Among the varieties and species of conifers and shrubs, juniper ordinary is very popular and popular. This species is quite unpretentious, can grow in any climate and exudes a delicate pleasant aroma. In this article, we will talk about species, varieties, methods of care at different times, reproduction and treatment of shrubs.
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Description, homeland of the plant
Juniper ordinary belongs to the class of conifers from the cypress family. Depending on the variety, it can reach heights of up to 10-12 meters. The shape of the crown can also be a cone-shaped tree, a sprawling or creeping shrub. The needles are softer and more faceted, has a bluish tint. In an adult plant, fruits are formed - small oily cones of blue color. Usually, from the age of 3 small cones with a diameter of up to 10 cm appear. In one cone there are up to three seeds. They ripen in late summer - early fall.
In summer, berries appear that look like cones, but with soft peels. They can be eaten, have useful and healing properties.
It grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. You can meet him from the northern latitudes of the Arctic to the subtropics of Africa. In different countries, its characteristic species of juniper grows. In Russia and the CIS countries, there are about 20 species. In total, about 60 plant species are known in the world.
Juniper was cultivated in the 16th century. Since that time, breeders have tried to develop more and more new varieties.
Varieties and varieties of common juniper
Juniper varieties differ in different characteristics: height, color of needles, crown shape and others.
Juniper Hibernika has a narrow columnar shape.He was brought from Ireland. This variety grows in height to several meters, the branches tend up, do not spread out in different directions. The color of the needles is light green. Cones less than 1 cm in diameter. It easily tolerates severe frosts.
Juniper Repanda refers to dwarf species. In 10 years, it will grow in height no more than half a meter, a spreading crown - up to 2m. The needles are short, dense. In summer, they are covered with a light silver coating on the outside, in winter they can change color to dark brown at the base.
Juniper Arnold also applies to columnar varieties. Differs in prickly short needles. It has a blue-green color. It grows extremely slowly: 10-15cm per year. the diameter of the plant is not more than half a meter. It can grow in temperate climates.
Juniper Meyer - a columnar spreading variety. It grows very fast. Great for trimming and shaping. The needles are prickly and shiny. Prefers sunny places, easily tolerates frosts.
Juniper Horstmann resembles a weeping willow. Its branches are sloping with lots of soft needles hanging to the ground. Prefers sunny and slightly dark places. In the shade can lose its decorative effect. It tolerates cutting, pruning, being a protection for other plants.
MGreen Carpet was bred by English breeders based on varieties from Norway. This dwarf species spreads on the ground. Plant height no more than 20 cm.
Outdoor landing
Juniper should be planted in spring: in April or May. The place is chosen sunny and sheltered from the wind. Can grow in partial shade. A pit is prepared for the plant 1.5-2 weeks before the intended planting. Expanded clay, chipped bricks or other type of drainage are placed at the bottom of the pit. You should also put clay and nitrogen fertilizers. During the preparatory period, the pit is abundantly watered. When the soil is donkey, you can plant. The roots of the young plant are neatly laid out at the bottom of the pit and quietly fall asleep throughout the circle. The root neck should be located a few centimeters above the ground. The soil is crushed tightly, and then the top layer is mulched and watered.
Some varieties can be grown in an apartment in a large pot. To make the plant feel better, you need to choose a spacious pot for the root system. Juniper grows slowly and does not require frequent transplants. The choice of location and land composition is similar.
Juniper Care
Juniper care is quite simple. It is not picky about the soil. It can grow on stony slopes and peat lands. For a better view of the cottage, it must be fertilized. Juniper prefers nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. You need to feed the plant no more often than after a week, otherwise it will drop needles and become naked.
In the summer, watering the plant is often necessary, but to avoid stagnation of water. Moderate watering 2-3 times a week. Juniper loves the external spraying of its needles. This should be done in the evening, when the sun is already less active.
In the spring, you can trim and give the desired shape. in the middle of summer this should not be done. By winter, the plant may not grow and survive the winter period poorly, especially if it grows in frosty climatic zones.
It is interesting:Juniper Blue Arrow: planting and care
How to care in winter?
Depending on the variety, plants require shelter for the winter. This is especially true for dwarf forms. Young plants should be covered with a film in the first wintering. Subsequently, it is necessary to connect the branches so that snow and wind do not damage them in the winter season.
Indoor juniper requires less maintenance in winter. It should be watered rarely: only a few times a month. Do not allow the drying of the soil, as well as stagnation of water. Winter for a plant is a period of rest. In late winter and early spring, fertilizing should be resumed. Refresh the plant. By removing dried twigs and needles. Make a little trim.
Bush propagation
Propagation of the plant is possible in different ways, depending on the variety. Dwarf varieties are propagated by bends. Rare and valuable species are created by grafting cuttings.
Any variety can be propagated by seeds. Ripe cones are collected and dried until they open. The resulting seeds are stratified for several months and planted in the ground for germination.
Protection against diseases and pests
The plant can be exposed to various diseases. Timely treatment will save the plant.
Juniper may be subject to rust: branches and needles dry out, balls with mucus form on them. All affected areas should be removed, and the plant treated with special preparations.
A weak bush can infect a shute. It has a yellow color. In the autumn, black growths with spores of the fungus form on the branches. They must all be removed, and the plant treated with solutions of copper and sulfur.
Among pests, aphids can cause great damage. To get rid of their invasion, you should prepare a normal soap solution and spray the bush. Scabies or gall midges can also start, which suck out the juice of their branches and parasitize. Juniper treatment can be treated with fungicides. To combat the spider mite, you should prepare a decoction on a dandelion or spread garlic.
Juniper is a beautiful and medicinal coniferous plant. It grows well on all soils and climatic zones. For the suburban area, you can choose any variety of plants: from tall majestic trees to small shrubs.