Every woman dreams of prolonging her youth and beauty, for this she visits beauty salons, cosmetologists, uses special creams and serums. Not many people know, but a mesoscooter for the face, which you can safely use at home, is able to work wonders, smooth facial wrinkles, and promote cell regeneration. This device will be discussed in the article.
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What is a face mesoscooter
A special device, which consists of a roller with microneedles and a plastic handle, is called a mesoscooter. You can also meet another definition - dermaroller. It is actively used in cosmetology, but it is acceptable to use it at home.
The principle of operation is quite simple:
- a roller is applied to the skin of the face;
- with the help of the handle they begin to make rotational movements;
- microneedles act on the epidermis, improving its condition.
You can purchase the device at a pharmacy kiosk or ordering through the Network.
How to choose a device and needle size
How to choose a mesoscooter? First you need to decide for what purpose the device is purchased.
There are several types of such devices:
- cosmetology;
- medical;
- for home use.
Each species differs by the length of the needles and the material from which they are made:
- Cosmetic. The length of the needles is quite large (from 0.5 to 1 mm). The procedure is painful. For women with a low pain threshold, a cosmetologist can offer local anesthesia. The result will be noticeable after 5-7 procedures.What can be achieved? Expression and deep wrinkles will disappear, scars and stretch marks on the skin will become less noticeable, the dermis will look renewed, fresh.
- Medical. This mesoscooter is considered the most effective. But it can only be used in a hospital or in cosmetology. A person must have a higher medical education. The length of the needles on the device is from 1 to 2.5 mm. Local anesthesia is always used during the procedure. This device will help to cope with deep scars, scars, burns. It tightens the skin well, smoothes wrinkles.
- Home. This mesoscooter only works with the upper layers of the dermis. The size of the needles is from 0.15 to 0.5 mm. The device narrows pores, improves complexion, and is able to cope with pigmentation. To achieve a similar result, you need to use the device daily.
When buying a dermaroller, you need to pay attention to the material from which the needles are made:
- Plastic. Needles break quickly (3-5 procedures). The roller itself is inconvenient to process. The efficiency of the device is reduced.
- Medical alloy. The needles do not rust; you can use such a roller for years.
- Titanium. The most durable and safe material.
For people with sensitive skin, it is better to purchase mesoscooters with titanium needles coated with a coating of gold or silver. These alloys inhibit the development of an allergic reaction.
Rules for buying a mesoscooter for home use:
- Buy the device in a pharmacy.
- Carefully inspect the device - it should not be chipped.
- The kit can go several clips. In this case, the device is considered universal. It can be applied to the face, head, body.
- Needles should not be damaged.
- Also pay attention to the length of the needles. The optimal size is 0.2 - 0.3 mm. With this device you can even treat sensitive areas on the face (for example, the area around the eyes and lips).
Terms of use at home
How to use the mesoscooter at home:
- Cleanse your face.
- Treat the device with alcohol to prevent infection.
- Apply a special cocktail or cream to your face so that the mesotherapy procedure is more effective.
- With the help of a dermaroller, begin to do facial massage. Try to keep your movements smooth. Do not put too much pressure on the roller, otherwise bruises will appear on the face.
After the procedure, the device must again be treated with alcohol, put into a special case for storage.
You can carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.
Skin care after the procedure
After the procedure, the dermis will be reddened, slightly inflamed. This is a normal occurrence. To increase the effect of the performed manipulations, at the end of the mesotherapy session, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.
Also, to calm the dermis, you can prepare a decoction of medicinal chamomile or calendula. Wash them several times a day.
After the procedure, you can not sunbathe, visit the pool, sauna or bath.
Facial cocktails combined with dermaroller
When using a mesoscooter, experts recommend actively using caring preparations. With their usual application to the skin, they are absorbed by 3 - 5%. But using a mesoscooter, you can increase the absorption of funds in the dermis up to 80%.
In pharmacies, you can purchase the following drugs:
- concentrates (1 component is valid);
- cocktails (several substances work).
Beauticians consider the second option the most effective.
Cocktails that are popular with mesotherapy:
- Hyaluronic acid. It acts well on the skin, relieves wrinkles, makes the dermis more elastic, evens out complexion.
- Vitamin C. You can use regular ascorbic acid in ampoules. Its main effect is the alignment and lightening of skin color, strengthening vessels.
- Elastin or collagen. Adds elasticity to the skin, reduces ptosis (sagging skin).
- Aloe extract. It moisturizes well, relieves inflammation, and starts cell regeneration.
- Chamomile and calendula extract.Prevents the formation of acne, removes black spots, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation.
As a rule, 5 to 50 components are included in cocktails for mesoscooters. Before using them, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will determine the type of skin, identify problems, recommend an effective remedy.
What effect can be achieved
Face mesotherapy at home is very popular. And this is no coincidence.
If you perform the procedure correctly, use the necessary cocktails and products, you can achieve the following results:
- elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes;
- alignment and tightening of the contour of the face;
- getting rid of rosacea and acne;
- smoothing facial wrinkles;
- increase skin tone;
- normalization of blood circulation in the face;
- cell regeneration.
Solving more serious problems (removing scars, deep wrinkles, smoothing skin color, removing pigmentation) using mesotherapy at home will not work. In this case, you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.
Many mistakenly confuse mesotherapy with micronidling. The procedures are really similar. Their main difference in the size of the needles. With micronidling, the maximum needle length is 0.2 - 1 mm. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the procedures is different.
Before using the mesoscooter, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.
It is quite extensive:
- oncology;
- pregnancy;
- diabetes;
- acne or other inflammatory skin diseases;
- open wounds on the face;
- volumetric moles or warts in the area where the procedure will be performed;
- eczema and psoriasis;
- hemophilia.
Mesoscooters have proven themselves from the best side. The average price of a device for home use is 1,500 rubles.
The result from the procedures is already noticeable for 4 to 5 times. Experts advise taking a course of 8 to 12 sessions. Only in this case can the maximum effect be achieved.