Pumpkin is a bright, aromatic, and also healthy and tasty fruit that has been used for centuries to prepare first and second courses, desserts and pastries. But sometimes they ask if you can eat raw pumpkin. Can! Thermally untreated pulp is very useful not only for normalizing the digestive tract, but also for the whole body.
Material Content:
Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of fresh pumpkin
About 15% of the total weight of the fetus is the peel, which is quite dense and little suitable for food. The pulp is 90% water. Its calorie content is very low, only 23 kcal per 100 g, so the vegetable is widely used in the menu of those people who want to lose weight.
As part of the pumpkin, many useful substances were found:
- plant fiber;
- ascorbic and folic acid;
- vitamins
- carotene;
- starch;
- microelements and macroelements - potassium, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, calcium;
- essential oil;
- monosaccharides;
- organic acids.
100 g of pulp contains a daily dose of carotene for humans, in addition, this amount covers about 20% of the daily need for ascorbic acid. Therefore, this vegetable must be included in your diet.
Pumpkin seeds are also very useful. They have a lot of phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. At the same time, the amount of these elements in 100 g of seeds several times exceeds the daily human need.
Is it possible to eat raw pumpkin
As a rule, during any heat treatment of a product, a considerable part of its useful elements is lost. For this reason, fans of a healthy diet try to include as many foods that can be consumed raw as possible.This also applies to pumpkins.
Raw pumpkin can and should be eaten. But in order to exclude a negative reaction to a new product, you should first try it in small quantities. If the body has reacted positively, the portion can be increased.
What is useful vegetable raw
The benefits of raw pumpkin are not questioned either by nutritionists, or traditional healers, or cosmetologists.
The use of this orange fruit has a beneficial effect on all body systems:
- improves metabolism;
- strengthens the immune system;
- saturates the body with nutrients and vitamins;
- improves blood coagulation and increases hemoglobin;
- relieves stress and improves sleep;
- removes puffiness;
- improves heart function;
- improves tissue regeneration;
- fights inflammatory processes;
- supports vision;
- removes cholesterol;
- cleans of toxins and toxins;
- promotes weight loss.
Raw pumpkin is often called a medicine from the garden. Its useful properties make it possible to use it in the treatment of various diseases.
Who is recommended to eat fresh pumpkin
The list of diseases in which the use of raw vegetables is indicated is very long:
- avitaminosis;
- anemia;
- atherosclerosis;
- insomnia;
- hemorrhoids;
- pustular skin diseases, acne and acne;
- constipation
- overweight;
- caries;
- swelling
- colds;
- gout;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines and gall bladder;
- nervous breakdowns and depression.
Pumpkin must be added to the diet for a sick liver. People who have excess salt in the body should take 4 tbsp. Every day on an empty stomach. l chopped pulp with lemon juice. Raw pumpkin is especially useful for children who are "lucky" to acquire worms.
Useful properties for losing weight
Women who want to keep themselves in shape must definitely pay attention to this fetus. Its use is able to quickly remove excess weight, remove harmful cholesterol and toxic substances. Pumpkin has a rather rare vitamin T, which can accelerate the metabolism, as a result of which the body quickly digests heavy foods, inhibiting the formation of fats. There are very few calories in pumpkin, and there are many nutrients, so it eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.
Good results are given by the use of pumpkin juice. For three weeks, every day you need to drink 200 ml of freshly squeezed drink. As a result, extra pounds will go away, swelling, toxins will be removed.
Of course, a diet on raw pumpkin alone will be stressful for the body. It is best to combine raw, baked, and boiled pumpkin dishes. You can cook pumpkin soups, porridge, make salads, pancakes, chops. As a snack between main meals, it is permissible to use slices of raw fruit.
Folk recipes with fresh pumpkin for health
Orange vegetable is a rich source of vitamins and rare nutrients, so it is recommended for both adults and children. You can eat raw pumpkin as an independent product or as part of other dishes. Up to 500 g of raw product is allowed per day.
- To eliminate insomnia, it is enough to drink ½ st. squeezed pumpkin juice with 1 tsp. honey.
- With constipation, you need to eat about 500 g of raw pulp per day, since it has a mild laxative effect.
- Vegetable can be used not only internally, but also externally. Masks from peeled and crushed pulp are very useful for aging skin, help cope with rashes and blackheads, remove greasy shine.
- Compresses made from pumpkin pulp for legs relieve fatigue and prevent the development of varicose veins.
To strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the body, it is easiest to prepare a vitamin salad.
- cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
- pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
- carrot;
- greens - to taste;
- salt, sugar;
- sour cream or dressing oil.
Grind vegetables on a Korean grater, mix, add salt, sugar and season with sour cream or vegetable oil.
You can cook and smoothies.
Required Products:
- pumpkin pulp - 100 g;
- banana - 2 pcs.;
- 1 large apple;
- fermented baked milk - 200 ml.
Grind fruits with pumpkin with a blender and add fermented baked milk. Instead, it is permissible to use yogurt or kefir. You can add honey, cinnamon, lemon juice to your taste.
Pumpkin is undoubtedly useful. However, one should not forget about contraindications, although there are not so many of them. With diabetes, pumpkin should be excluded from the diet, as it has a high glycemic index.
Of the other contraindications, it is worth noting:
- gastritis;
- decreased acidity of the stomach;
- duodenal ulcer;
- gastrointestinal diseases in their acute form.
Raw seeds have a bad effect on tooth enamel, so after using them, you must always rinse your mouth with water several times. Also, do not abuse seeds during pregnancy, as they contain substances that can provoke premature birth.
Knowing how to eat raw pumpkin, you can improve your health and improve well-being. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, include this bright, fragrant fruit in the diet!