Soaked apples "Antonovka" at home - this is the easiest, tastiest and most popular way of winter harvesting of fruits. It is customary to ferment fruits in tubs or barrels of wood, but glass containers are also suitable for urban conditions. For a greater flavor, along with apples, it is worth using fragrant herbs, leaves of berries, shrubs, mint. Together with fruits, you can ferment cabbage and lingonberries - it turns out a very juicy and mouth-watering snack.

A simple recipe for soaked apples "Antonovka" at home

The specific taste of soaked apples is familiar to everyone since childhood. For such an appetizer, the main thing is right - to choose the right fruit variety. The Antonovka variety will be a good choice, as it has a dense pulp and a harmonious combination of sweet and sour tastes. For the recipe, it is better to use ripe fruits, and unripe it is recommended to withstand several days just in an apartment.

Cooking method:

  1. Traditionally, apples are soaked in a tub. They are laid up with the stalks so that the fermentation process goes faster. Between fruits, layers of cherry and currant leaves are distributed.
  2. We make a pickle. One kilogram of fruit takes 1.5 liters of boiled water, four tablespoons of white sugar and a spoonful of salt.
  3. Add the prepared brine to the fruit, put the load on top and cover the “structure” with clean gauze.
  4. For several days, the apples need to be kept warm to start the oxidation process. After that, we remove them in a cool place for 1.5 months.

How to cook in a bucket

If you haven’t found a wooden tub in your arsenal, and you don’t want to tinker with banks, then a simple enameled bucket will come to the rescue.The main thing is that the container is free of rust and chips.


Before starting the process of soaking apples, the container must be treated with hot water, dissolving soda in it, and then rinsing it well with plain water. We need apples that are whole, without defects, of medium size.

Cooking method:

  1. The volume of a standard bucket is eight liters, so we will take 6 kg of apples. For the marinade we will prepare 180 g of salt and granulated sugar. We also need raspberry and currant leaves (approximately 15 each).
  2. We wash the leaves of berries and fruits. At the bottom of the container we lay out the berry leaves and put the fruits with the stalks up. Between the apples we also make a green layer.
  3. In boiled water, stir salt and granulated sugar. Pour the resulting brine to the fruit, cover the bucket with a cloth and let stand for three weeks in a cool, darkened place.
  4. As soon as the flesh of the apples is salted, the fruits can be transferred to jars with the marinade, covered with a lid and refrigerated.

With mustard

The classic recipe for soaked apples involves the addition of sugar. But honey will give the fruit a special sweetness, and mustard will make its taste more harsh and will allow the fruit to retain its density after salting.

Cooking method:

  1. We close the bottom of the tub with straw, put the first layer of apples on it, then straw and fruit will go again, and so on to the top of the container. Straw can be replaced with leaves of berry bushes and fruit trees.
  2. For brine in ten liters of water we dissolve a glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of salt, three tablespoons of mustard and two tablespoons of honey. As soon as the marinade boils, turn off the heat, give the composition time to cool, and then pour apples on it.
  3. We cover the fruits with straw, cover the tub with the contents of clean gauze and fix with a metal ring. We put oppression on top.
  4. We remove the snack in a cold place for 1 - 1.5 months.

Soaked apples "Antonovka" in banks

Soaked apples are a truly Russian product, because even our great-grandmothers knew how to preserve all the benefits and taste of this fruit until spring. There are many recipes for sourdough apples with different additives, but they are all designed for bulk barrels. Today's housewives are modern city dwellers who cook soaked apples in ordinary three-liter jars.

Cooking soaked apples in jars:

  1. We take the whole fruits of apples. We cut large fruits into slices, but small ones can be left whole. We spread apples in clean three-liter jars.
  2. Prepare the brine: for five kilos of fruit you will need 2.5 liters of water and a spoonful of white sweet sand and salt. We add dry ingredients to water, boil and then fill the jars with their contents with hot marinade.
  3. We cover the containers with lids and send to the refrigerator. If after a month the fruits are not salted, then just wait another half a month.

With rye flour

Antonovka is the undisputed leader among other varieties for making soaked fruits. And the use of rye flour will give them a special delicate taste and aroma.

In order for apples to remain dense and soak appetite after soaking, it is worth using cherry and currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. We take ripe apples without defects. Wash the fruits from dust and dry well.
  2. The container in which the fruit will be fermented should be doused with boiling water, dried and covered with leaves.
  3. We lay apples on top, cover them with leaves and fill the container in such a layer-by-layer manner. The final layer should be from herbs.
  4. For brine, we need ten liters of water (per 10 kg of apples), a glass of sugar and rye flour, as well as 130 g of salt.
  5. Stir in salt, flour and sweetener in boiling water. Cool the marinade and pour into a container with apples. Fruits should completely go into the brine, for this it is worth pressing them on top with oppression.
  6. We keep the workpiece in a dark place, and after a week we rearrange it in a colder one, for example, in a cellar. After 1.5 months, it will already be possible to eat soaked, fragrant apples.

Cooking with cabbage

Soaked apples with vegetables are not only appetizing, but also very useful.When soaking, apples, together with cabbage, form the necessary microelements for the body, so this preparation should definitely be included in your diet in the winter.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, we will take 3 kg of apples and the same amount of cabbage, as well as three carrots, three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of white sugar.
  2. We sort apples, shred cabbage, three carrots on a grater. We mix the carrots with cabbage, sprinkle with salt, sugar and well crush the vegetables with our hands so that they highlight the juice.
  3. Put apples and vegetables in layers in a container. We cover all the gaps with cabbage, and the final layer should also be from vegetables.
  4. If your cabbage is not very juicy, then you can add a little boiled water to the apples.

We put the load on top and leave the apples and cabbage for 7 - 9 days at a temperature of at least 14 degrees. Then we rearrange the workpiece in a colder room for three weeks. The use of Antonovka soaked apples has long been proven by nutritionists, but do not get carried away with such a dish for those who have stomach problems.

The benefits of soaked apples

  1. Not many people know, but soaked apples bring invaluable help to our body, especially in the fight against fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Pickled fruits contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which acts as a very strong antioxidant.
  2. Soaked fruits have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, they have more pectin than they were before soaking. Secondly, in terms of the number of probiotics, they are not inferior to yoghurts and other fermented milk products. Therefore, the use of such a snack will speed up the metabolic processes in the body, as well as restore the intestines and stomach.
  3. An important point is that soaked apples contain calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D. All these elements are necessary for the normal state of bones, joints and cartilage.
  4. Women should pay special attention to such an appetizer, because it will help to maintain a figure and beauty. If fermented fruits are included in the diet, the skin will become more elastic, acne will disappear and small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

To wet the fruit, you can use rye straw, which will give the fruit a special taste, aroma and beautiful color. The main thing is that the straw is fresh, without unpleasant odors and odors, as well as mold.