As you know, most problems in the body occur due to the presence of excess fluid. Diuretic herbs are an excellent assistant for removing unnecessary moisture, preventing and treating diseases of the genitourinary system and edema.
Material Content:
- 1 The mechanism of action and indications for the use of diuretic herbs
- 2 Diuretic herbs for edema: a list
- 3 Herbs for weight loss: a list
- 4 Plant Diuretics for Hypertension
- 5 Diuretic herbs for the kidneys
- 6 What diuretic herbs can children do?
- 7 Rules for taking plant diuretics
- 8 Which herbs having a diuretic effect are harmless?
- 9 Contraindications and side effects
The mechanism of action and indications for the use of diuretic herbs
Diuretic herbs have a diuretic effect on the body, removing excess fluid. Also, some plants are able to have an antibacterial effect, destroying pathogenic microflora. At the same time, these two properties positively affect the body, removing inflammation and cleansing the urinary system.
Indications for the use of diuretic herbs include:
- shortness of breath and edema, the appearance of which is provoked by heart failure;
- edema caused by renal failure;
- prevention of the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys after their removal;
- hypertension associated with fluid stasis;
- acute and chronic infectious diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
- the period of rehabilitation after acute poisoning and antibiotic treatment, when it is necessary that harmful substances are actively removed from the body with urine.
Diuretic herbs for edema: a list
The list of diuretic herbs for edema is quite extensive. However, it is necessary first of all to consider what caused the swelling and whether there is no allergy to the herbal preparation. Otherwise, the body can be harmed.
With swelling of the face, legs, hands
Edema itself is an excessive accumulation of fluid in any place. At the same time, the location of the swollen area can be used to judge problems in the body. For example, a constantly swollen face and, in particular, the eyelids - this is the presence of problems in the proper functioning of the kidneys. When a person has heart disease, his legs tend to swell.
More materials:diuretics
The most effective diuretic herbs for swelling of the face, arms and legs:
- Chamomile. With swelling of the hands or feet, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea 2 times a day. If there are swelling of the face and eyelids, you can apply tea bags from chamomile to the eyes. Another method involves freezing chamomile tea in ice cubes. To get rid of edema, you can drive a cube in the face.
- Celery. Freshly squeezed celery juice or its essential oil will also help with edema.
- Parsley combined with dill. To prepare an infusion of parsley, you need to fill in ½ teaspoon with cold boiled water and insist for at least 8 hours. Consume 2 tablespoons every two hours. It should be borne in mind that parsley should not be taken by pregnant women and patients with kidney disease. To eliminate edema on the face, lotions soaked in dill water are used.
- Horsetail. To help with swelling of the legs, hands and face, a decoction is used. Take 4 tablespoons of finely chopped horsetail, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for about 20 minutes and filter before use. It is not necessary to wait for complete cooling.
Plants are used in the form of teas or decoctions. During the treatment of edema, it is recommended to reduce the daily intake of salt and liquid. Consult your doctor in advance to find the best herbal diuretic.
During pregnancy
Puffiness appears during the bearing of a child. This is due to the large load on the body and the resulting stagnation of the fluid.
As a rule, the following herbs are used to eliminate edema during pregnancy:
- Lingonberry. 3 teaspoons of dried lingonberry leaves are poured with 3 cups of boiling water. Can be mixed with dried berries. Insist a couple of minutes. Lingonberry refers to a practically harmless diuretic, so you can use it without fear.
- Collection of dried mint, viburnum and linden flowers also taken when edema occurs during pregnancy. However, before using it is strongly recommended to consult a gynecologist, in order to avoid complications.
- Safe are also considered bearberry leaves, horsetail, staminate orthosiphon. In addition to the diuretic effect, they also have antibacterial, which is good for infectious and inflammatory processes.
Do not forget to visit a gynecologist who controls pregnancy before use to select the most optimal complex of herbs. You can not use herbs that provoke uterine tone and its reduction; otherwise, a miscarriage or freezing of the fetus is possible.
Read also: diuretic tablets and folk remedies
Herbs for weight loss: a list
Herbs for weight loss are often used as part of dietary complexes. They help to remove excess fluid from the body and thereby reduce weight, and also improve overall appearance.
