Recently, much has been said about the dangers of milk and its negative effects on the body. But lovers of a milk diet claim that this particular product helps them lose weight and feel strong and healthy.
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Features and principles of the milk diet
Milk is rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium. In addition, a liter of this white liquid provides the daily need for protein, so you should not be afraid of exhaustion on this diet. Of course, all these statements relate to a natural product - village milk. The factory drink has a lot of antibiotics, cholesterol and pesticides necessary for long-term storage, which do not bring the body any benefit, but only harm.
It is interesting that milk is especially recommended for people who are forced to work in hazardous industries and inhale toxic substances. This product quickly and efficiently removes poisons and toxins.
Pros of a diet on dairy products:
- does not deplete the body;
- increases the content of nutrients in cells;
- improves metabolism;
- normalizes digestion;
- cleanses from toxic substances;
- starts the process of fat burning;
- saturates for a long time, does not allow to suffer from hunger.
Milk even helps to remove fat in the most problematic places - on the stomach and waist, so this food system is worth a try if other methods do not help.
But too long consumption of one milk in large quantities negatively affects the intestinal microflora. Therefore, nutritionists recommend supplementing the menu with other products so that the diet is more balanced and nutritious.
The principles of such nutrition:
- Dairy products should be low fat or low in fat.
- Dinner should be light, preferably vegetable.
- Milk should be drunk an hour before a meal, in no case after or during a meal.
If during a diet a strange unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, it should be interrupted if necessary with green tea with cinnamon. This is due to the large amount of protein in the diet. Approximately 3-4 days after the start of the diet, this smell should go away.
Weight Loss Diets
Milk diet refers to rigid mono-diets, however, not everyone is easy to eat only one product for several days. Therefore, based on it, multicomponent schemes were created that allow the use of a small amount of additional products.
The duration is divided into three-, five- and seven-day diets. The optimal duration is 3-5 days, since a restriction in nutrition longer than this period can lead to disruptions in the digestive tract, fatigue and poor performance. Nutritionists even recommend simply arranging a fasting day with milk from time to time, believing that it will be more beneficial than a long-term strict diet.
Detailed menu for 3 and 7 days
People who have “steel” willpower can try the milk diet for 7 days.
You should drink milk from 8 am to 8 pm with the following frequency:
- on the first day, 200 ml every 2 hours;
- in the second - every 1.5 hours;
- in the third, every hour;
- on the remaining days - every half hour.
And you can also diversify the menu with any sour-milk products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt. But if this is too difficult, no one forbids the inclusion of some fruits, vegetables, cereals in the diet. But it is better to refrain from too sweet and high-calorie plant foods - bananas, persimmons, grapes.
Sample menu with options for dishes:
- in the morning - a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat, orange / cottage cheese with dill, milk;
- snack - a glass of milk;
- at lunch - a portion of vegetable salad seasoned with unsweetened natural yogurt, 1 boiled egg or steam omelet / milk soup with spinach, cabbage salad / milk pumpkin soup, carrots with sour cream;
- snack - a little cottage cheese, oatmeal in milk;
- in the evening - kefir, apple / curd froth / baked vegetables / arugula and tomato salad.
The portions should be small, you can not overeat. Plus, you need to drink 1 liter of milk daily, dividing this amount into several doses, as well as water (at least 1 liter).
In any case, for the entire duration of the milk diet for weight loss, you need to refrain from salt, sugar, sauces, alcohol, black tea and coffee. Only then can you lose weight.
Many people like a 3-day milk-banana diet, during which you can lose 2-3 extra pounds.
Menu (3 meals every day):
- 1 day - 3 liters of milk, 9 bananas;
- 2 days - 2 liters of drink, 6 fruits;
- 3 days - 2 liters of drink, 3 ripe fruits.
Products should be divided into three equal portions and consumed throughout the day. You can eat them separately or make a delicious cocktail.
The main principles of the milk and vegetable diet:
- drink at least 1.5 liters of milk per day;
- eat no more than 1 kg of vegetables in any form per day (cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cabbage);
- in the morning to get energy, you can eat a portion of oatmeal with milk.
The use of fiber will positively affect the functioning of the intestines.
Obese people are advised to pay attention to the milk and tea diet.
Basic Rules:
- drink 1500 ml of green tea with milk every day;
- in the morning eat one oatmeal on the water;
- eat lunch with diet soup;
- dine with stewed vegetables.
Such nutrition not only allows you to remove excess weight, but also to cleanse the body efficiently.
Way Out of a Milk Diet
Since the body gets used to a light diet during this time, you should not immediately load the digestive system with dishes that are difficult to digest.After a diet, you need to monitor your diet for at least a week, excluding fatty, salty, spicy and canned foods from the diet.
In the early days, it is advisable to continue to eat dairy products, gradually introducing vegetable salads, broths, lean meat. You need to eat in small portions, but often, walk a lot, engage in physical exercises. All this will help consolidate the result and not re-gain in the near future lost kilograms.
How many kilograms of excess weight you can lose
Weight loss occurs gradually. Under all conditions for a week, it is quite possible to lose up to 5-6 kg. On a strict three-day diet, you can lose up to 1 kg per day.
But the success of the diet depends not only on the strict implementation of all the requirements, but also on the individual characteristics of the body. There are people to whom such nutrition not only does not help to lose weight, but also leads to digestive upset and poor health. This is due to the fact that they did not consult with a doctor or nutritionist and did not take into account contraindications.
To whom such a diet is contraindicated
Of the contraindications, the following conditions should be mentioned:
- deposition of calcium salts;
- allergies
- digestion problems;
- lactase enzyme deficiency;
- elderly age;
- phosphate kidney stones;
- postoperative period.
People with an allergy to lactose are better off looking for other ways to normalize their weight.
Of the side effects, diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain are common. Moreover, they appear almost immediately after milk intake, which allows you to accurately establish the relationship between the use of this product and the deterioration of well-being.