Often the girls are concerned about the question: is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening or will the most accurate data be available only in the morning? Let us consider this process in detail in order to dispel all myths and false beliefs.
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Types of Pregnancy Tests
There are various test options. They differ from each other not only in external characteristics, but also in ease of use, as well as in cost. Traditionally, there are 3 main types of determinants of a possible pregnancy.
This device is the most advanced of all existing tests. It is equipped with a sophisticated recognition system and increased sensitivity. Due to this, pregnancy can be detected even with a slight increase in hCG. Special tubules form a fiber core inside the device. It is through it that urine flows to the control part of the reagent. In the presence of a hormone indicating the fact of conception, it is attached to the diagnostic part of the device.
Using a jet pregnancy test, you can get reliable results at an early date. In this case, special conditions and sterility are not even required. It is enough to place the receiving end of the device so that a stream of urine gets on it. However, the cost of this option is much higher than the price of other analogues.
Strip test
This type of test is the simplest and most economical option that is most popular.It is a paper, plastic or fabric strip on which a reagent is applied.
To obtain the result, it is necessary to collect urine in a clean container, preferably in the morning, since at this time the maximum concentration of hCG is observed. Next, the test strip is placed in the liquid for 10 seconds. After a few minutes, the fact of the presence or absence of pregnancy will become known: one control strip means a negative result, the appearance of the second strip is positive.
This method has a number of significant disadvantages:
- Inconvenience of use (preliminary collection of urine and the need to do this in the morning due to the low sensitivity of the test).
- High probability of obtaining inaccurate data. For example, if you pull out the strip sooner or later than the indicated deadline, the result may be erroneous.
- The reagent is applied to paper, which due to its structure does not always withstand the required concentration of the substance, and the result is incorrect data.
The principle of its operation is identical to previous devices. Pregnancy is determined based on the reaction to a high level of a specific hormone in the body of a woman.
An electronic pregnancy test can be used at any time of the day. Moreover, the result is 99% reliable.
The procedure is carried out in the first days of the cycle of menstruation. However, the developers of the device recommend that, after receiving a negative response at the earliest stages, a second test at the beginning of the proposed menstrual cycle.
The device is activated after a woman’s urine enters the absorbent strip. At this point, you can see the hourglass icon on the screen, which confirms the performance of the test. Next, a direct check begins. After 3 minutes, “minus” appears on the watch’s place for a negative result and “plus” for a positive result. Sometimes the answer is displayed in the form of inscriptions pregrent - not pregrent.
This type of test is considered very reliable. The results remain on the screen for a day, and then disappear. But despite this, the device is designed for only one use.
When is the best time to conduct a study?
Making a choice in favor of more expensive and sensitive models, you can conduct a pregnancy test before the delay of menstruation. However, this option is suitable in the absence of malfunctions in the menstrual cycle and the standard ovulation period at 13-15 days of the cycle. Also, to obtain reliable results at such an early stage, basal temperature indicators will help.
When to do a pregnancy test - in the morning or in the evening?
Here, the type of the selected product also matters:
- It is necessary to carry out a check with a test strip in the morning, because in the daytime the concentration of the hormone is lower, and it is possible that the result is incorrect.
- The use of an inkjet or digital device reduces the risk of inaccurate data even during daylight hours.
Test Use Rules
Each model has its own characteristics, but the main nuances of the application remain common.
Therefore, it is important to follow the following algorithm:
- Read the manufacturer's instructions. Open the packaging. Extract test.
- Collect urine in a sterile container. When using the jet test, remove the protective element and substitute the place indicated by the arrow for 5 seconds under the stream of urine. The strip test must be placed in the liquid to the level indicated by the mark and held there for several seconds. In a cassette test, drip urine (4 drops is enough) into the control area.
- After these steps, the test must be left on a flat surface for the period specified in the attached instructions.
- After the necessary time, you can study the result. Even the pallid second strip in the strip test will testify to the presence of pregnancy. More advanced options will give a definite answer in the form of a plus / minus or an inscription in English.
After 10 minutes, the diagnostic properties of the test are violated, and it becomes worthless.
If the device gives a negative answer, but there are obvious signs of pregnancy, it is worth repeating the procedure in 3 days.
Is it possible to conduct testing in the evening
Inkjet and digital tests, which have a more advanced hCG response system and are highly sensitive, can show the correct result in the evening. However, if possible, it is better to choose the morning time.
When using regular test strips, the procedure must be carried out in the morning immediately after waking up. By evening, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin decreases sharply, so it is likely to get incorrect data.
What affects the accuracy of the result
The veracity of the result depends on many factors.
- The time of day at which the diagnosis is made. Morning data will be more accurate than the answer received in another period.
- The composition of urine. It is advisable to eliminate fatty foods from the diet half a day before the procedure, as well as reduce the amount of water consumed and abandon diuretics.
- The quality of the test itself. It is also important to pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the tightness of its packaging.
- The correct execution of the text. The reliability of the data largely depends on compliance with the rules of the procedure.
- The day from the proposed conception. The earlier the check is done, the more likely it is to receive an erroneous answer. The maximum concentration of hCG occurs in 2 - 3 weeks of pregnancy planning. It is by this time that the result will be as accurate as possible.
In what cases can there be a false positive result
Most often, the tests are mistaken, denying an already developing pregnancy. However, there is the possibility of a false positive result.
The reasons for this failure may be:
- use of an expired product;
- taking medications containing hCG in the two-week period before the diagnosis;
- certain types of diseases;
- the use of the device at a certain period of time after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion (the hormone in this period continues to remain at a high level, so do not be surprised at a positive pregnancy test in the absence of one);
- 10 minutes after the procedure.
Nevertheless, a positive test is always an additional reason to contact a specialist to confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy.
The opinion of experts
The first tests to detect pregnancy appeared back in 1988, making life easier for many women. However, it is interesting what physicians themselves think about their effectiveness and expediency.
According to pharmacist M. Alekhin, a positive response from a diagnostic product is just a reason to be examined by a gynecologist. In clinical settings, the results will be more reliable. In addition, the doctor will be able to make the first conclusions about the course of pregnancy and the normal development of the embryo.
In Europe, models have already been released showing the result with 100% accuracy. Their action is based on the detection of a certain type of atom in the hCG molecule, which appears only when pregnancy occurs.
But on the shelves of domestic pharmacies such a product will not appear soon. Great demand for this innovation on the part of Russian citizens is not expected due to its high cost.
The main symptoms of pregnancy, in which it is worth a test, experts include the following symptoms:
- discomfort in the mammary glands (soreness and swelling);
- light spotting instead of regular menstruation;
- morning nausea or slight discomfort during the day;
- drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
- frequent urination;
- fatigue and drowsiness;
- darkening of the skin near the nipples;
- the appearance of a dark strip going from the pubic zone to the navel;
- migraine, which did not exist before;
- sharp mood swings, irritability;
- change in taste preferences in terms of food.
If you discover 2 - 3 of the listed symptoms, you should visit the nearest pharmacy.
A pregnancy test is an affordable and convenient way to identify the fact of conception in the early stages of gestation. However, the probability of error is still great. Therefore, you should not be limited only to this research method, it is better to contact a gynecologist for a full examination and confirmation of the result.