Herbal medicine helps to soften an unproductive cough, in which sputum is difficult to separate. For children, “Mukaltin” is prescribed as an expectorant in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases. Two dosage forms - syrup and tablets - have different age restrictions.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
The standard extract of the marshmallow herb is part of the tablets. Mukaltin syrup contains marshmallow root extract. The therapeutic effect of the drugs is determined by the polysaccharides of the plant Althaeae officinalis. In addition, the extracts include tannins, amino acids, pectins, organic acids.
One tablet contains 50 mg (0.05 g) of mucaltin. Auxiliary ingredients: tartaric acid (0.16 g), sodium bicarbonate (about 8.7 mg), calcium stearate. The color of the Mukaltin tablets is gray, with brown and greenish spots. The percentage of individual components may vary between manufacturers.
5 ml of Mukaltin syrup contains 7.5 mg of dry marshmallow root extract. Auxiliary ingredients in the liquid dosage form: preservative E218, purified sucrose, water. The syrup has a yellow-red or brown color, a specific smell.
Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics
The tool belongs to the group of secretory drugs (stimulating expectoration). This and other therapeutic effects of marshmallow root extract are useful for unproductive coughs (dry).The phytopreparation reduces the irritation of cough receptors, which, due to inflammation of the mucosa, react more actively to cold air, dust, and microbes.
The secretory motor expectorant of plant origin has a mixed effect:
- slightly irritates cells in the wall of the stomach;
- reflexively stimulates the separation of saliva and the secretion of bronchial glands;
- activates sputum separation, helps normalize its viscosity and other rheological properties;
- improves the work of the ciliated epithelium to remove mucus, microbes, toxins from the bronchi;
- facilitates the promotion of sputum in the respiratory tract (from the lower to the upper sections), its expectoration.
The bioactive substances of marshmallow have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate the regeneration of the damaged mucosa of the respiratory tract.
The pharmacokinet "Mukaltin", as well as other phytopreparations, is not well understood. The instructions for use do not provide data on the metabolism of individual substances in the extract.
The medicine contains a whole complex of various bioactive components. Their number and ratio depend on the place of collection, plant size, method of processing of raw materials.
Age restrictions
Children can take "Mukaltin" in the form of syrup at the age of 2 years and older. Teens, starting at age 12, are prescribed pills.
What helps Mukaltin
An unproductive cough accompanies many respiratory diseases that occur in acute or chronic form. Complex therapy is usually prescribed, including an expectorant, which facilitates sputum removal.
Giving "Mukaltin" to a child with laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and bronchial asthma is recommended in the form of a syrup.
How the tool helps:
- softens a dry cough, makes it productive (wet);
- soothes irritated mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, bronchi;
- reduces the number of coughing attacks;
- removes hoarseness.
Indications for use of Mukaltin tablets for coughing include tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and pneumonia. For each of these diseases, an expectorant is prescribed only as part of complex therapy.
Often at the beginning of taking a herbal preparation, the viscosity of sputum increases. This is due to the fact that the thick mucus that has already accumulated in the bronchi begins to separate. Sputum contains many inflammatory elements, proteins and detritus. In this case, Mukaltin and the Bromhexine secretolytic, which dilutes the mucus, are prescribed simultaneously.
A drug that stimulates expectoration, is more useful for dry cough, difficulty in coughing at the beginning of respiratory tract diseases. At a later stage of inflammation, the body produces more sputum. It is necessary to directly liquefy using mucolytic agents, for example, Ambroxol, ACC.
Marshmallow extract may decrease the adsorption of other drugs. Therefore, between the intake of "Mukaltin" and the use of other drugs inside, an interval of 1 hour should be done.
Instructions for use, dosage for children
Shake the syrup before oral administration. Single dosages of “Mukaltin” for children (in liquid form): at the age of 2 to 6 years - 5 ml, from 6 to 14 years - 10 ml. Manufacturers recommend drinking syrup 4-6 times a day with intervals between doses of at least 4 hours. The course is from 1 to 2 weeks.
Children over 14 years old can take 1 to 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day for 2 weeks. In chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, doctors increase the course of therapy "Mukaltinom" up to 1 - 2 months. Pediatricians can prescribe tablets to a child under 12 years old. A single dose at the age of 1 to 3 years is 1 pc., From 3 to 12 years - 1 or 2 pcs.
Take "Mukaltin" before meals. If a small patient cannot swallow a tablet, then it is first dissolved in 50-60 ml of warm water (1/3 cup or glass). You can add a little sugar or fruit syrup to improve the taste.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
"Mukaltin" in any form is not prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also contraindications include gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, age up to 1 year.
Syrup may cause a rash and other allergic reactions, increased salivation, irritation of the gastric mucosa, and discomfort in the upper abdomen.
Treatment with Mukaltin tablets is occasionally accompanied by:
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- urticaria and (or) skin itching.
If side effects occur, the drug should be discontinued. The need and extent of symptomatic therapy is determined by the doctor.
Information on cases of overdose "Mukaltinom" no. Perhaps the appearance of nausea and vomiting with an independent increase in a single dose. To prevent unpleasant manifestations, it is enough to follow the recommendations of the doctor and manufacturer of the medicine.
Analogues of herbal medicine
Althea root extract products are available in Russia and Ukraine. "Mukaltin Renewal" is a complete structural analogue of the "ordinary" "Mukaltin" in the form of tablets, but 5-6 times more expensive.
Names of herbal remedies for cough for children with marshmallow extract - analogues by the mechanism of action:
- Kashlestopi syrup with marshmallow, mint and plantain.
- Dr.Vistong Althea Syrup with Vitamin C.
- Syrup Altay (different manufacturers).
- Syrup "Alteyka".
Expectorants of plant origin contain extracts of other herbs: ivy, thyme, plantain, primrose. Trade names of commonly prescribed drugs: Bronchicum, Gedelix, Prospan, Herbion, Linkas, Bronchipret TP.
"Mukaltin" and other expectorant drugs should not be taken simultaneously with antitussive drops or tablets containing codeine, butamirate. They are not analogues.
Antitussive drugs inhibit the activity of the cough center in the central nervous system, make it difficult to remove diluted sputum from the respiratory tract. The consequences of improper treatment: increased inflammation, the effect of "flooding" of the lungs and other unpleasant manifestations.
It happens that a dry irritating cough does not allow the child to fall asleep. Then, in agreement with the pediatrician, "Mukaltin" is given 3 hours before bedtime, an antitussive medicine - at night. More often, doctors with a dry cough, along with an expectorant, prescribe an antihistamine drug before bedtime.