Mildronate (in other words meldonium) is a drug aimed at maintaining tissue metabolism. Recognized as one of the most important vital drugs in the Russian Federation. The use of Mildronate, which has side effects, implies therapy only under medical supervision.
Material Content:
Composition and form of release
The tool is available in several dosage forms: encapsulated, tabletted and in a solution for injections. The criterion for choosing one or another form of the drug is the severity and course of the pathology.
The active ingredient in the composition is meldonium dihydrate. In the form of a solution (5 ml) contains 500 mg of meldonium, and Mildronate in capsules and tablets contains meldonium in an amount of 250/500 mg.
Additional components:
- capsules: titanium dioxide, calcium stearate, potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide and gelatin;
- tablets: mannitol, silicon dioxide, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch, magnesium stearate;
- in solution: purified water
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
The main therapeutic effect of the drug is the ability to improve the metabolism of cells (which have undergone ischemia or oxygen starvation). The active component normalizes the energy exchange in these cells. It normalizes the vascular factor of ischemia (widens the lumen of blood vessels and improves blood supply). Effective for maintaining metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and other organs.
In pharmacology, several main therapeutic actions of Mildronate are distinguished:
- resistance to oxygen starvation increases;
- heart tissue is strengthened, protection against the negative effects of pathogenic factors is increased;
- the structure of blood vessels is strengthened;
- angina attacks stop.
Effect on the body:
- stress and overexcitation decreases (physical, mental, emotional);
- working capacity increases;
- tissue and humoral resistance of the body is enhanced;
- significantly reduces the risk of ischemic necrosis of myocardial tissue and circulatory disorders in the brain (in acute form);
- there is an improvement in blood circulation in GM and coronary circulation;
- there is an increase in stamina;
- the duration of recovery after heart and vascular disease is reduced;
- the development of necrotic zones in the lesions with strokes and heart attacks is stopped;
- contributing to increased tolerance to increased physical. loads.
Now Mildronate is increasingly being used as a means to enhance potency. Meldonium does not affect male libido. The active component enhances blood circulation in tissues, stimulates their oxygen saturation and increases stamina. All these processes contribute to a stable erection, increase sensitivity and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. This effect of the drug occurs 30-60 minutes after taking the capsule or tablet. But do not get involved in a metabolic drug, so as not to cause side symptoms.
It is interesting:meldonium
A metabolic agent is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract. The bioavailability of Mildronate is approximately 78%. The concentration of the drug in plasma reaches a maximum within 1-2 hours after administration.
The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys. The main metabolites of the drug are 3-hydroxypropionic acid and glucose. They are non-toxic. The elimination half-life of meldonium lasts up to 6 hours.
When injected, the bioavailability of the metabolic agent is almost 100%. The maximum concentration is reached in the next minutes after the injection. Metabolic reactions and the process of excretion of metabolites of the solution are no different from oral forms.
Why is Mildronate prescribed?
Auxiliary treatment for pathologies:
- CHD (cardiac ischemia);
- strokes
- peripheral vascular disease;
- DEP;
- cardialgia;
- heart failure (chronic type);
- bronchial asthma;
- physical overload (in sports and in training);
- psycho-emotional overexcitation;
- sharp decrease in working capacity;
- acceleration of tissue rehabilitation after surgery;
- withdrawal state in patients with chronic alcoholism.
In a number of additional cases, Mildronate injections are used:
- lesions of the inner lining of the eye;
- retinal or vitreous hemorrhage;
- hemodynamic disorders in the veins of the inner lining of the eye (thrombosis or occlusion).
Instructions for use of the drug
We must not forget that it is not allowed to administer medication. Such manipulation is annoying to tissues. There is a risk of allergic reactions and other complications.
In ampoules for injections
It is especially necessary to carefully select the dose with the introduction of Mildronate in \ in:
- In the acute stage of circulatory disorders, GM - intravenously, jet 500 mg per day. The treatment lasts about 10 days. In the future, oral administration of the drug is recommended.
- With myocardial infarction, coronary syndrome, progressive angina pectoris, once a day, 500-1000 mg are injected in \ in stream. The therapeutic course is 7-10 days. In the future, oral administration of the drug is recommended.