The list of diuretic herbs for weight loss include the following:
- Chamomile;
- Bearberry;
- Chicory;
- Birch buds;
- Lingonberry.
Mostly decoctions or infusions are prepared from herbs.It is necessary to clarify the effect of each component on the body. This is especially true of ready-made pharmacy collections containing several types of herbs at once, complexly acting to reduce weight.
First of all, diuretic herbs should eliminate the discomfort in the body caused by fluid stagnation. You will certainly notice how improvement comes. However, during the diet, it is recommended to choose the appropriate diet and not to drink a lot of fluid, so as not to provoke the appearance of edema even more.
Plant Diuretics for Hypertension
Diuretic herbs with hypertension have a complex effect on the body, eliminating excess fluid, removing salts. This is what helps stabilize the condition.
In this case, one should not get involved in diuretics, even of plant origin. Since they are able to flush potassium with urine, resulting in markedly reduced performance.
The following diuretic herbs are used at pressures above normal:
- Flax seeds;
- Rosehip tea;
- Birch leaves (infusion and compresses soaked in broth);
- Orthosiphon stamen;
- Bearberry;
- Lingonberry.
Diuretic herbs for the kidneys
In infectious diseases of the kidneys, a urologist or a nephrologist as a complex therapy prescribes diuretics of plant origin. As a rule, these can be ready-made collections specially selected for removing excess fluid from the body.
What is used as diuretic herbal medicine in the treatment of kidney disease:
- powdered juniper berries;
- Birch buds;
- Erva woolly (half-fallen);
- tea from orthosiphon;
- bearberry;
- highlander bird (knotweed);
- horsetail;
- rosehip tea;
- chamomile.
In addition to the diuretic effect, it is desirable that the herbs have an antibacterial effect, cleansing the kidneys and urinary tract from pathogenic flora. Also choose herbs individually, based on what specific kidney disease you suffer from (acute or chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.).
What diuretic herbs can children do?
Not all diuretic plants can be given to children of preschool and school age. Particular care should be taken in treating babies.
Here is an approximate list of diuretic herbs for children:
- decoction of parsley;
- dill water for children under 2 years old;
- diuretic pharmacy fees, which include anise, mint, sage and thyme. Such teas are perfect if the child refuses to use the product because of the pronounced bitter taste.
Rules for taking plant diuretics
Not everyone knows that the uncontrolled intake of drugs that cause increased urination can provoke even greater problems in the body than simply stagnation of the fluid.
Decoctions and infusions
The rules for taking diuretic decoctions and infusions are as follows:
- Do not use them after 16:00.
- Be sure to listen to the recommendations of your doctor.
- It is necessary to begin treatment with small doses. Do not wait for an instant result, since plant diuretics have a cumulative effect.
- Treatment is canceled if the effect is absent for a long time.
- Constantly monitor the presence of potassium and other electrolytes in the body.
Diuretic tea
All of the above requirements also apply to taking diuretic teas, but there are some nuances:
- Diuretic teas are used mainly in the afternoon, when there is a peak in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
- You can not pick herbs on your own during pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage.
- Every 1.5 months, change the composition of the tea so that there is no addiction.
- The break between courses should be at least 2 weeks.
- Drink water to avoid dehydration.
Which herbs having a diuretic effect are harmless?
Diuretics cannot be called completely harmless, since they are able to exert an effect on the body with pathologies. The most neutral are vegetables and fruits with a high water content: watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumbers, grapes, celery. They also include berries: viburnum, cranberries, lingonberries, junipers, strawberries and strawberries.
Vegetables and fruits can not only have a diuretic effect, but also saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.
Contraindications and side effects
As already mentioned, plant diuretics have a number of contraindications and side effects, so you should drink them with extreme caution.
So, contraindications for taking natural diuretics:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- gout;
- potassium deficiency;
- first type of diabetes;
- problems with the digestive tract;
- violation of the outflow of bile;
- the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
- renal failure;
- zinc deficiency;
- in some cases, pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects of plant diuretics:
- hormonal disbalance;
- dehydration;
- allergic reaction;
- violation of the stool;
- fatigue;
- the risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy and the risk of fetal freezing in the later;
- decrease in potassium levels.