During pregnancy, a woman has to change not only her lifestyle, but also to revise her diet. Sometimes you have to give up your favorite foods. Is it possible for pregnant women coffee? This invigorating drink is especially necessary during pregnancy, when a woman cannot wake up in the morning and experiences weakness. But doctors sometimes recommend abandoning its use ... It seems that it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons.
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Can pregnant women drink coffee?
To answer this question, you need to remember how coffee affects the body. This drink contains caffeine, which excites the central nervous system, improves mood, relieves drowsiness, and activates the brain. Such an effect may be important for a pregnant woman, and may be harmful. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.
Natural coffee is useful in such cases:
- low blood pressure;
- chronic fatigue and drowsiness, lack of vitality;
- severe swelling.
A coffee drink has a diuretic effect, so it removes excess fluid from the body.
Important. A pregnant woman should not allow herself more than three cups of coffee a day, but it’s better to manage one.
If you drink more than 3 cups with a volume of 150 g, then the level of cholesterol in the blood can increase, which will worsen the health of the future mother and baby.
In the early stages
Drinking coffee in the early stages is not worth it. It can give an abortive effect, provoking a miscarriage.
This drink increases the tone of the uterus, therefore, the likelihood of abortion increases.Such an impact is dangerous, since during this period a lot of difficulties can arise.
Note. A high dose of coffee consumption makes it difficult to conceive. A coffee drink acts like a birth control.
The negative impact of coffee does not end there. This drink:
- possesses a diuretic effect, as a result of which important trace elements (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus) are removed from the pregnant woman's body;
- increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid, leads to irritation of the walls of the esophagus;
- interferes with the absorption of calcium and other beneficial substances;
- increases pressure and constricts blood vessels, as a result of which the baby may experience oxygen starvation.
In the early stages, internal organs and systems of crumbs are formed, so you should refrain from a coffee drink.
If there are no deviations and the pregnant woman cannot without coffee in the morning, 1 cup per day is allowed. But it is better to drink it after eating food, dilute it with milk or even get decaffeinated coffee.
In the third trimester
In the last trimester there is no threat of miscarriage, the condition of the pregnant woman is stabilizing. But drinking coffee in large quantities is also impossible, there are new dangers. A drink may cause premature birth or fetal hypoxia.
In the absence of contraindications, one cup of coffee per day can even be useful if a woman suffers from edema.
Coffee with milk during pregnancy - for or against
Since a coffee drink removes calcium and other beneficial substances from the body, there is an alternative option - to drink coffee with milk. Milk replenishes calcium reserves, and also contains other trace elements that are beneficial for the woman and the fetus. It also slows down the absorption of caffeine in the blood, thereby mitigating the effects of coffee on the cardiovascular system and the uterus.
Which drink is preferred?
Most pregnant women have an erroneous opinion about coffee. They believe that it is more beneficial to drink a soluble than a natural drink, since the former has less caffeine. Indeed, only 15% of coffee beans are part of instant coffee; accordingly, it is caffeine-lite. But the remainder is made up of chemicals that can become more dangerous for the pregnant woman and her baby.
A woman in position is better to drink one cup of natural coffee with milk, rather than instant. It is advisable to drink a coffee drink after breakfast or lunch.
Decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy
The regular intake of even small doses of caffeine in the pregnant woman's body leads to a 100–200 g reduction in the weight of the newborn. If you drink natural coffee regularly and in large doses, then the probability of having a dead baby is high. Referring to this information, pregnant women choose decaffeinated coffee. But how safe is this drink?
It is worth noting that caffeine is still present in such a surrogate, but in very small quantities. Such coffee is subjected to special processing, resulting in the formation of substances that are unsafe for a pregnant woman. They can cause vascular atherosclerosis or cause allergies in the child in the future.
Important. Consumption of 2 - 3 cups of decaffeinated coffee (without caffeine) increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times.
It is better for pregnant women to abandon this type of drink in favor of natural grain.
Can I drink chicory instead of coffee?
Pregnant women should give preference to healthy and safe drinks, which include chicory. It has a lot of calcium, inulin and vegetable protein. It is better to drink chicory instead of coffee, especially since their tastes are a bit similar.
A drink from chicory root has a lot of useful properties for a pregnant woman:
- improves the digestive tract;
- normalizes metabolism;
- increases hemoglobin;
- favorably affects the cardiovascular system;
- cleanses the blood.
Also, chicory improves the absorption of calcium, so it is also better to drink it with milk.
Contraindications to the use of coffee
While carrying the baby, you should refrain from coffee in such cases:
- increased tone of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage;
- preeclampsia;
- gastritis with high acidity;
- stomach ulcer;
- gallstone disease (coffee promotes the movement of stones);
- anemia;
- toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and headache;
- high blood pressure;
- insomnia;
- nervous irritability, irritability.
In the absence of contraindications, a pregnant woman can drink a cup of coffee. But in this difficult period in coffee, as in everything, you need to know the measure so as not to harm either yourself or the future little man.