The benefits of almonds are to combine the unique composition of various nutrients that have a positive effect on humans. Its core is pleasant and sweet in taste, but the pericarp (pulp) is absolutely not suitable for food. What is nut useful and what diseases can be cured with its help, we will consider in this article.
Material Content:
Almonds: composition, calories and nutritional value
An easily accessible and tasty nut kernel improves the general condition of the human body and strengthens the immune system, but this is far from all of its positive qualities.
The composition of nuts combines a complex of valuable and rare components found in nature:
- vitamins: PP, E, B;
- bioflavonoids;
- monounsaturated fats;
- antioxidants;
- acids of organic origin;
- macro and microelements (zinc, copper, calcium, iron, potassium).
In particular, doctors and nutritionists note the high content of certain trace elements in the product (% of the daily norm is indicated):
- magnesium - not less than 58%;
- phosphorus - from 59%.
- Manganese - 96%.
In almonds, the concentration of cholates, choline, tocopherol and other beneficial substances is so high that 30 g of the product is enough to provide the human body with the daily norm of the most necessary trace elements and vitamins.
The beneficial properties of the nut lie in the energy value combined with its chemical composition. Almonds contain 4 different types of fats, but compared to other varieties of nuts, the percentage of their concentration is much weaker. By the number of nutrients, the product can ideally be combined with any other food.Per 100 g of almonds, the nutritional value of the product in the calculation is as follows.
- water - 4 gr. (0.1%);
- carbohydrates - 13 gr. (10%);
- food fibers - 7 gr. (35%);
- calories - 609 Kcal (43%);
- fats - 53.7 gr. (82%);
- proteins –18.6 g. (23%).
What is useful almond nut for the human body?
The benefit of this product is the ability to enhance the performance of vital body systems. In addition, vitamins B1, B2, B6 restore the skeletal system, strengthen teeth, hair and skin. The special properties of a number of fatty acids and trace elements positively affect the quality of digestion and metabolism in the body.
The product can be consumed at any age as a dietary supplement.
Useful properties of almonds:
- Helps to remove toxins from the body.
- It activates the growth and metabolism in the body, so it is often prescribed for the category of children who have a problem of developmental retardation.
- The presence of monounsaturated fats ensures timely metabolism in the cell, thereby enhancing immunity and inhibiting the aging process.
- Almond oil is used to treat colds and respiratory diseases.
- Dried almonds are prescribed for patients with high blood cholesterol.
- Reduces acidity, regulates the amount of gastric juice secreted by the stomach.
- Strengthens the nervous system.
- It renews and rejuvenates blood due to enrichment with microelements, improves coagulation and enhances circulation.
- Participates in the removal of sand from the kidneys.
- Enhances potency.
- Oil is used as an auxiliary substance in the treatment of wounds, inflammations, burns and other destruction of the skin.
What diseases can be cured with almonds?
Important! Most often, almonds are not used as a separate drug, but in combination with other medicines prescribed by a doctor.
This method of application allows you to maximize its beneficial properties and enhance the therapeutic effect.
Experts advise using it in any form, as a prophylactic:
- against stroke;
- to improve the work of the digestive tract;
- for people with low hemoglobin;
- to improve metabolism;
- as a means to remove toxins.
It is interesting:what glycated hemoglobin shows
Daily Nutritional Dose
Almonds are a food product with a powerful set of various useful and necessary substances for the body. Some of them, such as manganese and magnesium are not so often found in such a concentration, so you need to be careful with their use so that instead of the expected benefits, they do not harm the body.
Specialists and nutritionists advise to adhere to the following norms for eating walnut:
- For adults, with minor health problems, the daily dose should not exceed 40 gr.
- Pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases, it is first necessary to consult with specialists about the daily dosage. This is especially important for obesity, diabetes and other difficult to cure diseases.
- Children are allowed to eat nuts from the age of 3, starting with a minimum quantity of 10 grams. gradually increasing to 20 gr.
- Adolescents and people aged, provided there are no prohibitions on the use, it will be most useful to adhere to the golden mean: 25-30 gr.
The greatest benefit is the product in its raw form.
Before use, the nut is soaked for 1-2 hours, after which the liquid is drained and, after waiting some more time, eat almonds for food.
Almond milk - benefits and harms
Almond milk has found its application in three different industries: medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Such a wide range of use of the product is explained by the presence in it of the most valuable energy and other components. But it can not be given to infants, and it is also forbidden to use for the manufacture of infant formula.In all other cases, the product is approved for use, excluding the category of people in whom it can cause allergies.
When to take it:
- to normalize weight (dietetics);
- to improve tooth enamel, strengthen bones;
- to strengthen hair and return it to a healthy color;
- in order to strengthen muscle tissue;
- with poor digestion;
- to improve the functioning of the organs of vision.
Important! Almond milk does not contain lactose and is easy to use in cooking. It does not require preheating and tastes better than cow.
Almond oil
Oil has found its application in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.
- Culinary specialists use it in combination with other spices for the preparation of salads, sauces and meat and fish dishes.
- Doctors advise using it as a comprehensive tool for inhalation and in drugs for treating colds.
- Beauticians use the product in various balms, creams and as nourishing masks.
The substance is extracted by cold pressing, and exclusively sweet plant varieties are used for these purposes.
When choosing oil, you need to pay attention to its color and consistency, which have characteristic features:
- transparent and not viscous;
- golden yellow;
- without sediment and turbidity.
If the liquid is tasted or sniffed, the smell of a nut with a delicately sweet taste will be clearly palpable.
Important! Oil can not be stored for a long time in an open container, then it loses its useful properties.
Not differing in high concentration of fats, oil perfectly stimulates hair growth. Fashionistas specifically use the product to strengthen and enhance the growth of eyelashes, applying a thin layer of a special brush on them.
Dried, toasted almonds - what are the benefits?
Most people prefer to eat fried almonds, believing that the product, undergoing special processing, acquires not only additional taste, but also becomes more useful. At home, they fry it when they want to cook it as a dessert.
Important! For the treatment of diseases, only fresh or dried product is used.
In men, it well restores reproductive functions, restoring potency, increases the amount of testosterone and increases libido.
In women, the product increases resistance to various diseases, including gynecological, improves blood coagulation during menstruation, participates in the process of recovery of the body after diseases.
In cosmetology, the substance is used to prepare masks and agents that slow down the aging process of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
Possible harm from eating nuts
Walnut is considered an extremely valuable food product and raw material used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, medicine and cooking.
But in some cases it is also contraindicated:
- if the product causes an allergic reaction;
- with obesity;
- for people who have a malfunction in the heart (the presence of essential oils can exacerbate the problem);
- for the category of people suffering from severe CNS disorders.
Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating the product salted - this can provoke a sharp jump in blood pressure or cause swelling.
With its exceptional properties, almonds have become popular far beyond the regions where it grows. It perfectly helps to resist various diseases, but its use should be in moderation and, preferably, after consultation with your doctor. By the way, almond kernels in the wild are found not only sweet, but also disgustingly bitter.
- Tatyana Vovk.