Flowers in a summer cottage are decoration, creating a certain atmosphere for relaxation, and the pride of a gardener. Florists use perennial plants to create floral arrangements. Perennials wintering in open ground are most convenient for growing. Once planted, they can please beauty for a long time, requiring a minimum of care.
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Perennials wintering in open ground
Among perennials, there are many species that tolerate winter cold. They are left to winter in the garden. Some require shelter from the cold, others tolerate winter, covered only by snow.
Perennials have several advantages:
- Do not require an annual transplant.
- Withstand small frosts.
- Minimal care.
- Early flowering.
- Long decorative.
- Create beautiful flower beds from your own plants, getting new seedlings when transplanting and dividing.
Perennials can be divided according to the type of their root system: rhizomatous, root-root, bulbous. Each of these species has a large list of colors.
Among them are flowering winter-hardy perennial shrubs.
The most common species in our gardens:
- Barberry.
- Roses.
- Hydrangea.
- Bloodroot.
- Cotoneaster.
In early spring, they will please with their flowering:
- Forsythia
- Weigela.
- Spirea.
- Action.
- Almond.
- Mocker.
A very decorative perennial with luxurious flowers like roses, it is a peony. There are different flowering periods. In our climate, early peonies bloom well.They have a color of pink, white, red. Resistant varieties such as Sarah Bernhardt, Ballerina, Madame Roosevelt are popular. Later varieties Sylvia, Youth. They bloom in May and June. The latest peony variety is the black and red Lucky Star. It blooms in July.
Peonies love neutral soil, fertile, well-drained. He needs watering and feeding throughout the summer season. They plant a bush in sunny places, but at noon he needs shading. This single flower does not like close proximity to other plants.
Ground cover perennials
Among grassy perennials, ground cover species are popular. They grow, covering the soil with a dense floral carpet. Consider the more popular varieties.
Phlox awl
Multi-colored phlox jackets can decorate garden paths or create borders around flower beds. It has small needle-like leaves. It blooms in spring with tiny flowers of pink, blue or white. All summer preserves the decorativeness of green bushes, similar to pillows. It multiplies well by dividing the bush.
Ground-cover winter-hardy perennial. Creeping shoots form curtains up to 15 cm high. Blossoms in spring with silver-white flowers. It grows rapidly, covering a large space. Propagated by division of the bush and cuttings in the spring. Reproduction by seeds is possible.
Clove - grass
The plant looks like a low mound of grass that blooms with white or red stars in May. He loves sunny places, does not tolerate excess moisture. Propagated by division of rhizomes, seeds.
Stachis woolly
His shoots spread along the ground and take root. It has the appearance of a fluffy carpet, spread out along a path or flowerbed. Green leaves covered with gray fluff. The inflorescence has the appearance of spikelets of pink or purple flowers. Propagated by division of the rhizome or seed. He loves light, poor soil.
Creeping thyme
It forms undersized dense curtains. It blooms several times during the summer. After each flowering, inflorescences are removed. Unpretentious, frost-resistant. Prefers light, loose soil. Can propagate by self-sowing. Easy to grow. Thyme is very fragrant, used as a seasoning in cooking.
This plant can decorate the shady corners of the garden. Shade-loving. Leaves resemble hooves. Blooms early, beautiful. Even in the snow you can see its green foliage. All care - water in dry weather and cut off old shoots.
This perennial is loved by flower growers. Its leaves do not freeze in winter. Blooms with blue flowers in early spring. If there were no severe frosts in winter, among the white spring snow you can see green periwinkle baskets with delicate flowers. He loves shady places and slightly moist loamy soils. Propagated by division of the bush.
Stonecrop (sedum)
This group of plants has at least 500 species. They are very diverse. Only from stonecrops you can create an unusual beautiful flowerbed. Decorative flowers and leaves of the plant. Among them, there are lovers of the sun, others prefer the shadow. It blooms from spring to autumn.
Water it only with severe drought. Grows on poor and stony soils. Requires minimal maintenance. Winters without shelter. Propagation of the division of the bush or layering.
Bulbous flowers
One of the first spring flowers. These bulbous perennials bloom in April. From a large bulb, up to 6 buds are obtained. Overwinter in the open ground. They require a transplant every 4 years. Bulbs are dug in June, dried and stored until September. In late September, the material is planted on a flower bed.
