Many people experience unpleasant symptoms of puffiness throughout their lives, which indicates both a serious illness and simply a slight malfunction of the body. Get rid of them will help funds that remove excess fluid, the so-called diuretics. Regardless of the cause of the problem, it is important to choose the right diuretic for edema, which will help the doctor.

Diuretics for edema

The causes of a temporarily arisen problem can be, for example, wearing shoes not in size, eating highly salted food, pregnancy and before menstruation. Pathologies leading to fluid retention in the body are renal ailments and jumps in blood pressure. Edema is also common in allergies.

Diuretics act to increase the amount of fluid excreted along with urine, which occurs due to a decrease in the absorption of salt.

Similar products may include:

  1. Natural origin with a minimum of side effects, but also a less pronounced effect. These include watermelon, tomato, cranberry juice and beets.
  2. Artificially created ones act already a couple of hours after application, while normalizing blood pressure.

The latter are thiazide, loop and potassium-sparing, differing in time and place of exposure. But for the right choice of a drug, it is important to know the exact diagnosis, and this can only be done by a specialist.

Important: there are pathologies whose presence puts a ban on the use of drugs against puffiness.

Means that affect the transport of sodium in the human body are divided into aldosterone antagonists and sodium channel blockers.


Anti-swelling drugs in the form of tablets are presented by Triamteren, which relieves swelling due to heart problems, Amiloride and Veroshpiron, which helps with various types of swelling.

The accumulation of fluid with hypertension, nephrosis or nephritis is eliminated by such means as dichlorothiazide, Urandil or cyclomethiazide. They work great, but drinking them every day is not recommended.

The universal drug in this direction is Furosemide, which inhibits the reverse absorption of sodium ions in the tubules. This remedy and other similar diuretics are indicated even for renal failure - Bufenox, Xipamide, Ethacrinic acid, Torasemide, Bumetanide and Pyretanide.


Appointment of diuretic injections is possible in special cases - coma, fainting, serious gastrointestinal pathology or impaired intestinal absorption. The effect of injections is much faster than tablet forms and if the medicine is incorrectly selected, health may be worsened, therefore this is done and only a doctor prescribes it.

Here are the tools used for injections for edema:

  • Mannitol is considered the most powerful diuretic. It is used for sepsis, peritonitis, swelling of the brain and lungs, as well as for getting rid of severe poisoning. You can not use the drug for kidney failure in a chronic form and if filtration dysfunction of the paired organ is diagnosed;
  • a forced diuretic is Furosemide, acting for 3 hours and immediately after its introduction into the body. Indications for its introduction are ailments of the kidneys, lungs and cerebral edema, heart failure, eclampsia and hypertensive crisis;
  • the drug Lasix quickly eliminates puffiness with severe burns, heart failure, poisoning, kidney diseases and to support forced diuresis.

Ethacrinic acid, which is used for fluid retention due to insufficient blood circulation, kidney pathologies, cerebral and pulmonary edema, has a long 9-hour effect.

It is interesting: indications for the use of diuvere

Alternative methods of getting rid of edema

In the absence of serious pathologies for the removal of puffiness, traditional medicine is shown, which is available to everyone. Healers call such a problem "dropsy", which is a consequence of any disease.

For treatment with such methods, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Reduce fluid and salt intake to a minimum.
  2. Products to choose with a rich vitamin and protein composition.

If swelling occurs, it is advisable to give preference to fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries - celery, parsley, asparagus, onions, garlic, watermelon, strawberries, pumpkins and black currants. It is also useful to use cottage cheese, drink yogurt and kefir.

There are a large number of folk remedies for edema in different versions - teas, infusions and decoctions.


The accumulated liquid is effectively removed by diuretic herbs for edema. For example, chamomile, which in addition also normalizes the digestive system. A particular benefit of the plant is noted in edema associated with disorders of the central nervous system, since it has a sedative property.

Due to the pronounced aroma and the presence of a large number of useful substances, as well as a diuretic property, parsley is also used to get rid of edema. To do this, prepare an infusion of 1 small spoon of spice seeds, filled with boiled chilled water and infused for 7 to 9 hours. On the day you need to drink the composition every 2 hours for 3 tablespoons.

Dill seeds have the same effect - pour 1 large spoon with boiling water and let stand for 1 hour, taking the finished drink before meals several times a day.

Celery, its fresh leaves, juice and essential oil have also proved to be excellent. Potassium with magnesium in the composition of the plant helps to remove excess fluid from the body.It is consumed in the form of salads and other dishes, and the juice is drunk before meals for 30 minutes, 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Fruit drinks and juices

Fruit drinks with juices are also good, for example, from cranberries with horseradish roots, black radish with honey, and pumpkin, which helps with puffiness, which appeared due to heart disease, kidneys and bladder.

Means during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy, swelling can be eliminated only by folk methods.

And for this there are many recipes, here are the most common:

  • carrot juice with pulp should be drunk half a glass before dinner;
  • pumpkin juice is also used;
  • the birch drink is drunk in the same amount, but 2 times a day;
  • fresh cranberry juice mixed with honey or sugar is consumed in a small spoon 2 times a day;
  • a highly recommended remedy for edema is black tea, in which quince slices are added.

But it is worth remembering that even in the absence of a direct negative effect on the fetus, the methods of traditional medicine during pregnancy should not be used without a medical examination, since any product has its own contraindications.

Read also:diuretics at home

Features of the choice of a diuretic for edema

The diuretic should be selected taking into account the pathology and only by a specialist who does this, based on age, gender, concomitant pathologies and individual characteristics.

Swelling of the face

Puffiness on the face is eliminated by Furosemide, Veroshpiron, but not for long, since they act on the symptom, and not on the cause. There is an option to reduce facial swelling using folk remedies, for example, applying cucumber, potato and coffee masks. The herbal infusions with compresses based on them have the same effect.

Swelling of the legs

Swelling of the lower extremities occurs due to the presence of varicose veins, flat feet, insufficient kidney and heart function. But treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, and if the reason is physical activity, then massage and a good rest will help.

Swelling of the hands

A doctor is responsible for diagnosing swelling of the hands, and the main reason for this phenomenon is cardiovascular pathology. And they are treated with cardiac drugs, but the appointment is made again by the same specialist.

How to prevent the appearance of edema

In order to prevent the appearance of edema, it is necessary to follow simple rules, unless of course they are a consequence of any disease:

  1. Reduce your intake of salty foods and carbohydrates, especially at night. Prefer natural and healthy foods. Excellent diuretics are oranges, peaches, strawberries and grapes.
  2. Remove excess fluid from the body and fermented milk products - kefir with yogurt.
  3. For drinks, give preference to green tea and natural coffee.
  4. Regularly devote time to moderate exercise and walking outdoors.
  5. Regardless of the cause of the appearance of edema, you can not start them, because this can lead to excessive stress on the heart and kidneys, which will disrupt the functioning of these organs. Therefore, at the first signs of a problem, do not hesitate to visit a doctor and take the necessary measures. Because even if swelling is not a consequence of the disease, they still give a signal about some kind of malfunction in the body. Health to you and your loved ones!