Model diet is designed to bring your weight back to normal for a limited period of time. Because of this, she is quite strict, and therefore it is not easy to comply with.
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Principles and features of diet for models
Before a sharp restriction of the diet, it is necessary to prepare the body for the upcoming program. This is best done with a few fasting days. So it will be much easier to get used to the meager menu.
The calorie content of the diet is hardly half of the necessary daily allowance, so the body begins to use the reserves left on a “rainy day”. A sharp restriction in the use of salt and sugar also has a positive effect on both weight and volume.
There are two types of this diet:
- three days (loss from 3 to 5 kg);
- seven-day (you can lose 7 kg).
Of course, the specific figures for weight loss mainly depend on the starting weight and fat thickness. Relatively thin girls are much more problematic to remove 3-4 pounds. Extra centimeters will undoubtedly go away, but the weight will not change much. For owners of a more rounded figure, it is much easier to lose 3, 5 and even 7 kg in a short time.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage of diet models for weight loss is that with its help you can quickly lose weight in just 2-3 days.
Therefore, there is no doubt in its effectiveness. Most often it is used when you need to put yourself in order urgently - a few days before the desired date.
The disadvantages of such a program are many:
- risk of deficiency of nutrients;
- a high probability of a feeling of tiredness and fatigue;
- the threat to quickly gain lost pounds after leaving the model diet.
In addition, not everyone is recommended to sit on such a diet.
List of allowed and prohibited products
The list of allowed products for three-day meals is very limited and consists of eggs, cottage cheese, green tea.
The seven-day diet may additionally include:
- vegetables;
- meat;
- fish
- unsweetened fruits;
- kefir.
With a strong feeling of hunger, it is useful to chew an artichoke or parsley, which perfectly suppress appetite.
Menu for 3 and 7 days
A 3-day model diet looks like this:
- in the morning - one boiled egg, a glass of green tea (if you really want to, you can have coffee, only without sugar, milk and cream);
- at lunch - a portion of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, green tea or herbal decoction without sugar;
- in the evening - similar to lunch.
Dinner should be no later than 16 hours of the day. You can fight hunger by drinking plenty of water and unsweetened drinks.
The menu for 7 days is a little more varied. There are two options.
In the first case, the daily diet is represented by the following composition:
- in the morning - 2 soft-boiled eggs (or in the form of an omelet), a thin toast with butter, green tea;
- the second meal - a portion of vegetable salad, not more than 100 g of lean meat or fish (baked in the oven or on the grill, boiled or stewed), herbal tea;
- in the evening - a vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, tea.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat, so that at night not to wake up from an unpleasant sensation in the stomach.
The second option is more satisfying:
- in the morning - a portion of any porridge on the water (but without salt, sugar and butter);
- the second meal - the same amount of cottage cheese, lean meat or fish;
- in the evening - any vegetable salad (without potatoes) or steamed vegetables.
A rich breakfast allows you to not feel hungry for a long time. Weight will fall rapidly in the first three days. Then the body will begin to work in the mode of creating a stock of nutrients, so extra pounds will go away more slowly. However, this does not mean that the diet should be stopped (with good health, of course).
How to get out of a diet
It is important to switch to a normal diet. Servings should be small so as not to stretch the stomach, and food - lean and cooked in a gentle way. Calories need to be added gradually and little by little. This will help consolidate the result and will not harm the digestive organs.
Contraindications and side effects
Such experiments are prohibited for people who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart. You need to have a practically healthy body to limit yourself so much in nutrition.
Do not continue the diet if there is a sharp deterioration in well-being and loss of strength. In such cases, all restrictions must be removed and a more nutritious menu selected.
There are many diets, thanks to which it is possible to achieve significant weight loss without stress for the body.
Nutritionists generally recommend a normal diet, eliminating harmful fatty and sweet foods, and from time to time arrange fasting days. This will not only help normalize weight, but also make it possible to avoid many diseases.