Milk jelly is a light and very delicate dessert that is loved not only by all children, but even by many adults. Its preparation takes very little time. The result is a dish that can not only diversify the daily menu, but also decorate even the most chic festive table. Jelly on milk can be prepared in different ways. Some of the most interesting options are worth considering in more detail.
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Classic Milk Jelly with Gelatin
Traditionally, it is customary to cook milk jelly with gelatin. This option is considered the simplest and belongs to the category of classic recipes.
To work in this case, only four components are needed:
- 13-15 g of gelatin;
- 750 ml of milk (fat content of 3.6-4%);
- some vanilla (literally on the tip of a knife);
- 75-125 g of sugar.
The method of preparation of milk jelly:
- Pour the milk into a stewpan (or pan).
- There, pour gelatin and leave it for about half an hour. It takes time for the gelatin to swell. Only after that he will be able to show his gelling properties.
- Put the stewpan on the fire and heat its contents with constant stirring until completely dissolved. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve.
- Pour vanilla and sugar into a still hot mixture. Mix it all thoroughly.
- Pour the flavor into molds and refrigerate for 4 hours.
Before serving, the jelly will only have to put out the forms on the plates and decorate to your liking. To do this, you can use anything you want (fresh berries, pieces of fruit, whipped cream or grated chocolate). To taste, this amazing delicacy partly resembles ice cream, which almost all children love so much.
With agar
As you know, gelatin is a product of animal origin.It is obtained by processing the connective tissues of animals and is used in cooking as an additional ingredient with gelling properties. But you can get a gel-like mass from a liquid not only with the help of gelatin. Its plant substitute is agar agar. This substance is extracted from seaweed and is also used to prepare various desserts and jellies. Therefore, agar agar can also make no less tasty milk jelly.
This will require:
- 0.5 l of whole milk;
- 2-2.5 g of agar-agar powder;
- ½ vanilla pod;
- sugar.
The technology for making dessert will be slightly different in this case:
- The first step is to pour the milk into a small saucepan.
- Add the remaining components to it and mix. The amount of sugar is usually chosen to taste (as you like).
- Put the pot on the fire. As soon as the contents boil, the flame must be minimized. After that, cook no more than two minutes.
- Pour the hot mass into the mold and cool.
The preparation of such jelly takes a minimum amount of time. Besides, already at 40 degrees, the mass turns into a strong gel. Due to the molecular structure of agar-agar, the jelly prepared from it does not spread on a plate and retains its shape for a long time.
Ducan Diet Recipe
Supporters of good nutrition will be interested to learn how to make milk jelly according to the prescription of the famous French nutritionist Pierre Ducant.
Here you will need only two main ingredients:
- 750 ml of milk (skimmed or with a minimum fat content);
- 15 g of edible gelatin.
The preparation of a milk treat in this case is very similar to the classic version.
The following operations must be done:
- Pour gelatin into a bowl. Add to it 250 ml of cold milk and leave to swell for 50-60 minutes.
- Then this mass must be heated, not bringing to a boil, until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved.
- Strain the resulting liquid through a fine sieve.
- Pour the dissolved gelatin with the remaining milk, which should first be heated.
- Mix everything thoroughly.
- Pour the mass into a mold and refrigerate for literally 1 hour.
The dessert is very tender and light. It can even be eaten by those on a diet and trying to lose weight. It is better to cook such a treat for the future, so that you can always have it at hand at the right time. For a couple of days in the refrigerator nothing will happen to him.
Cocoa Milk Chocolate Jelly
For a change, you can try making milk chocolate jelly. The color of the dessert is easy to change with ordinary cocoa powder. In addition, the dish itself will acquire an original chocolate flavor.
To independently prepare such a treat, you will need:
- 250 g of milk (fat content not more than 1%);
- 100 ml of drinking water;
- 10 g of edible gelatin;
- 14 g of cocoa;
- 100 g of granulated sugar.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Soak gelatin powder in water.
- Dissolve part of the sugar (about half) in cold milk.
- Pour some sweet milk into gelatin and dissolve it completely, slightly warming the mixture (on a stove or in a microwave). In no case should the mass be boiled.
- Add the remaining milk and mix.
- Part of the gelatin milk (about half a cup) is separately slightly warmed up. Dissolve cocoa powder and all remaining sugar in it.
- First pour the chocolate mixture into the molds. Send them to the refrigerator until solidified.
- Top up the milk mass. Put the molds in the refrigerator again until the mixture has completely set.
Before serving, it remains only to turn the molds over, and a beautiful two-color jelly will be on the plate. This dessert does not need additional decoration.
With fruits
To make milk jelly not only tasty, but also healthy, it can be supplemented with fruit. You will get an original and very beautiful vitamin dessert. There are many ways to do this.
For the simplest option, you need to take:
- 0.6 l of milk;
- 5 g of gelatin powder;
- 75 g of sugar;
- 500 g of fresh strawberries (you can take any other fruits).
The method of preparation of juicy flavorful jelly:
- Sort the fruits of strawberries, tear sepals from them, and thoroughly rinse and dry the berries themselves.
- Part of the strawberries to leave whole, and the rest using a blender to grind in mashed potatoes.
- Pour gelatin with water (60-80 ml is enough) and set aside. As soon as the crystals swell a little, put the mass on fire and heat until they are completely dissolved.
- Separately, in a saucepan, heat the milk and mix it with sugar.
- Add the gelatin solution to this and mix. The mass should cool slightly.
- Strawberry puree is added to the warm gelatin mixture. Pour this mass into a pre-cooked form.
- Keep the container in the refrigerator until it cools completely.
- Turn the form over and transfer the finished jelly to the dessert plate.
- Garnish the dish with the remaining strawberries.
The taste of such a dessert will be simply amazing. Instead of strawberries, you can use almost any fruit and berries, with the exception of kiwi, melon and grapes. Their taste is so delicate that after mixing with the rest of the ingredients it is lost. As a result, the dessert is fresh and not at all fragrant.
Flavored creme brulee
Milk jelly can give the original taste of "creme brulee." Usually do it using baked milk or boiled condensed milk. There are several options. The easiest way to prepare a fragrant dessert is based on the classic jelly in milk.
To work, you will need:
- 400 g of jelly prepared on the basis of milk by any known method;
- chopped nuts;
- 400 g of boiled condensed milk.
Such a delicacy is being prepared in stages:
- First, part of the classic jelly must be poured into the mold. Give it a little harden.
- Cover the jelly with a layer of condensed milk and sprinkle lightly with grated nuts.
- Put the mold in the refrigerator for solidification.
- Repeat alternating layers until all ingredients are finished.
After the final cooling, the dessert can be transferred to a dish or small portioned dishes. Such aromatic jelly will pleasantly surprise small sweet tooth.
How to make jelly from milk with cottage cheese
If you add regular cottage cheese in milk jelly, you will get a great dessert for those who are watching their figure and trying to eat right.
There is one option, for the implementation of which it will take no more than one hour, as well as the following set of components:
- 100 ml of milk;
- 25 g of sugar;
- 110 g of cottage cheese;
- 15 g of gelatin;
- 20 ml of drinking water.
To make such a dessert, you must:
- Sprinkle cottage cheese with sugar, pour milk and mix well.
- Pour gelatin with warm water. After prolonged stirring, it gradually dissolves.
- Add the gelatin mass to the curd. Mix everything again.
- Pour the resulting liquid substance into a mold and put in a cool place to thicken.
The dessert is soft, dense and fairly sweet. If desired, you can sprinkle it on top with fresh berries or pour over any fruit syrup.