Crocuses are frost-resistant plants, it is enough to cover the planting area with branches and hay. With the first heat, the shelter is removed. Flowers are white, pink, purple. They look very beautiful in a flower garden among bare land, sometimes still covered with the remnants of melting snow.
Onions irises
Beautiful early blooming orchid-like flowers.Unpretentious, but require compliance with some nuances when growing. The soil should not be constantly moist, does not tolerate stagnation of water, requires good drainage, liming of the soil, sunny place.
In one place can grow 5 years. Dig them after flowering and drying of the leaves. Planted in September - October, depending on the weather. You can not dig out every year.
The tulip strikes with a variety of shapes and colors. Variegated parrot varieties, tall specimens with large flowers, terry and pink. The colors are represented by all the colors of the rainbow. Even black tulips are grown. Bloom from early May to June. There are varieties with different flowering periods. Early varieties in a warm sunny place can bloom in April.
The plant prefers neutral soils, light with good drainage. Excess moisture causes rot of the bulbs. They require constant feeding. Transplanted every year, with some varieties this is done every three years.
Bulbs are harvested after the leaves have dried. They are dried in the shade, then stored in a cool, ventilated area. Planted in September. For the winter, the bulbs are mulched with peat, sawdust or soil. In the spring, the insulation is not raked, but only loosened. At the same time, moisture is retained in the soil.
Very beautiful ornamental plant. The first of the cultivated ones were snow-white lilies of the Madonna Lily variety with a delicate aroma. In addition to decorating, it was used to obtain fragrant perfume oil. If you plant varieties with different flowering periods on the plot, you will get a continuously flowering flower bed.
The most beautiful and fragrant oriental hybrids. But they are the most demanding in care. These are tall plants, in the middle and central part of Russia it is better to grow them in greenhouses and greenhouses. Asian and LA hybrids tolerate cool summers and frosty winters. They bloom for a long time.
When buying lilies, one must strictly apply to the choice of variety. In addition, they have different soil requirements. For example, LA hybrids need alkaline soil, and OT hybrids need acid.
The soil for lilies should be fertile, light, permeable. In the area with lilies, water should not hide after melting snow. They are transplanted after 4-5 years. The bulb during this time increases in growth and gives a lot of extra babies. They should be divided and planted in a new place.
Planting can be done in spring and autumn. When landing in the fall, this should be done from September to the last decade of October. The bulbs should take root, but not sprout, so as not to freeze. In December, planting is mulched with soil, peat or leaves. Care consists in watering and feeding, removing dried flowers and leaves.
Among these flowers, not all species can winter in the ground. These are beautiful early flowers. Very unpretentious. They can tolerate any soil except clay soil. Grow in the shade and in the sun. When feeding, they do not tolerate manure. For them, it is better to use mineral fertilizers. They begin to divide when a large bush forms. Divided into piles of several bulbs. Planted in August, early September. There are simple white species, terry white with a yellow center, completely yellow.
Hazel grouse (fritillaria)
There are several types of hazel grouse: imperial, chess, Mikhailovsky. The most beautiful is the tall imperial hazel grouse. It is crowned with a whole crown of bells tilted to the bottom, up to 5 cm long. A bunch of leaves is located above the crown. Other species of hazel grouse are more modest; they sometimes have several separate flowers.
Imperial hazel grouse needs replanting every year. 10 days after the end of flowering, it should be dug up, dried and stored until autumn. Planted in September. The soil is prepared fertile. In this case, the plant can no longer be fed. Grouse blooms in a sunny place. It has no pests, as it has an unpleasant garlic odor. Other plant species are transplanted after 3 years.
Popular winter-hardy perennials
Perennial plants wintering in the open ground a great many. Here is a list of the most famous who do not require much care and are always beautiful.
Considering the requirements of various perennials to the growing conditions, different types of garden are suitable for different parts of the garden.
For eastern and western palisades, these types are suitable:
- Aconite.
- Day-lily.
- Peony.
- Phlox.
- Mallow.
- Geranium.
- Geicher.
- Primrose.
