Cloudberry has become a natural source of vitamins for northern residents. It is introduced into therapeutic diets, medicinal drinks are prepared on its basis, and the extract is added to cosmetics. However, people in temperate latitudes often underestimate this berry. Therefore, it will be useful to learn more about the beneficial properties of cloudberries and contraindications to its use.
Material Content:
- 1 Chemical composition, calorie content
- 2 Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberries
- 3 What diseases does a berry help?
- 4 Benefits of sepals, peduncle, and cloudberry leaves
- 5 Application in traditional medicine
- 6 The use of cloudberries in cosmetology
- 7 Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials
- 8 Contraindications to the use of cloudberries
Chemical composition, calorie content
The berry grows in the swamps of the northern regions. Fruits resemble yellow raspberries, contain 84% water and 6.3% fiber. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins account for 7.4%, 0.8%, and 0.7%, respectively.
Berries contain a lot of useful components:
- phenolic carbolic acids - natural antioxidants and antiseptics;
- flavonoids;
- coumarins;
- pectins;
- carotenoids;
- volatile;
- organic acids: citric, malic.
Fruits are valued for their rich vitamin and mineral composition:
Vitamins | Mg content per 100 g | Macro, micronutrients | The amount of mg per 100 g |
C | 29 | Potassium | 180 |
E | 1,5 | Magnesium | 29 |
Beta carotene | 0,9 | Phosphorus | 28 |
PP | 0,5 | Calcium | 15 |
A | 0,15 | Sodium | 1 |
B2 | 0,07 | Iron | 0,7 |
B1 | 0,06 |
The seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6. Calorie content of 100 g of fruits is 40 kcal.
Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberries
Perennial is famous for the healing effect of berries, sepals, leaflets, roots, stalks:
- improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure;
- strengthens the heart and blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillaries;
- removes free radicals, binds and inactivates carcinogens;
- heals wounds and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells;
- normalizes metabolism;
- strengthens the immune system;
- reduces spasms, cramps;
- increases blood coagulation;
- interferes with the reproduction of pathogens;
- accelerates the outflow of excess fluid, removes harmful substances.
With physical and mental stress, cloudberry restores strength, stimulates the brain, tones muscles.
What diseases does a berry help?
Cloudberry complements the treatment of the following diseases:
Diseases | Healing properties of berries |
SARS, colds | Enhances perspiration, reduces fever. |
Eating disorders, dysbiosis, diarrhea. | It relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes, strengthens the intestinal wall, and inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora. |
Wounds, burns | Stops bleeding, suppuration. |
Obesity diabetes | Normalizes metabolism. |
Cystitis, urolithiasis | Reduces inflammation, spasms, fights against pathogenic microbes of the urinary tract. |
Heart failure | Strengthens the heart muscle, capillary walls, prevents fibrotic formations, atherosclerotic deposits in blood vessels. |
Hypertension | Lowers blood pressure. |
Scurvy, vitamin deficiencies | Replenishes micronutrient deficiencies. |
Anemia | Increases hemoglobin in the blood. |
It is good for pregnant women to eat berries - tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Antioxidants reduce the risk of tumors.
Benefits of sepals, peduncle, and cloudberry leaves
Leaflets have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect:
- with edema, gout, ascites increase the outflow of fluid;
- with gastritis with low acidity, restore the level of PH, soothe irritated gastric mucosa;
- stop internal and external bleeding;
- with jade, cystitis reduce inflammation;
- destroy the scabies mite.
The sepals and stalks are not inferior to berries in chemical composition. They cope with blues and bad moods, increase defenses, strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Sepals improve sputum discharge and reduce cough with bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and respiratory diseases.
Application in traditional medicine
Fresh fruits are frozen, soaked in water, wiped with sugar. To prevent disease, they eat 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Cloudberry juice is diluted with water in equal proportions and drunk to increase appetite, applied to wounds.
