Milgamma compositum - A worthy representative of B vitamins. Able to strengthen immunity in just a month, stop the complications of diabetes, restore beauty to the skin, and clearness to thinking.
Material Content:
- 1 Composition (active substance), release form and packaging
- 2 Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics
- 3 Why is Milgamma Compositum prescribed?
- 4 Instructions for use of B vitamins in tablets
- 5 Drug interaction
- 6 Milgamma injections compatible with alcohol
- 7 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 8 Cheap analogues of a complex of vitamins of group B
Composition (active substance), release form and packaging
The composition of the Milgamma compositum tablets includes two of the eight B vitamins: pyridoxine (B6) and thiamine derivative (B1) - benfotiamine.
The drug is produced in Germany.
One tablet Milgamma compositum contains:
Active components | Excipients | Shell |
- vitamin B1 (thiamine), 100 mg - vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), 100 mg | microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) - povidone K30 - omega-3 triglycerides (20%) - colloidal silicon dioxide - carmellose sodium - talc | - shellac - sucrose - calcium carbonate - talc - acacia gum - corn starch - titanium dioxide - colloidal silicon dioxide - povidone - macrogol - glycerol 85% - polysorbate 80 - mountain glycol wax |
The main part of non-active substances is MCC.
White tablets are in plastic blisters (15 pieces each).
Packing: cardboard packs of 1, 2 or 4 blisters.
Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics
Milgamma Compositum refers to metabolic agents that saturate body tissues with the desired concentration of pyridoxine and thiamine. B vitamins have many pharmacodynamic properties. As coenzymes necessary for metabolic processes, as a catalyst and active center of the enzyme molecule.
Thiamine has a positive effect on the regeneration of damaged nervous matter, energizes axoplasmic transport, controls carbohydrate-protein metabolism, improves the quality of the nerve impulse, and promotes analgesic manifestations.
Pyridoxine activates enzymes of nerve cells, synthesizes neurotransmitters and transport proteins in nerve fibers, stimulates collagen formation, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. B6 is involved in the production of neurotransmitters: serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These substances control mood and normalize the pain threshold.
Vitamins are used in the treatment of polyneuropathy (polyneuropathy).
Russian and foreign studies prove the particular effectiveness of therapeutic doses of the drug for the regeneration of peripheral nerves in case of diseases of alcoholic and diabetic etiology.
Polyneuropathies are based on vascular and metabolic mechanisms. Benfotiamine is capable of absorbing the final glycation products. The substance in fat-soluble form is absorbed 5 times faster than B1. At the cellular level, the effect exceeds the effect of thiamine by 5–25 times, while the level of toxicity is lower. The erythrocyte B1 content during the administration of benfotiamine becomes 3 times higher, the activity of transketolase increases by 400%.
Vitamin-rich tissues contribute to the functioning of enzyme systems, minimize nerve degeneration, improve blood flow, and increase reserves of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), an energy source for biochemical processes. Pyridoxine is involved in the metabolism of fats and tryptophan, an amino acid necessary for the biosynthesis of proteins (protein) and the hormone melatonin.
The components of the complex of vitamins of group B complement and potentiate each other.
Why is Milgamma Compositum prescribed?
Doctors prescribe the drug when diagnosing a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6 for the treatment of neurological pathologies and other physiological abnormalities.
How is the lack of B6
The main part of the vitamin a person receives with food.
Pyridoxine is a group of compounds that includes the following components:
- pyridoxamine and pyridoxal contained in animal food;
- pyridoxine of plant origin.
If a deficiency of folic acid (B9) and cyanocobalamin (B12) is detected in the body, as a rule, a deficiency of pyridoxine also accompanies it. Deviation is often observed in people with autoimmune diseases, diseases of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. This is a common problem of pregnant women, smokers, chronic alcoholics, people with endocrine problems, in particular, obesity.
Pyridoxine catalyzes 150 enzymatic reactions: it synthesizes fat, proteins and carbohydrates.
An insufficient concentration of a substance in the tissues is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Skin problems: rash, increased release of fat on the skin of the face and head, seborrheic dermatitis.
- Inflammation and fissures on the lips.
