"Mildronate" 500 milligrams - a tool that improves metabolism and increases tissue energy supply. Its effect is due to the presence in the composition of a synthetic ingredient that is identical to that substance that naturally forms in the human body.

The composition of the drug

On the drugstore shelves “Mildronat” can be found in any of the forms of release:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • injection solution.

One capsule, having a white color, contains a powder with 0.5 g of meldonium dihydrate (the main element of the drug). In addition, additional compounds are present in the powder.

The capsule itself is made of gelatin with the addition of titanium dioxide.

What is Mildronate prescribed?

Meldonium is an artificially created substitute for the substance found in all cells of the human body - gamma-butyrobetaine.

The drug normalizes the metabolism in the muscle tissue of the heart, providing a cardioprotective effect.

In ischemic events, it forms a balance between the supply of oxygen and its use by cells, and prevents the supply of ATP energy molecules from being disrupted. In addition, the tool activates the process of oxygen-free breakdown of glucose for additional energy.

Since meldonium is able to lower the concentration of carnitine, in response to this, gamma-butyrobetaine is formed in the body, which has a vasodilating effect.

As a result of this action, the drug is able to:

  • improve performance;
  • reduce symptoms of overstrain;
  • activate the immune system;
  • protect heart tissue from damage.

In an acute disorder of the blood supply to the heart muscle, the drug reduces the rate of necrosis formation and reduces the recovery period.

In people with heart failure, it can increase cardiac contractility, increase tolerance for physical activity and reduce the appearance of angina pectoris.

With ischemic disorders of cerebral blood flow, the medication restores the movement of blood in the affected area and contributes to better blood supply to the affected area.

Also, the drug is effective in some vascular pathologies of the inner surface of the eye.

In addition, it has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, eliminates neurological dysfunction in chronic alcoholics in a state of withdrawal.

Given the range of possibilities of the drug, Mildronate tablets are prescribed in cases of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • deterioration of cerebral blood supply (post-stroke condition, cerebrovascular insufficiency);
  • ischemia;
  • cardiomyopathy, which developed with an imbalance of hormones;
  • low working capacity;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • alcohol withdrawal;
  • high mental and physical activity.

500 mg capsule instructions

The treatment principles of the drug under discussion differ for each pathological condition:


  • With pathologies in the work of the heart muscle, a medicine is taken in 1 capsule (500 milligrams) per day. Take "Mildronate" should be inside, washed down with water. The duration of such treatment in combination with other drugs is from 4 weeks to one and a half months. With cardiomyopathy arising from a malfunction of the hormonal background, the duration of therapy is less than 12 days.
  • In case of cerebrovascular accidents (except for acute ones), for example, after a stroke or cerebral vascular insufficiency, the Mildronate injection course is first carried out, then they switch to an internal intake of 0.5-1 grams per day. The required amount of medication is taken at a time or divided into two doses. The duration of taking the drug is from 4 to 6 weeks. In chronic forms of the disorder, they drink 500 mg per day. The duration of therapy is the same. The course of treatment is repeated 2 to 3 times a year after the doctor's prescription.
  • With reduced ability to work, physical strain and impaired mental function, the Mildronate capsule of 500 milligrams should be taken twice a day for 10 to 14 days. If necessary, the course is repeated again after 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Professional athletes are prescribed 0.5 - 1 gram of medication twice a day before training. The duration of medication during the preparation period is 2 to 3 weeks, during the competition - 10 to 14 days.
  • In the withdrawal period in chronic alcoholics, “Mildronate” is included in the general therapy of 500 milligrams per day in 4 approaches. Duration of admission is from a week to 10 days.

Due to the fact that the medication can have an exciting effect, it is drunk in the morning or afternoon. After 17:00 reception is prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation

The safety of using the drug for women in position has not been proven. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid treatment with Mildronate during the period of bearing a child in order to prevent possible negative consequences.

The ability of meldonium to pass into breast milk has also not yet been refuted. In this regard, in case of mandatory intake of Mildronate, a nursing woman needs to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

Alcohol compatibility

The interaction of Mildronate and alcohol in itself is neutral. But the enthusiasm for alcoholic beverages simultaneously with the use of the drug can aggravate the course of the disease, for the treatment of which this remedy is used.

Ethanol has a toxic effect on the human body, so the combined use of Mildronate with alcohol will be useless at best, and at worst complicate the course of the disease.Hence the conclusion: you should not drink alcohol during treatment with the drug.

Drug interaction

The drug meldonium improves the effect of drugs that expand the coronary arteries of the heart and lower blood pressure, as well as cardiac glycosides.

It is permissible to combine the drug with long-acting nitrates, other drugs for angina pectoris, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, drugs for arrhythmia, diuretics and bronchodilators.

When taking Mildronate with nitroglycerin (under the tongue) or pressure suppressants (in particular with alpha-blockers and forms of nifedipine with a short period of action), one should be very careful, as there is a risk of increased pressure and heart rate.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Like any other medicine, Mildronate has some contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity and intolerance to meldonium dihydrate or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • high pressure inside the skull (impaired outflow through the veins, the presence of tumors inside the cranium);
  • age up to 18 years, since it is not known whether Mildronate is effective and safe for patients of this age category;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • with extreme caution - to persons with damage to the kidneys and liver.

Undesirable effects when using Mildronate are rare. These include:

  • the occurrence of allergies in the form of itching and flushing of the skin, rashes, urticaria, and even less often - angioedema;
  • digestive dysfunction (nausea, pain in the upper abdomen and other symptoms);
  • increased heart rate, low or high blood pressure;
  • high excitability;
  • other effects that occur very rarely (weakness and increased blood eosinophils).

If the permissible dosage of the drug is exceeded, the following are observed: a drop in blood pressure, headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness and loss of strength.

Specific treatment is not provided, only the elimination of symptoms is carried out.


Domestic substitutes for Mildronate are:

  • Idrinol is a very cheap alternative to Mildronate, produced as an injection.
  • "Cardionate" - is available in the form of an injection solution or capsules.
  • Medatern is the cheapest substitute for Mildronate.
  • Mildroxin is a good analogue that is used quite often.
  • "Meldonium" is an inexpensive analogue in the form of capsules.
  • Melfort.


Imported analogues:

  • "Angiocardyl";
  • "Flowerpot";
  • "Metazidine";
  • "Predizin".

There are enough analogs for the discussed medication. However, their reception should be carried out only after the appointment of a doctor!

Mildronate is a very effective metabolic drug. It is successfully prescribed for circulatory disorders in the heart and brain, with reduced working capacity, overstrain and other pathological conditions.