Monstera, care at home for which with an integrated approach does not cause any difficulties, is a spectacular plant, often used to decorate reception rooms in office buildings and large rooms in the apartment. Although many believe that the origin of the name "monstera" is associated with the word "monster" because of the enormous size and predatory cut leaf plates, the plant owes its name to the Latin word "amazing, chimeric."

Tropical Plant Description

The flower of the monster from the aroid family is an evergreen plant that can grow at home up to 4 m in height for a short period of time. The diameter of leaf plates, having a holistic shape at a young age, in which holes appear over time, is 45 cm. In addition to the root system in the soil, the plant has aerial roots that go down to the ground. During flowering, which is extremely rare at home, an inflorescence resembling a corncob is formed. After the inhibition of the flowering phase, fruits are formed with a length of 20 cm, characterized by a banana-pineapple taste. They are especially appreciated in Australia, where monstera is grown as a source of raw materials.

Species and varieties

In the natural environment, the genus has about 25 species, while in the culture only two species are grown:

  • Lovely or delicate Monstera is a popular species among flower growers, distinguished by a powerful stem covered with large oval-shaped leafy plates on long stalks. Curved slots on the sheets go along the veins. Varieties that can be found on sale: Borsidzhiana or Borzig, variegated form variegata.
  • Monstera oblique or unequal - a plant from moist Brazilian forests with thin delicate leafy plates up to 20 cm in length, attached to the stem on shortened petioles. The name appeared due to the asymmetric structure of the leaf near the base.

Monstera: basic requirements for growing

Monstera came to Europe from the tropical zone of South and Central America and, being a vine, needs a strong, reliable support. Thanks to it, a lianoid plant can develop in the form of a tree, taking up less space and having a very spectacular appearance.

Also, when growing a tropical representative, you must consider:

  • lighting;
  • frequency of watering;
  • humidity level;
  • composition of top dressing;
  • timely transplantation.

Home Care

Undemanding monstera stand out because it is able to develop in almost any environment. However, in order for the plant to radiate health and give joy to the owner, certain agrotechnical requirements for maintaining an exotic plant in a home environment should be observed.

Location, lighting

To obtain bright greens and openwork leaf plates of impressive sizes, the monstera needs to be placed in rooms with a lot of soft light, which can be obtained near the southern windows with dense curtains that protect the plant from direct sunlight. When placing a flower, one should take into account the overall dimensions of the plant and not place it in the corners where it cannot fully develop.

Attention! The lack of natural light is manifested by fading of leaf plates, thinning of aerial roots, loss of contrast of colors.


To provide the flower with the necessary conditions of detention and prevent excessive growth, the following temperature conditions are ensured in the room where the exot is located:

  • in the summer - 22-25 ° C;
  • in winter - 12-16 ° C.

Ground and Tank Requirements

Due to the fast growth rate of a flower, a pot for growing monstera needs to be selected “for growth” with large drainage holes. The plant feels good on light, fertile soils with a loose structure. Soil that meets similar requirements can be purchased both in the store and prepared independently by mixing turf and leafy soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

How to water?

Watering the plant is organized abundant, but without overflow and stagnation of water, the signal of which is often the formation of drops on the ends of the leaves. In winter, if the room temperature drops, then humidification should be reduced.

Air humidity

A native of tropical forests needs a high level of humidity, which can be provided in the following ways:

  • daily spraying with warm, settled water without lime content;
  • placing next to the pot dishes with water or moistened moss;
  • installation of a humidifier in the room where the flower is contained.

Advice! To strengthen the immunity of the plant, do not forget about hygiene procedures in the form of timely removal of dust from leaf plates.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

During the period of active growth, an exotic flower is fed with liquid mineral fertilizers for deciduous ornamental plants. Feeding, which should include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, is carried out twice a month. Micronutrient fertilizers containing iron, boron and magnesium are also used to maintain decorative effect. With the advent of cold weather, if the room temperature drops below 16 ° C, additional power is not required.

Important! For the variegated form of fertilizer, which contains a large proportion of nitrogen, is not used.

Pruning rules

Trimming is not a mandatory part of a comprehensive monster care. The procedure is carried out only at the initial formation, if the grower has a desire to get a spreading plant: the stem is cut once or twice, which stimulates the growth of lateral shoots, creating bulkiness.

Caution! Cutting of air horses is not allowed, which injures the plant and can lead to its death.

Transplant at home

Before the plant reaches four years of age, the flower is transplanted every year, after which the procedure is carried out with an interval of 3 years. Adult specimens that have reached impressive size are subject to transplant only after 5 years. But despite the rarity of the procedure, the top layer of 3 cm thick should be updated annually with the help of a nutrient substrate.

The transplant technology is as follows:

  1. A drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick is placed in the selected tank.
  2. The flower is transplanted into a new pot by transshipment.
  3. A reliable support is installed in the form of metal or plastic tubes that are able to withstand the significant weight of the growing vine.
  4. The voids are filled with a pre-prepared soil mixture.
  5. The soil is slightly compacted and moistened.

Pests, diseases and treatments

A disease-resistant representative of the rainforest in case of violations of the rules for care can be populated by pests such as spider mites and scale insects. If harmful insects are detected, the leaves of the flower are wiped with a soap solution. In the case of a large number of pests, it is better to spray with the Aktellik insecticide or other analogue according to the manufacturer's instructions. If upon examination, the florist noticed that the leaves turn yellow, then most likely the development of chlorosis caused by a lack of iron. To cure the plant, regular fertilizing with iron-containing micronutrient fertilizers will be required.

Features of breeding monstera

Monstera propagation is carried out by vegetative and generative methods.

Seed way

With this method of reproduction:

  1. A bag with a lock is taken, inside of which moistened moss with seeds is placed, and then it is filled with air in a proportion of 1:10.
  2. Crops are kept in a warm and bright place.
  3. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear.
  4. After the formation of one pair of true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers with a nutrient substrate.
  5. Pots move to well-lit window sills, where there is no access to the direct rays of the scorching sun.


A simpler and faster way to breed monstera, in which:

  1. In the period from March to June, stem cuttings with 1-2 leaves are cut from the apical part of the stem.
  2. Cuttings are placed for rooting in water, which changes every two weeks, and are transferred to a bright windowsill in a room with a temperature of 25 ° C.
  3. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a nutrient substrate and covered with glass to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. After the remaining leaves return to their former elasticity, new plants are planted in separate pots.

Is the plant poisonous?

In various Internet resources, information is often found that the liana is a poisonous plant that is unsafe to keep in apartments. To counter this, there are scientific studies that have not revealed a single toxin in the monster. But there is a nuance: the tissue connections of an exotic flower contain microscopic needle formations, which, if they enter the mucous membranes, can cause discomfort in the form of a short burning sensation. Therefore, if there are children in the house, then do not place the flower in the rooms where they are constantly located.

Thus, monstera is a spectacular plant, which, with proper care, will not only become the main decoration of the home, but also enrich oxygen with useful volatile, improving the overall microclimate of the room.