Mildronate or meldonium is an artificially synthesized substance. In its properties and effects on the body, it is similar to ordinary vitamins. Mildronate is involved in intracellular metabolism, helping to compensate for the lack of oxygen. As a result, the heart is freed from excessive stress. Since the spasm of the walls of the vessels is removed, and the blood flow is normalized. From here, the useful properties of the drug Mildronate become clear - for what purpose.
Material Content:
Release forms and composition
Mildronate is available in three main forms:
- Capsules They are filled with the finest crystalline powder, which dissolves quickly and is well absorbed by the body. In addition to the main substance, it contains colloidal silicon, potato starch, and stearate of calcium salts. Titanium dioxide is added as a stabilizer. The capsule shell is gelatinous, white sometimes with a slightly creamy tint. Capsules are packaged in blisters made of food foil and polyvinyl chloride film. Blisters are packed in cardboard boxes. There are two types of packaging - 40 capsules, a dose of 250 mg and 60 capsules of 500 mg.
- Syrup. The content of meldonium in the syrup is 25 mg per 5 ml of liquid. Additional substances are glycerin, propylene glycol, benzoates, citric acid, flavorings, sweeteners. The syrup has a cherry flavor. Poured into bottles of dark glass.Each packaging includes a plastic measuring spoon.
- Injection The composition includes only meldonium and distilled water. The liquid is dispensed into ampoules with a capacity of 0.5 ml. They are usually packed in plastic pallets. The package may contain 10 or 20 ampoules.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
Carnitine is a substance that helps fatty acids penetrate the mitochondria membranes of heart muscle cells. Meldonium stops this process, since it significantly slows down the digestibility of carnitine from food absorbed by a person, as well as its formation inside the body.
The problem is that at the time of overload of the heart muscle, oxygen starvation of cells occurs. Therefore, fatty acids in the intracellular space are not completely oxidized, which contributes to the formation of toxic metabolites. They impede the work of the heart, the entire vascular system.
Thus, Mildronate protects the heart muscle, eliminating products of incomplete metabolism, and in fact, poisons.
As a result, instead of fatty acids, there is an active oxidation of carbohydrates in the cells. This process is much faster and easier. Since all oxygen molecules are fully involved in it. They are redistributed from fatty acids to carbohydrates. Due to which there is an active saturation of the heart tissue with additional energy. This is especially important in conditions of tissue oxygen starvation.
Mildronate also side-activates a special enzyme called hexokinase. It is a catalyst for the oxidation of carbohydrates. In other words, enhances the process of their oxidation.
Therefore, tissues begin to actively absorb carbohydrates, including glucose, consuming it from the blood. Therefore, blood sugar levels are reduced. It is very beneficial for diabetics. Since the trophism of tissues increases as a result, their functions and structure are preserved.
Meldonium also helps to relax blood vessels, relieve spasms. Therefore, the vessels restore their work, the lumen of the arteries and even the smallest capillaries increases. So, the beneficial substances necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, and the whole body, are delivered more actively.
This helps to stop such complex pathological processes as the death of heart muscle tissue during a heart attack. The blood flow is distributed in the body so that the affected areas are not so significant and heal faster.
Meldonium proved to be very positive in the treatment of various diseases. Since it helps the heart muscle to contract properly, restores and improves cerebral circulation. Therefore, this drug works well with coronary heart disease, heart failure, angina pectoris, and diseases of the nervous system.
Increases overall endurance, performance of the entire cardiovascular system. Nervous tension is reduced. All this helps to reduce the number of heart attacks.
Using meldonium comprehensively, together with other medicines, you can help people suffering from alcohol addiction. Because adverse symptoms are relieved.
The bioavailability of the drug is almost one hundred percent. The highest concentration in the blood is achieved with intravenous infusion. Then begins its rather rapid decline.
Meldonium is excreted from the body completely after six hours. If the dose was not a therapeutic, increased concentration, then its presence remains in the cells for up to six months.
What is Mildronate prescribed?
Mildronate is usually prescribed in a complex, together with other medicines, to support the body, improve the condition of blood vessels, heart, cerebral circulation. It is used to treat heart attack, stroke, ischemic disease, cardiomyopathy, angina pectoris.
It is possible to administer the medicine not only orally or intravenously, but also under the eyeball in the lower eyelid. The latter is prescribed if there is a disorder in the supply of the retina with blood. This occurs when the vessels become obstructed, as a result of the development of such complex diseases as hypertension, diabetes.
Mildronate is also prescribed for increased physical exertion, excessive fatigue, as it helps to maintain the body's stamina, provides stress resistance.
