The benefits of dairy products have been known for a long time. In different countries people fermented milk using their kind of lactic acid bacteria. The Tibetan milk mushroom is fanned by legends, the reliability of which is difficult to verify. But the fact that kefir obtained with its help has amazing properties is beyond doubt. Find out where to get milk mushroom how to care and eat.
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Useful properties of milk mushroom
Young milk mushroom looks like small grains of rice, which have a yellowish-white color. The drink obtained with the help of these small grains has unique healing properties. Its composition is very rich. These are: mineral salts, lactic acid bacteria, acids - coal and milk, a small amount of alcohol, fats, proteins that are easily absorbed by the body, enzymes, natural antibiotics and many other therapeutic substances.
The healing effect of Tibetan kefir is diverse, it affects almost all important systems of human life.
- Normalizing the work of the intestines and all other organs of the digestive tract, it enhances immunity.
- Tidies the intestinal microflora.
- Regulates the metabolism, contributing to the removal of all harmful substances from the body.
- It improves the cardiovascular system, its use can even cure hypertension.
- Eliminates allergies.
- Helps dissolve tumors of a benign nature.
- It is a prophylactic that prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
- It has a therapeutic effect in all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.Before antibiotics appeared, even tuberculosis was treated with Tibetan kefir.
- Relieves inflammation, inhibits the reproduction of microbes.
- Relieves spasms, removes stones from the gallbladder and kidneys.
- Helps deal with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
- Prevents aging and improves the general condition of the body, increasing its tone.
- Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on them.
The beneficial properties of Tibetan milk mushroom are not limited to this. It can cure candidiasis. This is an indispensable remedy for a hangover or food poisoning. Long-term use helps get rid of stones in the liver. The general strengthening effect extends to the improvement of memory and attention.
How to grow milk mushroom from scratch? How to get a drink?
It’s impossible to get a Tibetan kefir mushroom out of nothing. From ordinary store kefir, it can be grown. Of course, it has healing properties, in the future it will regularly ferment milk, but it does not possess unique qualities that are unique to a Tibetan product. Therefore, breeding will require at least a tablespoon of the original Tibetan kefir mushroom. A small amount of mushroom can always be purchased at a pharmacy, in a dairy kitchen, or ask friends who have this mushroom.
Like any other living organism, a Tibetan milk mushroom is able to grow. Growth occurs if a drink is made from it daily, pouring fresh milk each time.
The first portion is prepared from a tablespoon of the seed, pour it with a glass of milk. The jar is covered with gauze. After daily exposure in a warm place, but not in the light, the drink is ready to drink, and the mushroom is ready to rinse and prepare a new portion of Tibetan kefir.
To turn a mushroom into a healing drink you will need:
- glass jar;
- a piece of gauze with which we will cover it;
- clean water, it is needed to wash the fungus between the fermentation processes;
- milk, best of all, if it is natural not pasteurized, from a private producer, cow or goat with sufficient fat content, you can not boil it;
- a spoon made of plastic and a sieve through which the finished product is filtered, kefir grains are washed in it.
How to care for this crop?
So that the mushroom does not get sick and regularly produces healing kefir, several important conditions must be observed:
- pour milk daily;
- after straining, it is imperative to rinse with running clean water at room temperature, in no case cold or hot;
- do not use any metal objects to care for the mushroom; only stainless steel sieves are permissible;
- the fermentation procedure is carried out at room temperature;
- do not fill the mushroom with hot milk;
- do not leave a jar of mushroom in bright light;
- do not cover the jar with a lid;
- do not store milk with mushroom in the refrigerator for more than 3 days;
- after such storage, a ripening cycle must be carried out at room temperature.
All accessories for making a drink using Tibetan kefir mushroom can only be washed with soda. Synthetic detergents must not be used.
Over time, the fungus ages, large particles must be removed.
Terms of use
To Tibetan kefir brought the greatest benefit, you need to use it regularly in courses of 20 days with a ten-day break. The full effect of treatment with a drink can be felt only a year after the start of treatment. If there is a break for taking kefir, there should not be breaks for its preparation. This is fraught with damage and even death of the fungus. Therefore, it must be cooked daily, and used outside of reception in order to improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair. An adult needs a quarter liter of drink daily. It is best to drink it about an hour before bedtime. An indispensable condition is that the stomach should be empty during administration.The first two weeks there is a restoration of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, so increased gas formation, frequent stools are possible. The urine may darken, and if there are stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, pain will disturb. All these are temporary phenomena that pass through 14 days from the start of administration.
