Myrtle, whose home care is not complicated, is an evergreen. In the Mediterranean countries, it is grown as a shrub or small tree, and in a cold climate it has become a houseplant. Myrtle is often perceived as a gift for the bride, which portends a successful marriage.
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Types and varieties of flower
Several species of myrtle are grown at home.
The most popular are:
- Myrtle ordinary or myrtle myrtle is the most common species. The trunk of the plant is not long, well developed. The bark is exfoliating. Her color is red-brown. Small leathery leaves have a deep green hue with a very pleasant aroma.
- Tarentina is a compact shrub.
- Alhambra - forms fruit berries and is characterized by very dense green foliage;
- Variegata - the plant stands out among others for its very variegated foliage.
If desired, on sale you can find more exotic forms of myrtle, but the most common are very beautiful with proper cultivation.
Myrtle - cultivation features
Myrtle at home is grown in two ways - from seeds or apical cuttings. Those plants that are commercially available are most often obtained by cuttings. At home, if you want to grow myrtle on your own, you can use both methods.
With seeds
Reproduction of myrtle by seeds is not the most effective, but it is still used by amateur gardeners. Seeds are planted in early spring in a pre-prepared light substrate, which is composed of peat and sand, taken in equal amounts. Soil is poured into the landing box with a layer of 10 cm.Then seeds are sown on it and they are covered with 4 cm thick soil on top. After that, the soil is well-moistened and covered with glass. The temperature of seed germination should not be below +20 degrees. For ventilation, the glass must be raised 1 time per day for 4-5 minutes. Seeds germinate after about 2 weeks. If the seedlings are excessively thick, they are thinned out.
Plants dive when 3 leaves appear on them.
30 days after germination, the first top dressing with nitrogen fertilizer in a weak concentration is carried out. Subsequent feeding is carried out once a month, while complex mineral fertilizing and organic fertilizer alternate.
Cuttings allows you to get a new plant that fully preserves the parental properties. Cuttings can be cut only from a healthy myrtle. Take too young shoots for them should not be. For cuttings, only semi-lignified shoots are used. The slice, which is made at an angle of 45 degrees, is processed by rootstock to stimulate the formation of roots. After the stalk is placed in the ground, which must always be moist. When everything goes right, the stalk takes root, and a new plant begins to develop. If you miss a moment, and the soil in the pot dries, the stalk will not be able to let out roots, even after restoration of soil moisture. After rooting, care will be the same as for an adult plant.
Myrtle Care at Home
For quality development, the plant needs to provide good care. Only in this case will it remain attractive for a long time. Proper care at home contributes to regular flowering, which is very beautiful.
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Temperature and humidity
The optimal temperature for the plant is + 22 + 24 degrees. In summer, myrtle feels especially well if it is taken out to fresh air, but not left under the scorching sun. In winter, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to +10 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the indoor flower stands.
Humidity does not play a big role, but still, it is worth considering that myrtle grows better if it is less in winter than in summer. To do this, in the summer months, in order to increase air humidity, it is recommended to place the plant on a claydite saucer, in which a little water is poured. Evaporating, it will humidify the air around the plant. In the cold season, do not put a saucer.
Watering and feeding
Watering should be regular and at the same time moderate. With excessive moisture, the myrtle can begin to rot. Also daily, the plant is sprayed with water. Without this, the aboveground part will begin to dry out and turn yellow. Use for irrigation and spraying should only be settled water at room temperature. In winter, myrtle is watered once a week and is not sprayed. The humidification of the crown in the cold season is carried out only if the room is hot.
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Myrtle is fed with complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. In summer, top dressing is carried out once a week, and in winter once a month. It is important to carefully monitor the plant's response to fertilizer. If it over-feeds, then this means that the drug is not sufficiently diluted, or another means must be used.
Flower pruning
Pruning myrtle is needed in order to form its crown. It should be done in the spring 1 time in 2 years. It is important to catch up to the moment when the active vegetation begins. In the summer months, only pinching of the emerging shoots is allowed. After trimming or pinching, the plant must be additionally fed with chlorine-free fertilizer. A very active cutting of the plant is not desirable, as it will cause poor-quality formation of flower buds. However, myrtle is easily amenable to crown formation. You can create pyramids, balls and other shapes.
Myrtle flower grows slowly, and frequent transplantation is not required. It is enough to do it once a year in a young plant and once every 2-3 years in an adult. The best time for this is winter, when the plant is at rest and can easily tolerate all stressful moments.
A few days before transplantation, myrtle is not watered. The plant is transplanted by transshipment without disturbing the earthen coma. It is good to lower the myrtle for 5 minutes in a growth stimulator, since in this case it will be easier for it to take root. The new pot should be larger than the previous one, but no more than 7 cm in diameter, so that it does not leave excess soil that will fade.
Flowering plants occur in early or mid-summer. Flowers, depending on the variety, are simple or double, single or collected in a brush. The main flower mass is located in the upper part of the plant, which is as light as possible. After pruning, there will be no flowering, and therefore, during the formation of the crown, the myrtle blooms only once a year.
Winter care
In winter, the tree is at rest. If it is not moved to a cool place, it begins to drop leaves and loses its attractive appearance. There is no danger from this, and in spring the green mass will recover. Until the resumption of active growth of the culture, the frequency of watering and the number of top dressings are reduced.
Myrtle: reproduction
Propagation of the plant occurs by cuttings or seeds, as described above.
Common plant diseases
In general, myrtle is a fairly strong plant that practically does not suffer from diseases. If it is poured, then the decay and damage of the flower by putrefactive bacteria and fungi begins. To solve the problem, the plant begins to be watered sparingly.
Pests primarily affect the old myrtle. The main pests are aphids and scale insects. If they are found on a plant, it is required to immediately treat it with a special drug from pests.
Myrtle is a very attractive indoor flower that, with proper care, will grow for many years.