Juice from young carrots is a unique drink that was used as a medicine against various ailments in ancient Rome and Greece. And he is tasty and affordable. The benefits and harms of carrot juice are described below.
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Carrot juice - benefits for the human body
The fresh product under discussion is a real vitamin cocktail, which not one fresh juice can compare with in its useful properties.
The ancient Greeks discovered it as a medicine against a variety of gastrointestinal diseases.
- Juice is useful for irritable bowel syndrome.
- It generally normalizes the work of the body.
- Prevents bloating and regulates peristalsis.
This drink is an ideal aperitif that stimulates appetite and improves digestion. In addition, it cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, toxic compounds and other contaminants.
The orange root vegetable in its pulp contains vitamin A (the liver turns carotenes from the composition of the vegetable into it). Thanks to it, juice has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth and the health of the entire oral cavity. The presence of calcium in the composition of the vegetable contributes to this.
To recommend a drink to their daily diet, dentists recommend those people who often experience tooth decay and bleeding gums.
It is important to drink fresh carrot when the body is exhausted as a result of a long illness. The drink allows you to recover faster and gain strength.
Also, carrot juice has the following effects on the human body:
- accelerates the healing process of burns and purulent wounds;
- prevents aging;
- improves eyesight;
- strengthens bones, heart muscle;
- helps fight infertility and restore potency;
- calms the nervous system;
- increases libido.
What juice is more useful freshly squeezed or canned?
Not a single canned product, including juice, is able to preserve all the vitamins and useful components of the feedstock.
Therefore, it is most useful to consume exclusively freshly squeezed carrot juice. Ideally, from fruits from your own garden.
When this is not possible, then a canned drink will be a substitute for fresh juice. To preserve maximum vitamins in it, you need to choose preservation recipes that include a short heat treatment and leave as much vegetable pulp in the liquid as possible.
How to drink carrot juice for health?
In order for the use of fresh vegetable juice to bring only benefit to the body of a child or adult, you need to know how to drink carrot juice.
- The drink should be taken approximately 30 minutes before eating fresh. Do not put the juice in the refrigerator, it is better to squeeze it right before use.
- The ideal time for juice therapy is morning. A glass of fresh carrot drink soon after waking up will allow you to recharge your batteries with energy, energy and good mood for the whole day.
- If with the help of vegetable juice a person tries to cope with any ailment, then such therapy should be coordinated with your doctor.
- It is best to mix carrot juice with other vegetables, water or milk, cream. Each person chooses the optimal proportions for himself.
- To exclude allergies, juice should be started with minimal servings.
With problems with the digestive tract
With gastritis, fresh carrot is allowed to be used during the period of remission. A single dose of the drink should not exceed 160 ml. He drinks before meals. It is best to dilute the juice with purified drinking water or non-fat milk.
As a prevention of gastrointestinal problems, the drink is consumed 2 times a day, 130 ml each shortly before meals. The course is 30 days.
If you exceed the dosage, the patient's skin turns yellow.
Oncology carrot juice
A few years ago, the story of an American woman appeared in the media that cured stage 3 colon cancer by consuming more than 2 liters of freshly squeezed juice from carrots daily. Thus, the woman was treated for 8 months.
Fresh carrot really inhibits the growth of cancer cells and allows you to cope with cancer. For example, it prevents the appearance of metastases after surgery to surgically remove a dangerous tumor.
But it’s not at all necessary to drink it in such impressive volumes. It is enough to use 0.5-1 cup a day on an empty stomach. The exact scheme for taking carrot fresh to the patient will tell the attending physician. After eating a vegetable drink for some time you can not eat starchy, flour products and sugar.
The benefits of juice for the liver
Separately, you need to talk about the benefits of juice for the liver. Carrot juice is one of the best medicines for the ailments of this organ. For example, a drink normalizes fat metabolism in the liver itself, which prevents obesity.
Also carrot juice:
- prevents the appearance of cancer cells;
- stops their growth;
- cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
- normalizes the barrier function of the liver;
- protects its healthy cells from the negative effects of the disease and restores already damaged ones.
Useful properties for facial skin
Regular consumption of freshly squeezed juice from carrots allows you to improve complexion and make it more even, beautiful.
