Our world is full of all kinds of bacteria, germs and viruses that cause various diseases in the human body. In the 70s of the last century, scientists of the Soviet Union managed to release a medicine that was originally developed for the special conditions of space in order to disinfect the hands of astronauts and the surfaces inside the space station - Miramistin. Now this tool is widely used by doctors in various fields to treat many health problems, including ENT orientation. Miramistin for the throat will be discussed in this material.
Material Content:
Composition, release form and packaging
Benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate is the main active ingredient in the drug. An additional ingredient is purified water. This clear or slightly yellow, odorless solution foams when shaken. The pharmaceutical industry produces it in bottles with 0.01% liquid inside. The drug is also in the form of ointments, spray, drops for the nose and ears. For gynecological and urological orientation make special nozzles.
Pharmacological action and indications for use
The therapeutic effect is exerted by the surface-active properties of the drug when the main component interacts with pathogenic microorganisms, and more precisely, their membrane lipids. The uniqueness of Miramistin lies in the ability to select diseased cells without affecting healthy ones.
If we talk about ENT pathologies, then the remedy is shown in the following cases:
- If the outer and middle ear is inflamed.
- With otitis in acute and chronic form.
- If diagnosed with a runny nose, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. The use of the drug for allergic sinusitis effectively relieves swelling and improves breathing, which allows you to refuse to take drops to narrow the vessels.
- Angina (viral or bacterial) is successfully treated with Miramistin, both in adults and in children.
For sore throats, the medicine is in the form of a spray and solution. The first is widely used by pediatricians, due to its ease of use. Although the second is better in terms of effectiveness, since it allows you to treat the entire inflamed area.
This drug helps to get rid of both diseases of the ear, throat and nose, and other pathologies:
- purulent wounds, suppurations and purulent inflammatory processes of the spine, bones and joints - the sphere of influence of traumatologists and surgeons;
- gynecologists with obstetricians prevent and treat suppuration in the perineum, stop inflammation and relieve infections that occur after childbirth;
- Combustiologists take medicine for the treatment of burns 2 and 3 degrees, and also prepare burn surfaces before dermoplasty;
- dentists use an antiseptic to protect and cure inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity and carry out hygienic measures to care for dentures;
- fungal lesions on the skin and mucous membranes - the field of activity of dermatologists with venereologists who successfully eliminate these pathologies with the described drug;
- urologists treat cystitis with urethritis and ureprostatitis in a chronic and acute form, provided the disease appears due to non-specific pathogenic microorganisms.
Miramistin showed himself perfectly as a protective agent against diseases of the intimate sphere such as genital candidiasis, herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.
Instructions for use
An antiseptic for the treatment of throat is applicable in two forms - spray and solution. The first is good in that they can handle hard-to-reach spots. But in the case of restless babies, it is better to use the solution.
With proper use of the second type, you can smear the entire diseased surface. With his presence, lotions, douching, wetting and rubbing are done.
It is necessary to spray Miramistin throat 3 to 4 times a day:
- Children from 3 to 6 years old will need only one injection.
- At the age of 7-14 years - two clicks.
- Starting from 14 years and older - up to 4 injections at a time.
Therapy is carried out for 5-10 days, but in the absence of addiction to the drug.
Important: a medicine is not a substitute for an antibiotic, which means that it only complements the main treatment.
When a period of massive colds begins, it is advisable to spray Miramistin with a throat spray once a day.
To gargle with Miramistin, you need to stock up 10-15 ml of the composition - this is an adult dose. From 3 to 7 ml will be enough for children. Dilute the composition with boiled water 1/1. The procedure is done after meals, repeating up to 5 times a day.
After treatment, do not eat or drink for 30 minutes. And during its implementation, it is important not to swallow the drug, controlling that it does not penetrate the nasopharynx.
It is advisable to alternate rinses with this medicine with decoctions of chamomile, sage or oak bark. If suppuration formed in the throat, then the throat is rubbed with a solution, soaking a cotton swab with it. And to reduce the pain, alternate aerosol spray with rinses.
This antiseptic is harmless, because it is not absorbed into the blood, does not have a systemic effect. The minimum age when it is already possible to use the drug is 3 years, although some pediatricians prescribe it for very young children. But before you start using it, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1/1 or 1/2.
During pregnancy and lactation
Due to its high safety, the product can be used during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth during lactation.But this applies to external treatment - treatment with the ingestion of a medicine inside is permissible only if there is a special need and only after the permission of the doctor.
The vast majority of gynecologists recommend using Miramistin only from 4 months of pregnancy, despite the permission prescribed in the instructions to do this throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Spraying the throat with a spray is permissible only from 3 trimesters - 3 presses on the sprayer up to 4 times a day for 4 to 10 days.
After the procedure, do not take food and water for half an hour. It is also important to hold your breath during spraying, and then carefully spit the solution.
The appearance of itching with discomfort, redness on the skin, dryness, swelling, or severe burning after treatment with the drug puts a ban on the use of this antiseptic to a pregnant and lactating woman.
Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
Antibacterial properties are enhanced while taking antibiotics and antifungal drugs with this medicine.
Locally, an antiseptic protects against conflict with any other medicines, which allows them to be taken without correction of the therapeutic course.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
There are no contraindications for the use of Miramistin, except for individual intolerance, expressed by various allergic reactions to the skin.
Urticaria with swelling and itching are possible side effects from taking the medicine.
An overdose is possible during the processing or irrigation of pathological zones, if you do this uncontrollably and swallow the solution in unacceptable quantities. In this case, only a slight feeling of nausea will appear.
Antiseptic analogs
If this drug cannot be used, but no less effective antibacterial agent of similar action is required, then a similar agent can be purchased:
- Chlorhexidine copes with microorganisms and fungi, without acting on viruses. Minus is a more dangerous effect on the human body. Plus - less cost;
- a cheap and popular substitute for Miramistin is hydrogen peroxide, which is in any medical and pharmaceutical institution;
- very often for gargling, a tincture of eucalyptus is prescribed, which has a natural base, which has a bright antimicrobial activity;
- to get rid of tonsillitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity of an inflammatory nature, Miramistin substitute - Chlorophyllipt alcohol, is suitable.
There are similar preparations in the form of aerosols. These include - Lugol and Ingalipt, Cameton and Maxicold Lore.
And finally, about the pluses of Miramistin - it is also good because it does not require cold to store it, and room temperature is also suitable. And also, you don’t need to go to the doctor to buy a medicine, which is another proof of its safety. Health to you and your loved ones!