- Glossitis: a painful, abnormally red tongue with a glossy surface. Other pathologies of the mucous membranes are stomatitis, conjunctivitis.
- Depression, anxiety, irritability, troubled sleep, increased sensitivity to pain due to impaired formation of neurotransmitters.
- Weakened immunity. With a deficiency of vitamin A, the body decreases: the production of antibodies to fight infections, the number of leukocytes, the protein interleukin-2, which controls white blood cells.
- Fatigue and lack of energy. The reason is a violation of the processes of hemoglobin formation.Cells experience oxygen starvation; anemia develops. Lack of pyridoxine disrupts the formation of melatonin, a sleep stimulant.
- Digestive diseases: gastritis, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome.
- Peripheral neuropathy. Damage to nerve fibers causes numbness, convulsions, tingling, pain in the extremities, problems of the vestibular apparatus, polyneuritis of the type of radiculitis and neuralgia.
- Muscle cramps and seizures due to excessive stimulation of the brain with insufficient production of GABA.
- Excessive blood concentrations of homocysteine, a byproduct of protein absorption. Its abnormally high level damages blood vessels and nerves.
Vitamin B6 is indispensable for the body.
Having the function of coenzyme, it manifests itself as follows:
- stimulates - the production of acid for the secretory function of the stomach;
- enhances - protective antitoxic qualities of the liver;
- contributes to the formation of nicotinic acid, histamine and serotonin, which are so necessary for the body;
- warns - violations of protein and lipid metabolism (atherosclerosis);
- lowers - excess cholesterol;
- reduces - manifestations of inflammatory joint diseases.
Despite the fact that the vitamin is easily synthesized from foods, its insufficiency is far from uncommon.
Hypovitaminosis B6 in the body can cause:
- Gastrointestinal diseases. The intestinal microflora synthesizes pyridoxine, so deficiency is inevitable with dysbiosis.
- Medications: therapy with penicillamine, hydralazine and isoniazid significantly deplete vitamin stores.
- Heredity. Many chronic diseases provoke the development of hypo- and vitamin deficiency.
Being at risk, a person should exclude the possibility of a deficiency of B6: periodically donate blood for analysis, undergo a preventive course of therapy with Milgamma compositum, or a similar drug with pyridoxine.
If you do not increase the concentration of B6, the symptoms worsen, acquire a chronic status.
Further complications develop:
- hemoglobin level decreases (hypochromic anemia);
- the level of leukocytes decreases (leukopenia);
- there is a substitution of liver cells for fat formations (fatty infiltration of the organ).
Symptoms of thiamine deficiency (vitamin B1)
B1 deficiency in developed countries is rarely diagnosed. But the risk increases with chronic alcoholism, the onset of advanced age, with diabetes, after bariatric surgery, uncontrolled intake of diuretics, dialysis.
Symptoms are poorly expressed, they can be taken for the manifestation of completely different health problems:
- Loss of appetite, anorexia. Thiamine regulates the saturation process, controlled by the hypothalamus.
- Reduced energy reserves, fatigue.
- Nervousness and irritability.
- Decreased quality of reflexes, impaired functioning of motor nerves.
- Damage to peripheral nerves, paresthesia.
- Persistent manifestations of muscle weakness.
- Swelling or damage to the optic nerve: blurry vision or loss of vision.
- Negative gastrointestinal symptoms: epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting.
- Slow heart rate.
- Heart failure, shortness of breath.
- Delirium (decreased awareness, memory loss, delirium and hallucinations).
Instructions for use of B vitamins in tablets
The standard scheme of administration of Milgamma Compositum: for 30 days, 1 unit 1 time per day, washed down with a large volume of liquid. Acute symptoms are relieved by increasing the frequency of use of the drug up to 3 times a day.
After 4 weeks of treatment, you need to see a doctor. He will decide to continue the course and reduce daily doses (to avoid the risk of neuropathy).
Drug interaction
Vitamin B6 is able to reduce the healing effect of Levodopa (an anti-Parkinsonian drug aimed at eliminating the symptoms of rigidity, hypokinesia, tremor).
The effectiveness of B6 is significantly impaired with the simultaneous use of its antagonists:
- oral contraceptives with estrogen and progesterone;
- isoniazid;
- penicillamine;
- hydralazine.