Potassium from the composition of the vegetable eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin.
In addition, carrot fresh:
- reduces the severity of skin defects (scars, acne marks, scars);
- moisturizes;
- makes the skin smoother and softer;
- prevents acne and other imperfections.
There are many recipes for face masks with carrot juice in the composition. For example, from 1 tbsp. l starch, 1 tbsp. l sour cream, 5 tbsp. l fresh and ½ tbsp. warm water.
- Starch is boiled in water for 15 - 17 minutes until a jelly state.
- Then mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
- A brush is applied in thin layers to the face.
- After complete drying, the mask is removed with cool water.
The procedure is carried out 1 time in 7 days.
Weight loss
Fresh carrot helps to improve the figure. This low-calorie vegetable can be the basis of the diet.
- For three days in this case, it is recommended to use only thick carrot juice diluted with boiled water (1 to 3).
- You need to drink at least 1 liter of drink per day.
- It is allowed to diversify your diet with light cereals without dairy products and boiled fish.
Such a power system allows you to say goodbye to 3-4 extra kilos in just 3 days. But the diet described above is quite strict and has many contraindications.
To lose weight with carrot juice, you can simply replace it with your usual dinner or drink half a glass of such a drink before each meal.
How does juice affect tanning?
Girls will be interested to know that carrot juice affects tanning. Vitamin A from the composition of the vegetable is able to prevent sunburn, and, in addition, accumulate in the skin cells, making it a little darker. Regular consumption of carrot juice helps to maintain a perfect tan longer.
It will be enough to drink a glass of freshly squeezed drink before going to the beach. This will speed up the process of darkening the skin and permanently consolidate the result.
Carrot juice for children - benefits and harms
A huge amount of vitamins in carrots makes a drink from it very useful not only for adults, but also for children.
The discussed fresh helps:
- improve the appetite of the baby;
- strengthen his immunity;
- accelerate recovery during illness;
- establish a chair.
It is possible to introduce such juice into the children's diet from 6 months. You need to start with a few drops of the drink, which are added to porridge or other juices. Gradually, the dose increases to 30 ml per day. In this case, the drink must be diluted with water, milk or apple juice.
Can I drink juice during pregnancy?
Juice from carrots is not only possible, but also necessary to drink during pregnancy. It is useful at any time.
For example, in the first trimester, such a fresh will make it easier to tolerate toxicosis and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And in the last terms, he will cope with heartburn.
Juice from carrots gives a pregnant woman a charge of energy and energy, has a beneficial effect on the state of her nervous system. The main thing is to use only high-quality homemade freshly squeezed drink. Drinks juice once a day before meals on an empty stomach. In 150 ml of undiluted drink, a few drops of olive oil are added.
How to make carrot juice at home?
The most useful is homemade carrot juice prepared on your own. Make it very simple - just peel a few fresh fruits, wash them and treat them with a juicer. The finished drink is filtered through several layers of gauze and immediately consumed in its pure form or after dilution with oil, milk, water, other juices.
You can cook carrot juice for the winter.
Ingredients: 90 g of granulated sugar, 950 g of juicy carrots, 2 g of “lemon” in powder.
- The peeled and washed root crops are processed with a juicer. Juice is left in a glass container for about half an hour for infusion. Then it is passed through several layers of gauze.
- Juice is poured into a stewpan and simmers over low heat for 7 - 8 minutes. The liquid should not boil.
- Slowly sugar is poured into the juice. It is administered in small portions. When the sand has completely dissolved, you can add citric acid.
- Juice is bottled in prepared jars.When opened, the containers are sterilized for 25 minutes in a pot of boiling water, after which they are rolled up with sterile lids.
Banks are wrapped in a plaid. Only after complete cooling can they be transferred to cool storage.
Contraindications and possible harm
It is forbidden to consume carrot juice in any form in the following cases:
- with colitis
- with gastritis with high acidity;
- with a stomach ulcer;
- children under 6 months;
- with an allergy to a vegetable.
With caution, you need to try the drink in question for people with diabetes (it contains a lot of natural sugars).
With frequent use of juice in large quantities, the patient may experience drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, fever and yellowing of the skin.