Instructions for use of the drug
Capsules, syrup are used to increase tone and fatigue, with problems with the heart, blood vessels.
Mildronate injections are prescribed in acute cases in order to urgently restore blood supply to tissues, to prevent necrosis. Injections, including intraocular, parabulbar injections are done only in a medical institution by appropriate specialists.
Usually, Mildronate is taken once in the morning, as it activates the brain. When taking twice, perhaps in the afternoon, five hours before going to bed.
Mildronate Injection Ampoules
Mildronate for injection is used as follows:
- During myocardial infarction, ischemic attackMildronate is prescribed intravenously. The dose depends on the condition of the patient and is one or two ampoules. Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe a single or double injection during the day.
- At chronic heart disease also up to two ampoules of mildronate are prescribed intravenously, the duration of treatment is two weeks. Then the patient takes the medicine in capsule form for another month.
- At cerebrovascular accident in acute and chronic cases, apply one injection per day. Dosage - one ampoule. The term of treatment is ten days. After that, patients are transferred to the reception of mildronate in the form of capsules. In this case, the dose can be up to 0.5-1 g (1000 mg) per day. Duration of admission is 45 days.
- At ophthalmic problems injections are administered under the eyeball in a very small dose - 0.01 ampoules in 24 hours. The treatment lasts ten days.
- Excessive mental, physical activity, severe overwork - prescribe injections of one ampoule per day. Therapy is carried out for fourteen days.
- Alcohol addiction - 2 times a day for ampoules, 7 days.
Ampoules with Mildronate can not be left open for a long time. The medicine must be administered immediately after opening the ampoule. Intramuscular administration of the drug is not recommended, because it causes severe negative side reactions, especially allergic.
250 mg tablets
It is recommended that you take Mildronate 250 mg tablets half an hour before or after a meal. The total dose during the day is 500 mg, so taking the medicine twice.
The treatment is long, the result will be noticeable after a few days, as the action of the drug accumulates in the body.
500 mg capsules
Instructions for use of the drug prescribe a single morning capsule dose of 500 mg. It is prescribed for chronic cardiovascular diseases - ischemia, vascular insufficiency. The duration of treatment is at least two weeks and no more than one and a half months.
A similar treatment regimen is used to restore cerebral circulation in its chronic disorders. Including after an acute stroke, when the course of taking injections ends. The term is one and a half months.
In this case, capsules must be remembered that 500 mg capsules cannot be opened and divided into two parts. Since in this case, the medicine loses its healing properties.
During pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, various complications are possible, for example, placental disorders. In this case, the fetus is not adequately supplied with blood. In such situations, Mildronate is prescribed.
However, please note that clinical trials of this drug have not been conducted in similar situations.There is no information from the creators and manufacturers of the medicine that it is completely safe for pregnant and lactating women, the fetus and infants.
Mildronate Alcohol Compatibility
Drink alcohol while taking Mildronate should not. Because negative side effects are possible. Since the drug relieves spasm of blood vessels, expands their lumen, blood flow increases, alcohol can significantly affect the body's reaction. Blood pressure may increase, the heartbeat may increase, its rhythm will be disturbed, shortness of breath will occur.
Also, the combination of mildronate with alcohol can cause redness of the skin, especially of the face, and provoke allergic reactions.
Drug interaction
Mildronate perfectly "works" together with drugs designed to reduce pressure, relieve vascular spasms, antiarrhythmic.
It is compatible with medications that thin the blood and fight blood clots.
Caution should be taken if you have to take mildronate with nitroglycerin or calcium antagonists.
In such cases, the occurrence of increased heartbeat, tachycardia is possible.
It should also be remembered that Mildronate slightly reduces blood sugar. Joint administration with antidiabetic drugs slightly increases their effect.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Mildronate can not be used in such situations:
- Allergy to one of the components of the drug. Skin reactions and angioedema are possible.
- There is no information on the safety of the medicine for persons under 18 years of age.
- Patients with brain tumors, intracranial pressure.
It is necessary to carefully administer the drug to patients who have impaired liver and kidney function. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor using a laboratory analysis of blood and urine. If there are any negative reactions of the body, the course is adjusted - the dose and duration are reduced.
Side effects rarely occur and may be:
- Palpitations
- Increase or decrease in pressure;
- Nerve reactions - agitation, weakness;
- Intestinal disorders;
Overdose can provoke a rapid decrease in pressure, headache, weakness. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor to stabilize the situation, change the dosage of the drug.
The pharmaceutical industry produces Mildronate analogues in Russia.
These are the following drugs:
- Meldonium Organics
- Midolate
- Idrinol
- Cardionate