Fashion changes every year. And every year it becomes more and more difficult for designers to invent something new. Sometimes in their attempts to originalize they go too far. For example, as in the following photos.
Why, in principle, need pants?
When a bear attacked you on the way to work, but you still need to be in time by the beginning of the meeting.
It looks like she just took a car mat and put on instead of a skirt.
Better than you can get by the summer.
Visual aid for anatomy.
When I wanted to look like a Little Mermaid, but something went wrong.
At least this masterpiece of shoe art does not require to wear socks.
And it’s warm, and you can be like ninja warrior.
Sandals in a forest style.
The more belts, the better.
These cats are just superb. Cosmic beauty!
For those who, in principle, do not like the idea of clothing, but for some reason they do not agree on the fig leaf.
Well, at least it looks original.
Incredible resemblance.
It looks really awful.
Do not stretch your jeans so high.
When a cartoon character decides to buy sneakers.
Shoes inspired by a rhinoceros beetle.
Hoody steak? Are you seriously?
There is hardly a better way to express your love for a movie star.