Scorpio men are the most coveted and mysterious representatives of the strong half of humanity. They are contradictory in their actions and emotions, prefer to go to extremes and always look like winners. What is the characteristic of a scorpion man, and what kind of women he likes - we will consider further.
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Sign Characteristic
Scorpio is a symbol of rebirth. That is why it has long been observed that if someone in the family dies under this sign, then a year later it can be expected that one of the relatives will have a baby in the coming year. Astrologers attribute this to the fact that after the death of Scorpio, a large amount of energy is released, which is necessarily reborn again, like a Phoenix bird.
The ruling planets for the scorpion are Pluto and Mars. Such patronage speaks of the strength of the soul and body of Scorpions. This sign is peculiar to sow disorder and discord, cruelty and aggression around itself. In adulthood, many manage to suppress these negative aspects of nature and become decent family people and business professionals.
The man Scorpio is a passionate lover, whose spell no woman can resist. He knows how to love so that his passion will never forget about such a vivid romance.
The zodiac sign Scorpio belongs to the water element. He is emotional, sensual, perceptive and has excellent intuition. More accurately tell about the man Scorpio characteristics of his elements and the ruling planets.
Is he:
- It adapts perfectly to living conditions and situations.
- It can easily hide from others its true intentions and thoughts.
- Able to listen, sympathize and help those in need.
- Brave and not afraid of death, ready for any feats for the sake of success.
- It easily becomes a leader and leads people.
- He has extraordinary thinking, due to which he is always interesting to others.
- Independent, rarely influenced by.
- It has good health.
Overly sensitive Scorpions often become addicted to alcohol and other bad habits.
The natural magnetism of this sign helps him not only in matters of the heart, but also in the professional sphere. Scorpio men often achieve success in business, although they go to him gradually, weighing all the pros and cons.
The image of a scorpion can become a strong and repulsive all negative amulet for this zodiac sign. Only the carrier of the amulet due to its energy can endow this symbol with incredible power. To attract material well-being, Scorpions will use an amulet in the form of a scarab beetle.
Compatible with fire zodiac signs.
An alliance with representatives of the fire element (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) is not the best choice for a Scorpio man. In these relations, he is forced to always be on his guard, not losing sight of a single conflict situation. Such communication very quickly exhausts partners, despite the Scorpions' love for the thrills inside the relationship.
The union of Scorpio with Leo will be especially short-lived. None of the signs are ready to submit or admit their guilt, which means that constant conflicts with insults and humiliations will be simply inevitable. Such relations will soon come to naught by mutual agreement of the parties.
With representatives of the earthly elements
The union of Scorpio with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) is quite favorable. Partners will complement each other perfectly. But on the shoulders of the representative of the earth sign all responsibility for the safety of relations will be assigned, he will always have to be vigilant, and find a compromise in contentious situations. In response to these manifestations of feelings, a man Scorpio will respond to a woman with stability and sincerity of his actions.
With air signs
Representatives of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will not find anything in common with a man Scorpio. His emotional feelings and impulses will be far from their understanding. The airy signs famous for cold intellect will simply ignore the grievances inflicted on Scorpio, as a result of which such relations will end very soon.
The only representative of the elements of air interesting to Scorpio is Gemini. This sign is able to interest the man of Scorpio, subjecting him to himself. The Gemini woman suits him both in bed and in life. But such a relationship often ends in a breakup. The fact is that Scorpio men in love are the owners, while Gemini is not against easy flirting on the side. Jealousy and mistrust of partners are the main reasons for the breakdown in this pair.
Compatibility with other signs of this element is practically impossible, since they simply do not attract Scorpio men.
Scorpio and the water element
Inside their element, Scorpio men feel comfortable. With Cancer and Pisces, relationships are based on the emotional component. They are both far from household chores and put romance at the head of everything. Representatives of the water element perfectly understand each other, have common interests and listen to the opinion of the partner. The union of these signs is one of the most durable, honest and indestructible.
With Cancer, Scorpio is never bored, but distrust and jealousy will often be present in relationships. With Pisces, he will always be calm and comfortable. Problems can arise only in relations with representatives of your mark. In such a pair there will always be a place of jealousy, resentment, passion and emotions. The compatibility horoscope claims that the end of such a relationship will depend only on the sincerity of feelings between partners.
Scorpio man: in love, marriage, friendship
A man Scorpio is rarely limited to one legalized relationship. This is due to his heavy character and exactingness to a partner. Only a truly patient, but passionate wife, who wisely can circumvent all the “acute” moments, will suit him. Then such a marriage will definitely become happy and durable for both partners.
In love, Scorpios are just as controversial as in the rest of life. They are able to equally passionately love and hate. Scorpios completely surrender to the partner, expecting the same in return. But because of the fear of losing a loved one, they are often jealous for no apparent reason. In a relationship, a Scorpio man is an owner who is not ready to share his woman with anyone. He is focused on creating a large and strong family, for which he will be ready for any sacrifice. At the same time, Scorpio perceives a passionate affair on the side as something permitted only to him and not involved in the real feelings that can exist between spouses.
Friends of Scorpio are often people from childhood, school, kindergarten, yard. They value this friendship and will never go on betrayal. Scorpions are ready to put up with all the shortcomings of their friends (because they simply don’t notice them) and will come to the rescue in any life situation, even when the closest people have turned their backs on his friend. One can always count on a man of this zodiac sign; he will support both psychologically and physically.
Scorpions do not forgive betrayal. Having caused them a mental wound, the offender risks incurring the wrath of this man, who will avenge and remember the insult until the last day.