- With pathologies of the vessels of the visual organ, the agent can be administered under the outer shell of the apple or in the space behind the eyeball. Dose –1 times a day, 50 mg of the drug (0.5 ml of solution). The duration of treatment is 10 days.
250 mg tablets
Mildronate is orally used only as an adjunct treatment.The medical specialist selects the dose for treatment individually.
As a rule, the dosage of the tablets is as follows:
- for diseases of CVD, 500-1000 mg of meldonium is prescribed. The drug can be drunk in 1-2 doses. Therapeutic course - 1-1.5 months;
- for cerebrovascular disorders (after the acute stage), patients are prescribed 500-1000 mg of the drug per day. They are divided into several methods. With chronic changes in GM, 500 mg of the drug is prescribed per day. The therapeutic course is about 1-1.5 months. repeated courses can be assigned several times a year;
- for heart pain, 500 mg of the drug is prescribed per day;
- with pathologies of peripheral circulation, 1000 mg is prescribed (divided into 2 doses);
- the same dosage is prescribed to patients with severe psychoemotional overexcitation or physical overload;
- for withdrawal symptoms, 2000 mg per day are recommended (divided into 4 doses of 500 mg each). The duration of admission is a week, sometimes 10 days.
The permissible maximum dose of a metabolic agent is 2000 mg per day.
500 mg capsules
The metabolic agent in the form of capsules is used according to the same instructions as the tablet form.
Taking the drug in capsules has the advantages of:
- The neutral taste of the capsule and the sliding surface allow swallowing quickly.
- The encapsulated agent dissolves faster in the digestive tract and begins to act on the body faster.
For athletes, Mildronate is a means of prevention. It helps to reduce muscle congestion, increases the limits of performance and endurance. Recommended remedy during the period of exhausting training. The maintenance dose is 1000 mg per day. With particularly intense training, the dose is allowed to be increased to 1000 mg 2 times a day. It is impossible to exceed a daily dose of max (2000 mg).
Drug interaction
Special instructions for the drug say that it can interact with some drugs:
- Mildronate enhances the therapeutic effect of vasodilators, cardiac glycosides and antihypertensive drugs (tablets reduce blood pressure because they contain mannitol);
- the simultaneous administration of antihypertensive drugs, nitroglycerin and meldonium is fraught with tachycardia and a decrease in blood pressure;
- Do not use with medicines similar to Mildronate, as the risk of developing side effects increases.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
A metabolic agent is contraindicated if:
- recorded individual intolerance or allergy to constituent substances;
- the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding;
- there is increased intracranial pressure (due to increased cerebral circulation, pathology may worsen).
Side effects when taking Mildronate:
- nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic symptoms (belching, feeling of fullness of the stomach, heartburn);
- allergic reactions (itching, hyperemia);
- decrease in blood pressure;
- tachycardia;
- increased excitement.
Rarely, there is a metallic taste in the mouth, tremors, visual impairment, eosinophilia, discomfort and pain in the chest area, angioedema.
Symptoms: decreased blood pressure, general weakness, headaches and abdominal pains, dizziness, tachycardia, dyspeptic disorders.
Therapy: symptomatic. In severe cases of overdose, it is important to maintain vital functions (breathing, palpitations).
Important! Mildronate has low toxicity, so cases of overdose are rare. This happens if several times exceed the allowable dosage.
Metabolic analogues
Good substitutes:
- Flowerpot. Release form: capsules and solution for injections. The producer - "OLYNFARM" (the Republic of Latvia). Cost - about 300 rubles;
- Trizipine. The active component is 3- (2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionate dihydrate. It has cytoprotective, antihypoxic, antianginal and angioprotective effects. Release form: tablets and solution for injections. The producer - "MicroChem", Ukraine.Cost - about 400 rubles;
- Melfort. The active ingredient is meldonium dihydrate. Manufacturer - LLC Ozone, Russia. The cost is about 550 rubles.
The use of Mildronate will help get rid of overwork, provide the muscles and blood vessels with the necessary amount of oxygen and increase tolerance to physical activity. But the drug is taken only after consulting a doctor. The therapist or cardiologist can recommend or cancel the drug based on the needs of the patient's body.