Metformin Canon is a synthesized hypoglycemic drug that can lower blood sugar, correct carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body, expressed in overweight patients. The medicine is used in medical practice for the treatment of type I diabetes mellitus as an adjunct in insulin therapy, as well as type II (in patients with increased weight). The use of the substance helps to regulate body weight in cases when proper nutrition does not bring the desired effect.
Material Content:
Description of the dosage form and composition
The active substance of the drug is metformin hydrochloride, which is produced in tablet form coated with a synthetic soluble shell. In the middle there is a risk for dividing the dosage of the drug.
Metformin Canon Tablets:
- 1000 mg, 850 mg, 750 mg are elongated, with an active substance concentration of 0.1, 0.85, 0.75 g, respectively;
- 500 mg round with a content of 0.5 g.
In the package, from 30 to 150 tablets are packaged. The cost of the medicine in the retail network is determined by the dosage and the number of blisters in one box.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
The pharmacological properties of metformin are the ability to influence vital biogenic processes:
- enhance muscle glucose processing;
- slow down the rate of synthesis of glucogen from glucose;
- normalize cholesterol and triglycerides;
- reduce the formation of free fatty acids;
- delay the adsorption of carbohydrates in the intestine;
- regulate lipid metabolism, which consists of the breakdown of fats;
- increase the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin;
- in obese people, at the first stage of treatment, stop weight gain and further promote weight loss;
- eliminate blood clots in blood vessels by diluting them.
The drug slowly dissolves and is absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract within 2-3 hours. Metformin is absorbed by the body in an amount of 50% of the drug taken and excreted after 8-12 hours.
In what cases is Metformin Canon prescribed
Indications for the use of Metformin Canon are diseases associated with metabolic processes and glycemia in the body:
- treatment of diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent) with monotherapy and in combination with insulin;
- with obesity, drug treatment is carried out with the patient always observing proper nutrition;
- fatty hepatosis (degeneration of liver cells);
- thrombosis treatment;
- the formation of cysts in the ovaries in multiple quantities, which stimulates the production of insulin and an increase in sugar content;
- hyperlipidemia (impaired lipid metabolism in the body).
Instructions for use and dosage of tablets
Instructions for use Metformin Canon contains general recommendations for using the product. The actual rules of admission, as well as the necessary dose, are determined by the doctor. He also makes appropriate adjustments during the period of therapy, focusing on the patient's condition.
The medicine is taken with meals to exclude irritating effects on the gastric mucosa.
Adult patients with treatment involving Monoformin Canon without concomitant medications are prescribed:
- at the beginning of therapy, 1000-1500 mg per day;
- monitoring the patient is carried out for 2 weeks, then arrange dose adjustment in the range up to 2000 mg;
- as necessary, bring the amount of the substance to 3000 mg;
- use of the drug is distributed 2-3 times.
The use of drugs with the addition of insulin:
- initially prescribed from 500 or 850 mg for 2-3 doses per day;
- once - 1000 mg per day.
Treatment with Monoformin Canon (with the addition of insulin) is prescribed to children in the following order:
- initially, 500 mg once daily with an evening meal;
- after 2 weeks, guided by the results of the analyzes, adjust the treatment;
- the daily dose that supports the body in a stable state, on average, 1000-1500 mg is determined, a medication is taken 2-3 times during the day;
- as necessary, is brought up to 2000 mg per day.
It is recommended to carry out combination therapy with insulin in stationary conditions under the supervision of specialists.
The treatment of obesity must necessarily be accompanied by a change in eating behavior without strict dietary restrictions:
- in the early days, the drug is taken daily in an amount of 500 mg simultaneously with food;
- weekly, the dose is increased by 500 mg and adjusted to 2000 mg.
A rigid diet is not recommended - this can trigger hypoglycemia.
During pregnancy and lactation
According to the annotation, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, since deviations in the development of the fetus are possible. When planning a pregnancy, a woman should notify the attending physician about this to adjust the medication.
Due to the lack of sufficient data on the effect of the medication on the baby's body, it is necessary to switch to artificial feeding of the baby during breastfeeding.
Drug interaction
When using Metformin Canon in conjunction with other drugs, complications can occur that can lead to serious consequences:
- incompatible with alcoholic beverages - the risk of a number of side effects;
- decreased effectiveness when using the drug with diuretics, beta2 (adrenergic agonists); hyperglycemic agents (Danazol, Chlorpromazine), glucocorticosteroids, diuretics;
- combined use with insulin, sulfonylurea, acarbose, salicylates, nifedipine causes an increase in glypoglycemic properties.
All corrections and instructions on the compatibility of drugs are issued by the attending physician.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Side effects are manifested by the body in various forms:
- impaired stool, nausea;
- change in taste perception of food;
- lack of appetite;
- discomfort in the stomach and liver.
Negative manifestations of the body on Metformin Canon:
- disturbances in the functioning of the liver;
- allergic reactions in the form of redness of the skin, rash, itching;
- decreased body absorption of vitamin B12;
- reactions to the simultaneous use of several drugs;
- a decrease in blood glucose levels are signs of hypoglycemia, a deterioration in the general condition of the patient taking place against this background.
In these cases, it is recommended to divide the daily dose of the drug into several doses, combining them with the use of food.
Contraindications to the use of the drug:
- pulmonary and heart failure;
- myocardial infarction;
- kidney and liver diseases in severe forms;
- the preoperative period, as well as before the scheduled examination with x-rays (the medication is canceled, reception is resumed 2 days after the procedure);
- hypersensitivity to metformin.
During therapy, the work of the kidneys should be regularly monitored.
Symptoms of an overdose:
- pain in the stomach;
- lowering body temperature;
- diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
- dizziness, fainting, coma.
The annotation to the medicine does not indicate restrictions on driving, but caution must be exercised, due to the possibility of a decrease in glucose in the body, a sharp deterioration in well-being.
Reception of Metformin Canon is allowed for children at the age of 10. For patients over the age of 60, as well as persons whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion, the drug is not prescribed due to the risk of lactic acidosis.
It is necessary to take the medication only as prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the prescribed dosage.
Among modern counterparts, preparations of the following companies are especially popular: Siofor (Germany), Glyukofazh (France), Formetan (Russia). The active substance in all medicinal medicines is metformin hydrochloride.
Metformin Canon is a product of Canonfarm Production CJSC. The synonyms of the cheaper group include Metformin Richter, Metformin Teva. These funds are issued by other manufacturers.
Metformin long canon is an analogue of prolonged action, which is used for cases of intolerance to Metformin Canon, manifested by pain, gastric colic, and nausea.
The benefits of prolonged action are expressed in the delayed dissolution and assimilation of metformin within 2-3 hours. Concomitant use with food additionally slows down the adsorption of the drug in the body and reduces negative side effects.
The modern pharmaceutical market is filled with many antidiabetic drugs.
Metformin Canon compares favorably with the fact that the drug is well studied and highly effective, it helps the patient at different stages of the disease.
This is the case when the quality and cost of a medicine makes its purchase affordable for all segments of the population.