Soaked apples acquire a sour-sweet and slightly carbonated taste, and, most importantly, they retain all the useful substances that are found in fresh fruits. Urination is an old way of harvesting fruits and berries, known and used only in Russia.
Urination can be simple (in saline), acidic (in weakly concentrated saline with flour) and sugar (in addition to salt, sugar or honey add to the marinade). Often the various methods are combined, salt, sugar and flour are added.
Material Content:
Soaked apples - the easiest recipe
A simple way reveals all the details of the procedure. After its development, the hostess will be able to make her additions to it in the form of herbs or various berries (cranberries, cherries, gooseberries and others).
Traditional dishes - a wooden tub with a capacity of 10-15 liters. Before starting the preparation, it should be carefully prepared: soak for several hours in water, then rinse with running cold water and scald with boiling water. The proportions of apples and marinade ingredients per tub will be:
• 5000 g of Antonovka apples;
• 400 g of sugar;
• 160 g of rye flour;
• 90 g of salt;
• 10000 ml of water;
• rye or wheat straw.
The urination recipe step by step:
1. Scalp the straw with boiling water and lay with a thick layer on the bottom of the prepared tub. Straw will not only allow ripe fruits to avoid damage, but will also give them a beautiful amber color during cooking.
2. Wash apples well, discarding damaged or stained rot. Pedicels are not required to be removed.Put clean fruits in the tub with “tails” up.
Fruits of late varieties of green or white color, such as Antonovka, Semerenko, Zeleka, Titovka, Pepin, Anis, Golden, are suitable for urination.
3. Boil water, dissolve salt, sugar in it. Then pour rye flour and stir so that there are no lumps. Remove the marinade from the fire, and when it has completely cooled, pour apples on it.
4. Set oppression on apples and leave them for 10-14 days at a temperature not lower than 15-18 ° C, adding brine daily and collecting foam. After two weeks, the product can be stored in a cold basement.
Harvesting for the winter in banks
Not every household has a wooden tub of 10-20 liters. So, in a city apartment, there is simply nowhere to store such a volume of soaked fruit, but a three-liter bottle with apples can be attached to the refrigerator. To cook fruit, in this way, on two three-liter glass jars take:
• 1750 g of apples of autumn or winter varieties;
• 3000 ml of water;
• 130 g of granulated sugar;
• 20 g of table salt;
• leaves of currant, cherry and lemon balm.
Apples in banks by the method of urination are harvested as follows:
1. First prepare the marinade: salt and sugar are dissolved in water, this liquid is boiled for three to four minutes and allowed to cool to room temperature.
2. Whole apples (small fruits should be taken that easily pass through the neck of the jar) put in bottles, pouring melissa, currants and cherries with washed leaves.
3. Pour apples with cooled brine, cover them with plastic covers and leave for 5-7 days at room temperature. At this time, carefully monitor the level of the brine and top up if necessary.
4. After the apples no longer absorb moisture and the brine fermentes, the workpiece can be stored in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar).
Unusual option with mountain ash
Chokeberry is more widely used in cooking, but red clusters often remain on trees right up to the snow, attracting the attention of birds. But for red-fruited mountain ash there is a worthy application in cooking. Confirmation of this will be the original recipe for soaked apples with these berries.
On a three-liter glass bottle you will need:
• 2000 g of autumn apples;
• 400 g clusters of mountain ash;
• 15-20 sheets of black currant;
• 2000 ml of water;
• 100 g of granulated sugar;
• 10 g of salt.
How to cook soaked apples with mountain ash:
1. Dissolve all salt and sugar crystals in hot water; allow the resulting solution to cool completely.
2. Thoroughly wash the apples, mountain ash and currant leaves without removing the stalk. Put apples in a clean jar, transferring them with clusters of mountain ash and currant leaves.
3. Pour with a cooled marinade, cover with gauze folded in several layers on top and stand until room temperature starts to ferment. It takes about four days.
4. Then cover the jar with a lid and transfer to a cool place (cellar or basement), and after a month and a half, you can enjoy delicious soaked fruits.
In pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn
Usually a sugar-salt aqueous solution is used for marinade or wort, but pumpkin juice is used in this original recipe. Such a replacement allows the fruit not to darken for a long time, after removing it from the tub. The list of ingredients for the soaking of apples with sea buckthorn in pumpkin juice:
• 3900 g of apples;
• 150 g of apples;
• 850 g of pumpkin.
1. First, prepare pumpkin juice. To do this, the pulp of the vegetable, peeled from the skin and seeds, is put on fire with a small amount of water and boiled until soft. Water is needed exactly so that the pumpkin does not burn - neither more nor less. Next, the pulp is kneaded and cooled.
2. Wash the washed apples tightly in a container for urination, pouring berries with sea buckthorn. Pour all the cooled pumpkin juice, crush it with a load and take it out to the cold.
Soaked apples with mustard
Wort for the soaking of apples with the addition of mustard keeps the fruits dense until the end of storage, and not loose, while giving them a sharp taste. Also, with this method of soaking, foam on the surface either does not form, or it is very small, and the appearance of mold is generally excluded. To wet apples with mustard, take:
• 5000 g of apples;
• 10000 ml of water;
• 60 g of salt;
• 60 g of mustard powder;
• 150-300 g of sugar;
• 100 g of straw;
• 100-150 g of leaves of cherry, currant.
The sequence of actions:
1. At the bottom of the prepared tub, lay a layer of straw scalded with a steep var, on it - a layer of apples, then a layer of leaves. Repeat this way, laying apples in a container, layering them with leaves until the container is full.
2. Dissolve mustard, salt and sugar in hot water, pour apples with the cooled wort. Install oppression from above and put away in a cool place. After a month, the apples will be ready to eat.
Barrels of Cabbage Recipe
Soaked apples Antonovka is probably the simplest and at the same time delicious recipe for soaked apples, since apples are not filled with marinade cooked on water, but with cabbage juice, with which they are pickled. For the recipe you will need to prepare:
• 1000 g of apples;
• 1500 g of white cabbage;
• 300 g carrots;
• 60 g of salt;
• 30 g of sugar.
Cooking Technology:
1. Finely chop the cabbage into strips, turn the carrots into large chips. Mix vegetables with salt and sugar, then rinse thoroughly so that they let juice. The more juice, the better. At the same stage, you can adjust the amount of salt and sugar to your liking.
2. In a clean washed wooden barrel, lay a layer of cabbage with carrots on the bottom, a row of apples with its tails up on it. Next, fill in all the slots between the apples with chopped cabbage, again the apples. Repeat until the container is full.
3. Pour the juice that the cabbage secreted into the barrel, so that the apples are in the liquid. Set on the barrel bends. Hold them in the room for about two weeks, and then put them in the basement.
With honey and lingonberries
Even a small amount of lingonberry will give the soaked apples a beautiful pink color and a pleasant aroma. For marinade, you can take both honey and sugar, for example, if one of the family members is allergic to beekeeping products. The proportions of the ingredients are as follows:
• 5000 g of apples;
• 500 g of lingonberry berries;
• 2500 ml of water;
• 300 g of honey (or 500 g of sugar);
• 50 g of salt;
• 100-150 g of lingonberry leaves.
Method of urination:
1. Boil the marinade from water, honey and salt, completely cool it. Thoroughly wash the apples, lingonberry leaves and berries.
2. Tightly lay apples in a tub or other prepared container, shifting them with leaves and pouring over with berries. Pour all the cold marinade.
3. On top of the fruit, lay a section of clean white cloth folded several times, put a wooden circle or a large plate on which to place the load. Leave the workpiece in a cool place.
Health benefits and harms
The health benefits of fresh apples are beyond doubt. As for soaked fruits, then their benefit besides the rich vitamin composition lies:
• in a high content of plant fibers and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
• in the ability to optimize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, improving its work;
• in the huge content of ascorbic acid, which improves the functioning of the immune system;
• in a high calcium content in comparison with other types of apple blanks, which gives the right to consider this product as a means of preventing osteoporosis.
But, despite such weighty arguments in favor of using the product, it is worthwhile to understand that in some cases soaked apples can do much harm. Such fruits can aggravate the course of gastric ulcer and gastritis due to their increased acidity, therefore, people with these diseases should better refuse soaked fruits.