Miramistin is an antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It can be used as an external, local preparation. Miramistin composition allows you to treat fungal, bacterial, viral infections. The drug is often used for colds, gynecological diseases.

Composition and form of release

The composition of the drug includes an active component of miramistin.

The drug is available in the following forms:

  • ointments with a water-soluble base;
  • spray with a colorless, transparent solution that forms foam during shaking.

Miramistin ointment, in addition to the active component, contains disodium salt. The preparation in the form of a solution contains purified water. The package, in addition to the spray, contains nozzles that help carry out the procedures.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Miramistin is an antiseptic that is used to treat the wound surface in order to prevent the penetration of infection and destroy existing pathogenic microorganisms. Instructions for use note the effectiveness of the drug in relation to gram-positive, gram-negative organisms, fungi, virus. The effectiveness of the active substance in relation to herpes is noted.

On a note! Miramistin can be used to eliminate microorganisms that indicate antibiotic resistance.

Cases of treatment of miramistin with sexually transmitted diseases are known. The drug solution accelerates the healing of the wound, preventing the infection from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, the active component allows local immunity to be activated, reducing the brightness of the manifestation of the inflammatory process that occurs in the wound area.

Miramistin is used as part of the complex treatment of serious skin diseases. In this case, a faster recovery is noted. Under the influence of the main component, the release of purulent exudate, the drying of the wound are accelerated. The surface of the affected area is covered with a new epidermis. Due to the fact that the drug does not penetrate the circulatory system, it does not affect the liver and kidneys. Therefore, Miramistin can be safely prescribed to patients suffering from pathology of these organs.

What is Miramistin prescribed for?

This antiseptic can be used to treat various organs.

It is usually used in the following conditions:

  • purulent wound surfaces to prevent suppuration;
  • fungal lesions. Actively the drug is used to combat candida fungi, pyoderma, dermatomycosis. Moreover, the solution can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of pathology;
  • in gynecology, to prevent infection on the background of microcracks, rupture during childbirth;
  • urethritis, in order to prevent relapse, relieve unpleasant symptoms;
  • in dentistry. For the treatment of gum disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • ENT organs. Particularly effective in relation to tonsillitis, inflamed throat mucosa, against a background of bacterial infection.

Miramistin can be used exclusively as a complex treatment that prevents the spread of infection.

Instructions for use for adults and children

Miramistin spray is prescribed individually, in accordance with the type of disease:

  • purulent sinusitis requires washing with a Miramistin solution of the maxillary sinus;
  • tonsillitis, laryngitis is treated with 3x spray of the drug three times a day;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis are treated by rinsing the oral cavity with 10 ml of the drug three times a day;
  • treatment of wounds, burns, fistulas requires irrigation of the affected area three times a day;
  • in gynecology, vaginal treatment is required in the form of the introduction of tampons treated with a solution up to 2 times per day;
  • in order to prevent the development of a sexually transmitted disease, you should do a vaginal treatment no later than 2 hours after unprotected intercourse. It is also necessary to treat the hips, pubis, genitals. For best efficiency, you should not allow the treated area to get wet for at least 2 hours;
  • urethritis is treated with 2 single injections twice a day.

Children under 6 years of age are treated with 2 single injections up to 3 times a day, up to 14 years of age - by pressing 2 times up to 4 times a day. Usually, Miramistin therapy lasts 4 days, but it can be extended to 10 days. Upon reaching age 14, an adult dosage is recommended.

The drug in the form of an ointment is applied in a thin layer directly to the affected area after standard treatment. A gauze dressing is required on top. It is possible to treat Miramistin with burns, wounds, fistulas, dermatological diseases, fungal lesions of the nail plate.

The duration of treatment is considered individually, how the infection process has spread. Sometimes Miramistin Darnitsa in the form of ointment is in combination with antibiotic therapy. Usually, overlaying is done up to 3 times a day for 5 days. If necessary, the course increases.

During pregnancy and lactation

Miramistin is a safe drug that does not enter the bloodstream, does not cross the placental barrier through breast milk, which is why the antiseptic is widely used during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Drug interaction

Since the active substance Miramistin does not enter the circulatory system, there is no negative effect when in contact with other groups of medications. The drug is widely used in the form of complex therapy. This antiseptic agent is able to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, antifungal drugs, recovery is faster.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Unlike other antiseptic drugs, Miramistin is characterized by good tolerance. The only contraindication to its use is the individual intolerance of the active component. Also during treatment, side effects of the drug are extremely rare, in the form of burning of the treated area, skin rashes. Usually, this symptomatology is not a reason for refusing to use an antiseptic.

Terms of sale and storage

Miramistin Darnitsa is on sale, does not require a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored in a dry place devoid of sunlight at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. It is necessary to prevent the medication from falling into the hands of children.

Antiseptic analogues

This antiseptic belongs to mid-range drugs.

The following Miramistin analogues are usually selected:

  • Chlorhexidine, which is most effective against staphylococci, E. coli. The drug is published as a solution for topical application;
  • Rotokan is based on natural ingredients. The solution is used as a rinse, inhalation. In addition, the drug is a good antispasmodic used to treat enterocolitis;
  • Chlorophyllipt, which is also a plant product. It is published in tablet form, solution in alcohol, oil. The drug is based on eucalyptus leaves, is widely used as an inhalation remedy for acute respiratory infections, causes an allergic reaction;
  • Furatsilin. Tablets are used to combat many bacteria, from which a solution is widely used that is used to gargle;
  • Hexaspray. This antiseptic is available in the form of an aerosol. Successfully treats sore throat, enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs;
  • Cameton based on herbal ingredients. The drug effectively treats bacteria, helps to eliminate sore throat, relieve the inflammatory process;
  • Tantum Verde is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that eliminates sore throat. Widely used in dentistry;
  • Yox, used as a gargle, eliminates pain, relieves the inflammatory process;
  • Lugol is an iodine-based drug widely used to treat ENT organs;
  • Protargol is a preparation containing particles of silver, characterized by antifungal, antimicrobial action.

Often, patients compare chlorhexidine and miramistin. The first drug is cheaper than Miramistin, has another active substance, has a similar therapeutic effect. However, it was noted that Chlorhexidine is most effective in relation to the bacterial lesion of ENT organs. Miramistin antiseptic solution is most effective against viruses, fungi.

Miramistin is an antiseptic used to treat bacterial, infectious, fungal diseases of various organs.