"Mukaltin" is an antitussive drug that has a wide spectrum of action. Pharmacists note that it is very popular among the population, for several reasons: low price policy, the effectiveness of the drug. In today's article, we will consider which cough "Mukaltin" can help, and who should not take the drug.
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What cough does Mukaltin help
"Mukaltin" is a plant-based drug, so it is prescribed for adults and children. The main component of the remedy is the marshmallow root. This plant has an expectorant effect, relieves inflammation, liquefies sputum.
In addition, the composition of "Mukaltin" includes:
- starch;
- amino acids;
- essential oils;
- lecithin;
- phytosterol.
The drug is available in the form of tablets. They belong to the class of homeopathic remedies, have a cumulative effect, do not harm health. "Mukaltin" is prescribed for dry and wet cough. The course of admission, as a rule, is 2 weeks.
With a dry cough, the patient's sputum is difficult to pass. A lump is present in the chest area. The cough is worse at night. In most cases, bronchospasm appears against this background.
With a dry cough, Mukaltin is prescribed in the following cases:
- acute or chronic form of bronchitis;
- tracheal inflammation;
- laryngitis;
- allergic cough;
- asthma.
The task of the drug is to dilute sputum, but do not increase its amount in the bronchi. It is very important that microorganisms do not multiply and do not fall lower in the respiratory organs.Otherwise, there will be a complication in the form of pneumonia.
A wet cough can be treated more quickly. The task of Mukaltin is to bring out phlegm out, prevent it from becoming thick, and remove the inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system.
With a wet cough, the drug is effective in the following cases:
- pneumonia (initial stage);
- obstructive bronchitis;
- cystic fibrosis;
- emphysema;
- tuberculosis.
In most cases, in addition to Mukaltin, the doctor prescribes other antitussive drugs. Taking them, comprehensively, you can quickly cope with the disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
Admission rules and dosage for children and adults
In order for the drug to have a therapeutic effect, you need to calculate the required dosage.
Instructions for use are as follows:
- Adults need to take the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day. Doctors insist on resorption of the tablets. Thus, they are absorbed faster through the gastric mucosa. It is better to take tablets 30-40 minutes before a meal. After that, do not forget to drink a large amount of liquid. Adults can take "Mukaltin" up to 8 tablets per day.
- Newborn children need to use the drug only as directed by a doctor. On a day, give ¼ of the tablet, diluted with breast milk or a mixture. In some cases, the dose may be increased.
- Children up to a year are recommended to give ½ part of the tablet 3 times a day.
- For children from 1 to 12 years, the dose can be increased. Give 1 tablet 3 times a day, while observing the condition of the child.
“Mukaltin” is difficult for children to swallow, as the size of the pill is large. To avoid difficulties, the drug can be crushed, mixed with a tablespoon of water or milk.
During pregnancy and lactation
"Mukaltin" is one of the few cough remedies that is allowed to be taken during pregnancy. The plant-based drug does not contain chemical and synthetic components.
In the first trimester, the drug should be taken carefully. Althea root can provoke uterine tone and lead to miscarriage. If the doctor insists on taking the drug, then you must definitely be observed by a gynecologist.
Before giving birth, the reception of "Mukaltin" must be completed. The placenta becomes thin, the drug can reach the fetus and cause an allergic reaction.
During lactation, Mukaltin cough tablets are also not recommended. They are replaced with purified synthetic products.
Drug interaction
Mukaltin can be combined with other drugs that remove mucus and sputum. With severe ailments, doctors are strongly advised to do this.
The only point is that codeine should not be in the media. It makes sputum thicker, this complicates the process of its discharge.
It is forbidden to drink alcohol while taking Mukaltin.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Among the contraindications for taking "Mukaltin", the following can be distinguished:
- individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
- hepatic and renal failure;
- thrombosis;
- poor blood coagulation;
- ulcer;
- diabetes.
Also, with great caution, the drug should be given to children up to a year, monitor the dosage. Toddlers should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.
Among the side effects and in case of overdose, the following symptoms can be noted:
- a rash throughout the body that resembles hives;
- severe itching;
- Quincke's edema;
- nausea and vomiting;
- diarrhea.
When these signs appear, you must immediately stop taking the drug, call an ambulance team, do gastric lavage and take an antihistamine.
Analogues of a phytopreparation
Among the analogues of Mukaltin, the following funds can be distinguished:
- "Alteyka";
- "Ambroxol";
- "Doctor TAS";
- "Herbion"
- "Dr. Mom";
- Pectusin.
"Mukaltin" - tablets for dry and wet cough. The course of administration ranges from 7 to 14 days.The drug is plant-based, so it can be used by adults, children (even newborns) and pregnant women (2-3 trimesters). But during lactation it is better to exclude it from the patient's treatment regimen.
Before taking the drug, carefully read the list of contraindications. It is small, but the side effects of the medicine can be serious. If this happens, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor immediately.