Aries man is a born leader, a complex person, always achieving his goals. The stars themselves ordered him to be the first in everything, because this sign opens the Zodiac circle. At first glance, this man seems to be a cold and reserved person, however, a storm of feelings rages in his soul. If Aries is a man, the characteristics and features of this sign will help to find the key to his heart.
Material Content:
General characterization
Aries opens the Zodiac circle, as it is the first sign. Its element is Fire, and it burns brightly in the soul of a man born under this constellation. The championship mark imposes restrictions and duties on a person who is forced to be a pioneer in everything. In fairness, it should be said that Aries does it very well, since they are decisive, passionate and confident in their abilities. Moreover, getting involved in a new project, the man of the fiery element has a real interest, he himself is curious about what will happen in the end. Since they are self-confident, strong and soberly assess their abilities, Aries will come out of any, even dubious enterprise, with his head held high and a sense of his own superiority.
Aries are smart, decisive and passionate, but it is impossible to predict the actions of this person. Men often seem closed and cold, often cause awe and reverence even at a young age.
From Aries excellent managers and superiors are obtained. They know how to delegate authority and manage a large number of people, are organized and responsible. If, by chance, Aries occupies a low position, you can be sure that this is only temporary.The leadership qualities of a person of this sign will quickly be appreciated, so promotion cannot be avoided. Moreover, this applies equally to women and men. Unlike representatives of the strong half of the sign, women are often careerists, preferring work to the family, but men value home comfort and need affection, while remaining a sought-after specialist and professional in their field.
The characteristic of the zodiac sign includes the following positive features:
- energy;
- leadership skills;
- determination;
- straightforwardness;
- justice;
- responsibility.
The straightforwardness of Aries can hardly be called a completely positive quality, since sometimes they demonstrate excessive directness and do not want to select words. Aries are sharp, impulsive, quick-tempered. This is affected by the influence of the elements of Fire and the planet Mars, to which the Aries man submits. As a result, representatives of this sign usually have a large supply of endurance and physical strength, but they do not control emotions well, often succumbing to provocations, flashing up and long not ceasing. It is the inability to control their feelings that makes Aries wear a mask of a cold and tough person, which they put on even in their teens. However, even this can not save Aries from collapse, so it’s better not to test his patience.
Negative traits:
- maximalism;
- categoricality;
- short temper;
- jealousy.
Representatives of this sign have a strong temperament, however, are faithful and caring. The problem of the Aries man is his indecision when it comes to romantic relationships. Brave and self-confident at work, he can lose his fervor and become notorious, fearing rejection and ridicule from a woman, but this is found only in young “rams”.
Aries man compatibility with other zodiac signs
The first fiery sign is passionate, quick-tempered and difficult to communicate. Finding a common language with him can be very difficult, because Aries are not inclined to let the first comer into the soul. They prefer to build equal friendly relations with everyone, but they keep people at arm's length. To get to Aries, you have to spend a lot of energy.
Such coldness and detachment is caused by fear to give vent to one’s feelings. Aries man chooses the role of an impartial leader, and it’s very difficult to look under this mask. If a woman managed to reduce the distance, it’s too early to relax, because it’s not so simple in close relations with Aries.
In a love relationship
Aries man in love is a romantic and a real knight. Moreover, he will never wait aside until they pay attention to him, and then take the situation into his own hands. Aries in love acts quickly, assertively, sometimes manic, the main thing is that he can overcome the fear of failure. His eyes sparkle, his heart jumps out of his chest, and his mind comes up with new ways to attract the attention of his beloved.
No woman will be bored with Aries. He is a romantic, capable of wide gestures and will try to make an unforgettable impression on the chosen one.
Everything that Aries does takes on an alarming scale. If there are a thousand flowers, if champagne is a pool. Moreover, he well remembers all the words and casual desires of the woman and immediately rushes to fulfill them.
However, the first raid of the romantic fleur quickly drops from it, and pitfalls are exposed here, since it is never easy with a person born under this sign.
Compatibility with other signs in love largely determines the further development of relations:
- With fiery signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the man of the element of Fire will easily find a common language, but after a short time the question of leadership will become acute. Aries requires attention, needs tenderness and feminine affection, while a woman of the fire element seeks to conquer new heights and win universal admiration.Relationships like dry grass easily flare up and burn out very quickly.