The combined intake of Milgamma and Fluorouracil almost completely deactivates thiamine.
Milgamma injections compatible with alcohol
Milgamma is often prescribed for alcoholic encephalopathy, to eliminate the effects of chronic alcoholism, to restore the musculoskeletal system.
The solution for injection also includes cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), an analgesic substance lidocaine. The enhanced therapeutic effect of this form of the drug is complemented by benzyl alcohol, sodium and potassium compounds.
The combination of active components under the influence of ethanol provokes the rapid development of dangerous consequences for the human condition. Alcohol blocks the therapeutic effect of B1 and B6 and reduces the effectiveness to almost zero. Copper from an alcoholic drink does not allow the body to absorb thiamine. Negative manifestations are exacerbated by lidocaine.
The fatal ligament of the active substances of Milgamma and ethanol causes intoxication, which results in:
- headache;
- nausea;
- epigastric pain;
- labored breathing;
- severe muscle pain, a decrease in their tone;
- general weakness;
- cramps
- disturbed heart rhythm: tachycardia and arrhythmia;
- mental disorders: delusions and hallucinations;
- high level of anxiety;
- causeless aggression;
- allergic reactions: edema, itching, skin rash, urticaria;
- irritation at the injection site;
- increased sweating.
Alcohol on the background of such a medication provokes unpredictable drops in blood pressure, and a significant dose can cause loss of consciousness. The load on the liver and kidneys is exacerbated by the simultaneous metabolism of the active components of the drug. The degree of consequences determines the quality of alcohol and the choice of the dosage form of the medicine. There are cases of cirrhosis with complete or partial organ failure.
Milgamma injections in the treatment of chronic alcoholism require the absolute exclusion of alcohol. In the treatment of neurological diseases, it is strictly prohibited due to unpredictable reactions to the depressing effect of ethanol on the central nervous system.
Drinking is allowed after 48 hours after completing the course of any form of medication. It is worth remembering that even its microscopic doses absorb the positive effect of Milgamma. As a result, prolongation of therapy or the need to start all over will be required.
A relatively safe interval from alcohol to drug exposure is considered to be:
- for women - 9-10 hours;
- for men - 6-7 hours.
At least 6–8 hours should be allocated from the moment of using the Milgamma to the realization of the dream of “hot drink”. The drug is recognized as an effective means of supporting the nervous system and rehabilitation after long binges. Active components restore the affected nerve tissue and blood vessels for at least a month.
The simultaneous use of the drug and alcohol detrimental to the central nervous system is a meaningless and dangerous "procedure".
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Milgamma compositum can not be taken if the body has the following features:
- fructose intolerance;
- insufficient level of enzymes (sucrose / isomaltase);
- failure of the assimilation of monosaccharides (galactose / glucose).
From tablets Milgamma Compositum and injections Milgamma can cause a headache, nausea.
Continued administration can provoke other undesirable adverse reactions of the body:
- allergic manifestations on the skin, acne;
- development of Quincke's edema, the onset of anaphylactic shock;
- tachycardia;
- sensory neuropathy (at doses above average and the use of more than six months).
An overdose of pyridoxine causes a neurotoxic effect: there are cases of sensory polyneuropathy with manifestations of ataxia (motor disorders) and convulsions. An excess of thiamine during enteral therapy is practically excluded.
If you accidentally take high doses of Milgamma Compositum for 30 minutes, cause vomiting, then take activated charcoal. In health-threatening cases, you need to urgently contact a doctor.
Cheap analogues of a complex of vitamins of group B
Analogs Milgamma compositum is a neurotropic complex with a similar concentration of active substances that have pharmacodynamic characteristics similar to multivitamin:
- Binavit;
- Neurobion;
- Neurorubin;
- Vitagamma
- Kombilipen;
- Neuromultivitis;
- Neurobeks.
Many products contain cyanocobalamin (B12). These analogues are cheaper than the popular Milgamma by about 2-3 times.
Having positive properties, the drug, if taken improperly, can harm, give false hope. Lost time is sometimes irreversible.
Before starting therapy, you must always seek the qualified opinion of a doctor.