What can not be done with kefir fungus treatment?
- Any alcohol is prohibited.
- You can not take any medicine.
- The intake of Tibetan kefir is not combined with the introduction of insulin, since it neutralizes its effect.
Tibetan milk mushroom and weight loss
Tibetan kefir is an excellent means for losing weight. It improves the work of the digestive tract, normalizes metabolism, and is able to break down fats into simple compounds that are easily excreted from the body. In addition, it reduces appetite. To reduce weight, a healing drink should be drunk at night daily. And besides, spend fasting days twice a week, on which you can only drink kefir, eat apples and pears. A drop of honey is allowed. Adhering to such a diet, you can lose up to 4 kg per month.
What the fasting day consists of:
- The first breakfast is a glass of kefir and 1 apple.
- The second breakfast is a glass of kefir, an apple and a pear.
- Lunch - a glass of kefir, to which it is allowed to add a slice of black bread.
- Dinner - salad of pears and apples with kefir sauce.
- About an hour before going to bed - a glass of kefir, where a teaspoon of honey is added.
Application in cosmetology
Beauticians have long appreciated the unique properties of milk mushroom, and use it to improve the condition of any type of skin, bleach it, and for hair care.
Masks for dry skin
- Twice a week in the morning, it is recommended to apply a mixture of 2 tablespoons of kefir, a spoon of cottage cheese and 1 egg yolk. A mask is not applied to the eye area, they are simply lubricated with yogurt. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
- If the capillaries are expanded, a mask of 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a spoon of tea leaves or parsley juice, a spoon of fish oil with vitamins can be applied to the face, it can be replaced with a spoon of linseed oil. Add the lemon zest to the mixture.
- You can make a mask from one Tibetan yogurt. At night, 7 face layers are sequentially applied to the face. Each layer must first be absorbed. The remnants of the mask are washed off only in the morning, in the evening they simply blot the face with a napkin.
For oily skin
- In the morning, we apply a mask from the mixture twice a week, which is prepared from equal amounts of Tibetan yogurt and white clay. They are kept on the face for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.
- To wipe the face, you can make a tonic of 2 tablespoons of whey obtained from yogurt and a teaspoon of vodka. Only 3 drops of lemon juice are added to this amount. The face is wiped daily in the morning, and after 10 minutes, washed with cold water.
Normal skin
- The easiest way is to wash your face with Tibetan yogurt three times a week, washing it off with cool water.
- Twice a week at night they make a mask from a mixture of yogurt fruit, berry or vegetable puree and cottage cheese. All components are taken in equal amounts, it is desirable to change the vegetable or fruit component as often as possible. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Sour milk also helps in the fight against skin aging.
- A tablespoon of potato starch, 2 tablespoons of Tibetan kefir, egg white, juice squeezed from one large cucumber are mixed. Add a teaspoon of brandy. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. It is enough to make such a mask twice a week.
- Two tablespoons of whey from Tibetan yogurt and oatmeal are mixed, and a tablespoon of honey and olive oil are added. This mixture is kept on the face for 20 minutes, the frequency of use is twice a week.
- Fine-grained peeled medium-sized potato tuber. Squeeze juice out of it. We need potato cake, add a tablespoon of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of Tibetan kefir, a teaspoon of honey to it.After mixing, add 5 drops of calcium chloride. Hold for 20 minutes. Frequency - twice a week.
Many women suffer from freckles and age spots on the skin. This problem is very easy to deal with using Tibetan kefir. It is enough to wipe them with problem areas. With regular use, the result will be visible after two or three weeks.
The infusion of milk mushroom for hair care will also be invaluable. If you regularly make a hair mask from kefir, then you can forget about split ends and hair loss. They will become lush, thick and shiny. The mask is applied to shampoo-washed hair and is kept for two hours. For best results, put a plastic bag over your head. The mask prevents baldness, so it will be useful not only for women but also for men.
Contraindications to the use of milk mushroom
Even such a miracle cure has contraindications for use.
- It can not be drunk for those who do not have an enzyme that promotes the digestion of dairy products.
- It is not suitable for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes.
- If you need to take medications, you cannot combine their intake with treatment with Tibetan kefir.
- For those who have bronchial asthma, this drink is contraindicated.
- You can not take it to pregnant women and children under 3 years.
It is not worth making a decision on treatment with kefir from a Tibetan milk mushroom on your own, you should consult a doctor.