- With watermarks (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Aries is difficult. With Crayfish and Pisces, probably nothing will come of it. First, the girls of these signs will attract a man with their fragility, romance and vulnerability, however, over time, they will begin to extinguish his fire with their tears. The alliance with Scorpio is quite successful, since both signs are strong, but a woman can give up leadership to a man. True, there is no need to wait for silence and soft romance in such an alliance; this couple will loudly sort things out, quarrel over trifles.
- Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) can build a harmonious relationship with Aries. Women of these signs are calm and reasonable, give the palm to a man and support him in all endeavors. Aries likes this attitude, he feels confident and does not expect a blow to the back, as with Lionesses or Scorpions.
- Signs of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) attract Aries men with their spontaneity and sexuality. Love relationships can be harmonious if the girl does not make Aries jealous.
Aries man in a relationship remains a leader and is not used to obeying. In a woman, he wants to see a partner, but not equal to himself. Some Aries are real sexists.
Despite the difficult nature, Aries is aimed at marriage. He turns out to be a faithful and reliable husband and demands the same from his wife. He loves children, spends a lot of time with them, does everything possible so that his family does not need anything.
A happy and strong marriage will turn out with representatives of the following signs:
- Calf;
- Virgo;
- Libra;
- Capricorn.
The strongest marriages in Aries with Taurus. These two signs work for a common purpose, understand each other perfectly. In such a union harmony reigns, there is no place for mistrust and scandals.
With Virgo, a good union is obtained, first of all, for Aries himself. A man is comfortable with this “earthly” woman, as she is fully committed to him. But Virgo can suffer due to the coldness of Aries, giving way to short temper over trifles.
With Libra - harmony in love, sex and marriage. The union can be overshadowed only by the desire of the Libra girl to please everyone around, and inappropriate flirting with other men.
It is important to remember: Aries man in marriage remains very jealous. He is an owner who will not tolerate games with his feelings.
Marriage to Capricorn will be stable, but a little boring. Aries will have to dilute the daily routine with romantic actions, otherwise the marriage will become mired in everyday life.
In friendship
Aries make good friends - faithful, attentive, caring. You can always talk heart to heart with a man of this sign; he knows how to keep other people's secrets. The best friends of Aries are representatives of the air element. They easily find a common language with Gemini and Aquarius, but friendship with Libra of the opposite sex has every chance of moving into a closer relationship.
Aries easily gets along with the ever Sagittarius, but communication with Leo quickly turns into a rivalry. The friendship of two Aries is a real test. They will argue to hoarseness and will never admit the opponent is right.
In sex
Aries man is a leader in all areas of life, and in sex too. He has a hot temperament, an indomitable thirst for experimentation.
In sexual relations, Aries will find harmony with representatives of the following signs:
- Aries - since no one feels a man of the fire element better;
- Taurus - these two opposites become one and have the same preferences;
- Cancer - a woman of this sign needs a strong partner, which, undoubtedly, flatters Aries, but such relationships will not lead beyond bed;
- Scorpio - both signs are passionate, temperamental and put sex almost in the first place in a relationship.
We can conclude that Taurus is the best pair for a man of a fire sign. These two get along very well, quickly become best friends, and then form a strong union in which sex will be assigned a leading role.
Psychological compatibility
Aries are strong and assertive, so they easily find a common language with people who are weaker than them. The best psychological compatibility is with Cancer, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius. These signs are mild and very vulnerable, so Aries can take patronage over them, try to help and protect.
Aries are intellectuals, therefore they feel comfortable with Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius. With these same signs there is a chance for strong friendships or even love and marriage.
How to win a representative of this sign
Aries zodiac sign makes a man restless and assertive. It is not easy to conquer him, because he himself is an excellent hunter. First you need to figure out which women he likes. The man of this sign draws attention to bright women, he is impressed by temperament and independence. At the same time, Aries should feel stronger, therefore a weak and defenseless girl can attract him.
Chosen Aries should be:
- smart
- well-groomed;
- beautiful;
- independent;
- open
- purposeful.
At the same time, a woman should remain so, and not take on men's responsibilities. Aries respects careerists, but only as long as it remains stronger and more successful against their background. If a woman is ready to prefer a career for him, he will feel hurt and will not seek her location.
Otherwise, conquering Aries is very simple and difficult at the same time - you just need to let him know about your sympathy. He will do the rest himself, and his courtship will be rude and assertive, because if the Aries man is in love, there are no obstacles for him.