The range of modern cosmetic services allows you to solve most skin problems, including age-related. Mesobotox is a multidisciplinary procedure, it is aimed at eliminating wrinkles, grooves and folds. A feature of this method is that it is relevant for the forehead, nose, and cheeks.
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What is mesobotox
Over the years, the human body ages and this noticeably affects the condition of the skin. The fact is that in the inner layers of the skin nutrient processes slow down, the biological activity decreases and the amount of elastin and collagen decreases. The ability of the protective layer to retain moisture decreases and wrinkles appear due to this.
The question of what is mesobotox is not worth taking an interest in before 25 years.
The purpose of this minimally invasive technique is to gradually align facial imperfections that do not occur at an early age. Mesobotox is a procedure for administering a substance such as botulinum toxin. It is injected subcutaneously and eliminates the result of excessive muscle activity, that is, it evens out the skin. The method is based on the ability of this chemical to cause muscle paralysis. The disadvantage of this method is a short-term result and possible consequences, which will be discussed later.
Recently, a radically new direction in the work of mesobotox has been discovered. Now its active ingredients help get rid of acne, reduce oily skin and cleanse it. The principle of operation is as follows: botulinum toxin blocks impulses emanating from the nerve, preventing their effects on the sweat and sebaceous glands.
Treatment areas
Theoretically, Botox can be used for any part of the body, but in most cases it is used in such areas:
- neck
- forehead;
- nose
- cheeks;
- nasolabial folds;
- chin;
- cheekbones;
- neckline.
Such areas of application are due to the fact that it is on them most often that unwanted age folds occur.
Having decided on the area of influence, the master uses a hypoallergenic easy-to-remove pencil to draw out schematic contours on the face or neck along which he will be guided. This action is necessary not only in order not to leave the application area, but also allows you to correctly calculate the working area and, accordingly, the amount of material.
Methodology Efficiency
The effect of the procedure is not immediately noticeable. After it is carried out, small tubercles appear on the face, which indicate the presence of botulinum toxin under the skin. Further, the drug begins to be gradually absorbed into the skin and exert an effect. One day after the injection, some clients may feel the presence of a foreign substance or a slight burning sensation, but the result is worth it. After one to two weeks, the complete distribution of botulinum toxin and a noticeable transformation occurs.
Mesobotox under the eyes effectively hides traitors such as crow's feet, and eliminating nasolabial wrinkles completely rejuvenates for 10 years. Depending on how often and expressed a person cries, laughs, expresses other emotions with the help of facial expressions, the result can last from 6 weeks to 4 months. After the end of the effect, the procedure can be repeated if contraindications do not prevent it.
Used preparations for rejuvenation
The modern cosmetology market is represented by a wide selection of drugs for mesotherapy. Although initially Botox is considered the brainchild of the United States, today this substance is also successfully released in Europe (Italy, France). As a rule, the price depends on the quality of the material and its shelf life.
Under the concept of "quality tool" it is understood that it:
- minimizes the risks of side effects;
- repeatedly tested and recommended by leading world experts;
- has all the necessary licenses, awards;
- guarantees long-term preservation of the procedure result.
Mesobotox is carried out by such drugs as "Miolax" ("Martinex"), "Toscani", "Karse".
Depending on the depth of the wrinkle, the product is diluted with saline in a certain proportion.
In addition to mesobotox, there are several more popular drugs for rejuvenation. They are also administered subcutaneously and are called Xeomin and Dysport.
Mesobotox technique
In the technique of anti-aging procedures, the secret is revealed, what is the difference between Botox and Mesobotox. Both Botox and Dysport are used for both the first and second services. But in the first case, the result is aimed at eliminating deep wrinkles, intramuscular injection (in the classical way) and is shown to people of all ages (after adulthood).
If we are talking specifically about the mesobotox procedure, then it implies a subdermal injection, that is, the thinnest needle pierces only the stratum corneum of the skin. Injections are made at a certain angle of inclination and, as a rule, do not penetrate deeper than 2-4 mm.
The drug itself is not administered independently, but along with saline. The ratio of such a “cocktail” is selected individually and varies from 1: 5 to 1:10. A qualified cosmetologist must always comply with safety precautions during work, wash hands with antiseptic agents and use exclusively sterile instruments.
Possible consequences
Unfortunately, negative consequences of botulinum toxin injection also occur. The danger of this rejuvenation procedure is that the injected substance is, in fact, a poison.Of course, the doses used in the cosmetology sphere are negligible, but still this amount is enough to atrophy the transmission of signals from nerves to muscles. But it makes you think.
Botox in rare cases can cause side effects such as:
- difficulty breathing
- facial asymmetry;
- lacrimation of the eyes;
- the effect of the "Greek tragic mask";
- hoarse voice;
- trouble swallowing food.
But do not be scared. The whole problem is that, with an incorrect calculation of the volume or depth of penetration, botulinum toxin can "get" to the muscles that it was not intended to. If the master has a specialized medical education, many years of experience and positive reviews, then he is able to determine the dosage and depth of administration with an accuracy of milligram.
In order to minimize the risk of side effects from mesobotox, and mesotherapy in general, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the contraindications for beauty injections:
- hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin (type A);
- lactation;
- pregnancy;
- hemophilia;
- pronounced diseases and inflammations of the skin of the face;
- undergoing treatment with drugs such as muscle relaxants and antiplatelet agents;
- alcoholism;
- acute period of chronic diseases;
- active cold sores;
- oncological diseases;
- myasthenia gravis (fatigue of striated muscles).
If at least one of the symptoms is detected, the mesobotox procedure should be postponed until this phenomenon is excluded. In some cases, it is necessary to completely abandon such services.
Botulinum toxin - a substance that helps to become younger. The main thing is to take mesotherapy seriously: choose a qualified specialist and eliminate contraindications. In this case, the procedure will give a stunning result.