Miramistin is a popular antiseptic available in every home. Widespread due to a number of properties that help get rid of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Miramistin with thrush can be used by both men and women. Mushrooms of the genus candida are suppressed with this agent especially easily.

The composition of the drug

Miramistin is an antiseptic drug, which is a solution for topical application.

The benefit of the drug is reduced to the effect of its active substance - benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate and auxiliary water-soluble substances. You can buy an ointment or a solution of the drug.

The mechanism of action of Miramistin in candidiasis

Miramistin is an antiseptic used externally.

Important. The main advantage of the drug (unlike antibiotics) is that it does not interfere with the biochemical processes of bacteria and fungi, but creates an environment in which they cannot live.

Miramistin has a double effect:

  • inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microflora, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect;
  • blocks the reproduction of other negative microorganisms that may “stick” to candidiasis.

The drug is prescribed not only as an additional therapeutic agent for the main antifungal therapy, but also as a prophylactic composition for patients at risk for candidiasis.

Instructions for use for women and men

The rules for using the tool depend on where the pathological process developed, and the patient's gender.

Important. Before using Miramistin, you need to consult a specialist regarding the rules of admission.


Miramistin with thrush in women is one of the first means of the therapeutic process. Most often, douching is used for treatment.

Under the influence of the composition, it is possible to quickly achieve the expected result. After the first procedure, there are noticeable improvements. It will take 6-7 days to completely get rid of the disease.

Important! It is not recommended to interrupt treatment in the middle of the course. In this case, the chances of resuming pathology are great.

If a woman has been treated for 3 days, but no improvement has occurred, a doctor should be visited again. You may have to choose a different course of treatment.

To achieve maximum effect and consolidate the result, the patient must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Conduct daily hygiene procedures only with products that do not contain aggressive components with lactic acid.
  2. Minimize fast carbohydrate intake.
  3. Underwear to choose not close, from natural fabrics.
  4. Stop using flavored daily pads.
  5. Combine antibiotic therapy with probiotics and prebiotics to prevent the development of dysbiosis.
  6. Exclude accidental and unprotected sex.

The first symptoms of thrush can not be ignored. Timely diagnosis increases the chances of a quick recovery.


Thrush in men is also treated with Miramistin. Candidiasis is able to affect the glans penis (balanitis) or the inner leaf of the foreskin (forgive).

Treatment of such pathologies is carried out using lotions with Miramistin. A piece of bandage is folded into several layers, wetted in a solution of the product and applied to the affected area for 5 minutes. In addition, it is recommended using a urological nozzle to introduce 3 ml of solution into the urethra. After the procedure, within 2 hours, try not to cope with small needs.

It is advisable to treat Miramistin the entire genital organ, perineum and inner thighs.

The duration of treatment is set by the attending physician, usually a week, if 2-3 procedures are performed per day.

Treatment of thrush in the mouth in infants with a spray

Thrush in the mouth of a newborn is a common phenomenon. Treatment of thrush with miramistin in infants is allowed. This tool is very convenient in that it has no smell, taste, and does not cause irritation. The spray is better for use.

The affected area in the child's mouth is treated with gauze soaked in Miramistin solution.

Important! Rubbing areas with a white coating on the mucous membranes is strictly prohibited!

Spray is used only after consultation with the doctor. It is usually recommended that the child treat the affected area several times a day after feeding.

Use in candidiasis in children

In pediatrics, candidiasis in children is widespread. To combat pathology, children over 3 years of age are usually prescribed Miramistin. It is advisable to teach the baby to rinse his mouth with an antiseptic and do this up to 4 times a day.

If the child has not learned to rinse, then it is necessary that he hold the solution in his mouth for about 30 seconds and spit it out. For such a procedure, 10-15 ml of the drug will be required.

How to do douching

It is especially effective to use Miramistin for the treatment of thrush in women in the form of douching. Thus, it will be possible to direct the therapeutic effect on the elimination of the fungi that caused the pathology. The duration of treatment is up to 7 days. There is a special nozzle on the medicine vial with which you can carry out a similar procedure.

Before using the contents of the bottle, it is necessary to bring the nozzle into working condition according to the instructions.

For the procedure, a woman must lie on her back and bend her knees. Using a gynecological nozzle, the contents of the vial are injected into the vagina. The solution is likely to leak, so it is better to stock up on the gasket.

In the event that Miramistin purchased at a pharmacy does not contain a special tube, you can use a regular syringe for the procedure.

Important! Before douching, all items that will be involved in the healing process must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water. The genitals should also be rinsed.

Thus, douching with thrush occupies an important place in therapeutic measures.

Side effects and contraindications

The advantage of the drug is that it has no restrictions on use and is well tolerated by all patients. Miramistin is allowed during pregnancy.

Nevertheless, some nuances should still be known. So, with increased sensitivity to the drug, its use should be discontinued. In addition, it is not recommended to make independent decisions regarding the time of treatment. The dosage and density of the treatment process must be strictly adhered to.

In exceptional cases, Miramistin can cause discomfort. In a patient with especially sensitive skin, a slight burning sensation may appear, which passes very quickly. This is not a reason to stop using the drug.

Miramistin is a valuable therapeutic agent, especially effective for eliminating fungal infection. Its main advantage is the absence of side effects. The drug is non-toxic, simple and convenient to use.