlessly have to work on themselves. Often spouses in such a pair, starting to forget that the second person has problems, speak only about their own person. As a result, everyone feels unnecessary, forgotten, uninteresting.
But there are significant advantages in marriage between representatives of the discussed zodiac signs. For example, such spouses are never bored together. Routine and everyday issues are not terrible for this couple; they can easily find in any conditions what to do interesting and fascinating.
In friendship
But the compatibility of the zodiac signs Aries and Sagittarius in friendship is just perfect. Since friends do not have to live together, and they only meet from time to time, they manage to take a break from each other. As a result, during the next trip somewhere, a couple of friends literally cannot talk. The clock flies by.
In addition, Aries women and Sagittarius men usually have the same interests. They can talk about everything, kindly argue, laugh, have fun, come up with interesting new entertainments. True, both of these friends are completely unable to keep secrets. But, if you know about this shortcoming, it is quite possible to live and put up with it.
In sex
Similar ideal compatibility in the female Aries and the male Sagittarius in intimate terms.Both partners of the discussed zodiac signs are passionate, sexy, adoring compliments. This couple will surely become regular customers of a sex shop, and will allow themselves any liberties in bed. Due to such excellent compatibility, partners are unlikely to think about cheating. Even the windy Sagittarius next to the passionate Aries girl is able to calm down a bit and forget about all of her past darlings.
Psychological compatibility
The compatibility horoscope says a lot about psychology. Both the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man need the constant support of the partner, his admiration, understanding, care. As a result, in a pair, everyone can feel lonely and incomprehensible, waiting for the first steps from the second half. To deal with the problem will help only a frank in-depth conversation or consultation of a competent psychologist.
Positive and negative sides of the union
In the union under discussion, one can find many positive and negative sides.
Start with a good one:
- Aries and Sagittarius never sit still. They are both purposeful, ideological, endlessly developing and self-improving.
- A couple is always fun and interesting together. In such a union there is no place for boredom and monotony.
- Lovers have similar views on life and plans.
- Both the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man value their freedom.
- The Sagittarius guy is absolutely calm about dumplings for dinner and mess in the house. Therefore, a non-economic girl-Aries can not be afraid of conflicts on household grounds.
Among the negative aspects of the union, the main one is the jealousy of the partner. The Aries woman will literally be driven crazy by the increased attention to her partner from the surrounding ladies. And her freedom-loving archer will eventually become very annoyed by the desire of the chosen one to keep him closer to herself.
In addition, the couple in question is not becoming very good parents. Both of them are immersed in a career, nothing changes even after the birth of the firstborn. As a result, children in such a family are often raised by grandmothers.
How can a man Sagittarius conquer a woman Aries
To conquer the Aries girl, the Sagittarius man will not have to do something special. His natural charm, intellect, and ability to speak beautifully are usually enough to interest a lady he likes in just a few minutes. But already in the future, the young man will have to make considerable efforts to maintain calm and harmony in such a union. For example, he will need to learn to be more caring and think not only about himself.
A pair of Sagittarius and Aries is always very beautiful and interesting. If both lovers in her will try to understand their soul mate and try to make her happy, then there will be an opportunity to build a long harmonious relationship. Of course, this can be achieved only in case of sincere love between partners.