- Chrysanthemum.
The northern part of the garden will be decorated:
- Astilba.
- Badan.
- Brunner.
- Volzhanka.
- Anemone.
- Kandyk.
- Lily of the valley.
- Hosts
The southern half of the garden should be placed with herbaceous perennials:
- Anemone
- Astra perennial.
- Gaylardia.
- Gelenium.
- Delphinium.
- The center.
- The bell is peachy.
- Day-lily.
- Lychnis.
Vines are very beautiful: maiden and Amur grapes, princes, honeysuckle. Favorite gardeners clematis, but among them it is worth choosing winter-hardy varieties.
The most unpretentious flowers for a summer residence
Perennial asters. They decorate the garden to frost, for which they received the name - Octobrinks. The plant does not have requirements for care, grows among sand and stones, is not afraid of frost.
Buzulnik. A beautiful plant, blooms for 30 days, tolerates shade well, is not demanding on the soil, but does not tolerate drought.
Gelenium is autumn. It blooms in autumn, does not require special care, loves sunny places, watering in drought is necessary. Propagated by self-sowing, it easily grows from the buds that form on last year's shoots.
Doronicum - an early flowering chamomile. It is tall or short. May-June blooms, then the aerial part disappears. At the end of summer, a basal rosette appears. Not demanding on soil and moisture.
Leotard It does not require any maintenance except watering in dry weather. Very elegant during flowering. After that, it loses decorativeness.
Day-lily. A plant for lazy gardeners. If you remove faded flowers, it will bloom for a long time. It grows and drowns out weeds. Need abundant watering in dry weather.
Crown Lychnisbegins flowering from May to the end of July. All larchis unpretentious, like well-drained soil, sunny areas. Not susceptible to pests and diseases. Frost-resistant, does not require shelter.
Stonecrop grow on any soil, easily tolerate drought, grow in the shade and in the sun. They can reproduce by self-sowing and bush growth. Can grow 5 years without transplant.
Leucanthemum - An ordinary chamomile, familiar from childhood. It grows wild in areas with a dry climate, hence its unpretentiousness. If not limited, it grows very widely.
Blooming all summer
Perennials for summer cottages, blooming all summer, will serve as a bright accent in any floral arrangement. Meet the most popular.
Astilba - blooms for a long time. The flowering period depends on the species. Chinese Astilba blooms from June to August.
Delphinium - flowering begins in June, lasts about a month. Repeated flowering begins in August, if the peduncles are removed before the seeds ripen. Some varieties bloom from July to September. You can always choose varieties that bloom at different times and create a flowerbed, decorative all summer.
Rudbeckia - blooms in June. In the sun, flowers are brighter and denser. It is decorative throughout the summer period.
Echinacea - ornamental and medicinal plant. It blooms from June to mid-October, if warm autumn favors this.
Lupine. Flowering continues throughout the summer period. To do this, remove dry inflorescences before the seeds ripen.
Day-lily - the flower bud blooms in his morning and already withers by evening. Next flower blooms next. To prevent flowering, it is necessary to prune dried flowers.
Soft cuff - blooms with lacy flowers, which form inflorescences similar to an openwork cloud.
Astrantia. People call Zvezdovka. Forms flowers similar to asterisks. They bloom at the same time and form a continuous floral carpet. Flowering lasts all the summer months.
How to prepare perennials for winter
For a successful wintering of perennials, preparatory work is necessary.
- Remove dried flowers and shoots from grassy species. In shrubs, trim old and diseased branches.
- Inspect the plant for pests. Remove them if necessary, treat the bushes and soil with an insecticide.
- Mulch the earth around wintering flowers and bushes.
Peeling, sawdust, dry grass, humus, gravel are used for mulching. Work is carried out in dry weather from the end of October until mid-November.
Above roses and other tall plants arrange huts made of fir branches or frame shelter with waterproof material.
Phlox, astilbe, bruner, peonies are cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground. The soil around is covered with mulch. They do not require additional shelter.
The flower world is diverse. To decorate your garden, you need to choose plants that will please you with their decorativeness for a long time and not require daily care. Perennials are very convenient in this regard. But as neighbors, species should be selected that require the same conditions and do not exert harmful effects on each other.