Diseases of the back and spine affect men and women, the elderly and even children. Timely access to a doctor, treatment, including both the use of anesthetics and muscle relaxants, will prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue and the subsequent deterioration of the condition that can lead to the operating table. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, drugs that relieve muscle spasms, analogues of Midokalm, have long and successfully been used.
Material Content:
The active substance of the drug
The instructions for use of "Midokalm" indicate that its active ingredient is the N-anticholinergic tolperisone. It affects the decrease in muscle tone, affecting the central nervous system. In its structure, the substance is similar to the anesthetic lidocaine. According to studies, medicines with tolperisone can inhibit the release of active compounds produced by nerve cells.
The composition of the tablets "Midokalm" includes a number of auxiliary elements:
- silica - a colorless crystalline substance, a former, is not absorbed in the digestive tract, and therefore it is safe for health;
- corn starch - a binder in the composition of tablets, it is dangerous for people who are allergic to corn;
- stearic acid - a substance that prevents the clumping of the components of the product, when introduced into the composition of drugs in small doses it is harmless;
- microcrystalline cellulose - dietary fiber that performs a shaping function, does not cause harm;
- citric acid - a preservative, in rare cases, causing an individual intolerance reaction, is harmless;
- lactose is a sweetener, harmful if a person has lactase deficiency;
- pharmaceutical talc is a mineral that helps preserve the properties of the drug throughout its shelf life, according to some scientists, the substance is carcinogenic.
In general, the mechanism of action of Midokalm has not yet been fully studied. The drug is rapidly absorbed, it begins to act within forty minutes after taking the pill.
List of cheap Russian analogues
The original drug is made in Hungary, its cost is high, so the Russian consumer often chooses analogues that are cheaper than Midokalma. They also eliminate the symptoms of neurological pathologies, cramps, pain and are affordable.
The following medicines are most popular:
- "Tolperizon-OBL";
- "Baklosan";
- Sirdalud;
- Tizanil;
- Miolgin;
- Mesipol;
- "Tolizor";
- "Tolperil-health";
- Tizalud.
Before starting treatment with any of the above medicines, you need to visit a neurologist, undergo an examination and use the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor. These medications are potent, having a large list of side effects and contraindications, so only a doctor can determine which medicine is suitable for a particular disease, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his medical history.
Complete structural substitutes for Midokalm
Drug substitutes may have the same composition as the original drug. In this case, we are talking about complete analogues. They have identical indications, features of admission, contraindications.
If Midokalm cannot be bought at a pharmacy, it is quite possible to replace it with a generic.
In pills
At present, several exact substitutes of Midokalm are being produced in tablets with tolperisone as the active substance.
- "Tolizor" is a domestic medicine in the form of capsules, affordable. It is convenient to use it on the third or fourth day of treatment, after a course of injection of an injection drug, to consolidate the result. Compared with the original remedy, it has pronounced side effects, among which cephalgia and general weakness are most acute.
- Tolperizon-OBL is an inexpensive drug of Russian manufacture. Neurologists who use this particular medicine in therapy note that of the entire line of similar drugs, Tolperisone-OBL is the fastest. However, when using this medication, the appearance of unpleasant side effects is often recorded, including tinnitus, lowering blood pressure, nausea, migraine.
- Kalmireks Tabs is another medicine of this series, manufactured in Russia, with a higher price. It is noted that it is well tolerated by patients, unpleasant side effects occur rarely.
All these drugs have a muscle relaxant effect, are contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood. Their absorption decreases if you take pills on an empty stomach.
In ampoules
"Midokalm" in ampoules is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by severe bouts of pain.
In this state, a person cannot work and lead a familiar lifestyle, being practically immobilized.
In a situation where the original drug is not available in the pharmacy, and treatment needs to be started urgently, it is permissible to replace it with a completely similar agent.
- Kalmireks is a domestic drug in the mid-price range. Due to the presence of lidocaine in the composition, intramuscular administration is not accompanied by severe soreness.
- Tolperil-health is a drug manufactured by a Ukrainian manufacturer in the form of an injection solution, which can also be bought in Russian pharmacies. When using the drug, there is a manifestation of side effects associated with the functioning of the digestive tract.Therefore, it is recommended to give injections while taking "Omez" or drugs of the Almagel line.
Drugs of this series can be used in the treatment of stroke, multiple sclerosis, damage to the spinal cord.
Incomplete drug analogues
Midokalm substitutes, which contain other active and auxiliary substances, but help to cope with the same symptoms as the original medication, can be used only as directed by a doctor.
If a neurologist recommended that therapy be carried out using tolperisone, and there are funds in the pharmacy with another main element of the composition, it is not possible to decide on the replacement of the means prescribed by the doctor yourself, without consulting a specialist.
So, a similar mechanism of action is possessed by:
- Miorix - a drug produced in capsule form, is a central muscle relaxant, produced in the USA, has a high cost;
- “Tizalud” - an inexpensive analogue of Russian production, relieves muscle cramps, muscle hypertonicity in osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
- “Baclofen” is another drug whose action is associated with the relaxation of tense muscles and the relief of pain, produced in Poland.
Differing in formulations and modes of action, these agents have different side effects, contraindications and features of admission.
Drugs similar in pharmacological properties
The list of muscle relaxants used in the treatment of various ailments affecting the musculoskeletal system is extensive. They help both directly relax the muscles and get rid of painful sensations.
Among natural remedies of this type are called:
- valerian;
- peppermint oil;
- magnesium sulfate.
Known, widely used medicines of this group:
- "Sibazon";
- "Myocaine";
- "Tububuroin";
- Atracurium;
- "Listenon."
All of them are effective, potent, dispensed with a doctor’s prescription, and are used in combination therapy regimens developed by specialists. The independent use of such drugs can cause serious harm to health.