People's advice:burdock juice medicinal properties and contraindications
Medicinal drugs are prepared from dried medicinal raw materials:
- Fortifying tea. 1 tsp a mixture of fruits, cups and leaves insist 7 minutes in a mug of boiling water. Drink three times a day for the prevention and treatment of influenza, colds, normalization of metabolism.
- Anti-inflammatory broth. 1 tbsp. l roots and leaves are poured with a mug of boiling water, left on minimum heat for 15 minutes. Then they insist for half an hour, then filter, add water to the previous volume and drink a quarter mug half an hour before meals 4 times a day. The drink helps with gastrointestinal tract disorders, kidney diseases.
- Antitussive infusion. 1 tbsp. l berries with sepals insist in boiling water for 6 hours in a warm place. Drink a sip during the day.
Shredded leaves or fruits are mixed with fish oil and applied to wounds, abrasions, burns.
The use of cloudberries in cosmetology
Plant extract and seed oil are added to face creams, shampoos.
The fatty acids and antioxidants contained in it improve the condition of the skin:
- moisturize and tone;
- reduce rashes;
- eliminate inflammation;
- struggle with early wrinkles;
- tighten the oval of the face.
At home, cosmetic masks are made from berry juice - fruit acids even out tone, accelerate cell renewal. Decoctions of dry preparations eliminate dandruff and stop hair loss, normalize the fat content of the dermis of the head. Wipe the face with frozen cubes to increase skin tone.
Read also:mangosteen fruit
Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials
Cloudberries are stocked at different times:
- Leaves are picked in May - June after the formation of buds and at the time of flowering. The upper part of the shoot does not have time to accumulate vitamins, so they are taken from the bottom or from the middle. At the same time, flowers are being harvested.
- Berries are harvested 40 to 45 days after flowering, in mid-summer. The beginning of ripening is determined by the color change of the fruit from red to yellow-orange. If the berries are not picked within 10 to 14 days, they become soft, burst from touch, let the juice go. Overripe fruits for harvesting are not suitable, they are eaten immediately.
- Sepals are torn cloudberries along with berries, and then separated from them.
- The roots are dug up in September - October, thick parts are cut across, and dead roots are removed.
The raw materials are washed, dried in a draft in a darkened place or in the oven at a temperature below 50 ° C, periodically mixed. Ready fees are poured into glass jars or paper bags, placed in a dry, dark place.
The roots retain healing properties for 3 years, dried leaves and berries - up to 2 years.
The benefit of cloudberries does not decrease with the following treatments:
- Freezing The fruits are dried from excess moisture, laid out in one layer on a tray. After freezing, pour into a plastic bag, store at sub-zero temperatures.
- Berries in syrup. Cloudberries are covered with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1, left overnight. When juice appears, bring to a boil. Then cool, repeat the procedure, pour the liquid into cans and roll up.
- Soak. Berries are poured onto ⅔ in a glass dish, cold boiling water is added to the top, the neck is covered with gauze. At temperatures up to 5ºС, the soaked berry will remain throughout the winter.
- Cloudberry with honey. The fruits are laid in a jar in layers, each watered with honey. Then the workpiece is covered, but not rolled up. Store at temperatures up to 4ºС.
In jam, the healing components will be preserved by 85% if the heat treatment lasts no longer than 15 minutes.
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Contraindications to the use of cloudberries
The berry reduces pressure, increases the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood coagulation, therefore it is excluded in the following diseases:
- hypotension;
- inflammation of the duodenum;
- stomach ulcer;
- gastritis with high acidity;
- varicose veins;
- tendency to thrombosis.
An allergy to perennial components cannot be ruled out. Restrictions are observed for children - compotes and jelly are introduced into the diet from the age of one year, fresh fruits - not earlier than 1.5 years.
Cloudberry heals the body and heals. It is no coincidence that dishes with this berry stood on the table of the Russian tsars, and Pushkin asked her after a mortal wound.