"Metformin" is a medication specially designed to moderate and safely reduce blood sugar levels, and at the same time used to reduce excess weight. One of the important properties of Metformin is its mild effect, since the medication does not lead to a sharp decrease in glucose concentration and does not cause hypoglycemic coma.
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The mechanism of action of Metformin for weight loss
Although the main purpose of the drug is antidiabetic, an additional important property of Metformin, noted by nutritionists, is the normalization of body weight.
When they are going to use Metformin for weight loss, it is important to realize that this pharmaceutical product does not work as a fat burner.
The mechanism of its therapeutic effect is that the drug prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into lipid compounds and forms chemical and biological conditions for the elimination of excess body fat.
As a pharmaceutical drug for weight loss, Metformin has the following effects on the body:
- Increases the response of cells to insulin, contributing to the quality of glucose uptake. And the greater the sensitivity of tissues to this hormone, the more glucose is used by tissues as a source of energy, and the less sugar is converted to fat. The active use of carbohydrates for energy supply (and not for fat formations) is accompanied by a decrease in hunger.
- Quickly but safely reduces blood sugar, which in turn suppresses appetite and dependence on sugary foods.
- Accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids, which is the basis of biochemical "burning" of fats.
- It blocks the formation of triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol (LDL fractions) that disrupt lipid-carbohydrate metabolism.
- Reduces the absorption in the stomach and intestines of sugars, which are then converted into fatty layers.
- Improves the use of glucose by the cells of muscle fibers, enhancing the stamina and activity of the body.
Composition, release form and packaging
Medication is produced in several countries, so the name, dose and packaging may vary.
The basic therapeutic basis of the drug is metformin hydrochloride.
Dosage form - white round convex or oblong tablets with 500, 750, 850, 1000 mg of the therapeutic component. A pack can contain 30 or 60 tablets, packaged in aluminum-plastic blisters of 10 units.
In addition, the medication contains inactive formative components and preservatives.
In pharmacies, there are analogues of Metformin under the following names: Israeli Metformin-Teva, French Glucofage, domestic Metformin-Richter, Gliformin, Formmetin, German Siofor, Serbian Metformin.
Instructions for use Metformin
The antidiabetic agent "Metformin" activates the process of spending lipids, not muscle tissue proteins. Therefore, against the background of weight loss, a person will not feel weakened or overworked.
How to take a medicine to lose weight? Nutritionists advise starting the medication with a minimum amount (500 mg), first once, then twice a day. This will reduce the severity of adverse reactions and allow you to get used to the effect of the medication. After a week, the frequency of administration is increased to 3 times. Metformin tablets are drunk after or during meals, washed down with plenty of any liquid.
The duration of taking Metformin for weight loss is limited to 20 to 25 days. After 4 to 8 weeks, it is allowed to repeat the course of therapy.
It is forbidden to take more than 2000 mg of the drug per day in order to avoid the development of a life-threatening condition - lactic acidosis, which develops with an abnormal accumulation of lactic acid and the inability of the body to process it.
More often, such a complication is observed with an overdose of a medication, especially in people with diabetes mellitus and renal-hepatic pathologies, with high physical exertion.
It is advisable, against the background of taking Metformin, to limit carbohydrate foods, refuse trans fats and maintain a daily energy value of nutrition at the level of 1200 - 1400 kilocalories. Against the background of playing sports or dancing, you can increase the daily calorie content by 200 - 300 kcal.
It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sugar, chocolate, sugary drinks, flour products, mayonnaise, sauces, butter, any fatty foods, smoked meats.
It is necessary to limit potatoes, white rice, bananas, pasta, semolina, rice porridge.
Important! The combination of "Metformin" with many pharmacological agents is prohibited, since drug interaction leads to serious consequences. Therefore, before admission, a thorough study of the medical instructions is required.
Contraindications, side effects
The following conditions are contraindications for the use of Metformin as a sugar-lowering medicine and means for losing weight:
- ketoacidosis in diabetes, metabolic acidosis, precoma, coma;
- pregnancy;
- breast-feeding;
- intolerance to metformin and any constituent components;
- age up to 10 years;
- existing or previously transferred lactic acidosis;
- renal function disorders (CC above 132 and 123 μmol / L in men and women, respectively);
- serious hepatic pathology;
- conditions leading to impaired renal function: dehydration (against the background of vomiting, diarrhea), temperature above 38.8 ºС, severe infections and inflammations, blood poisoning, shock, injuries;
- heart, respiratory failure, bronchopulmonary diseases, heart attack, heart attack, stroke;
- serious surgery;
- alcohol dependence, ethanol poisoning;
- use 48 hours before and after procedures with intravascular injection of iodine-containing substances;
- low-calorie diet with a daily energy value below 1000 kcal.
Side effects that are more often noted in the early days of therapy: nausea, loose stools, abdominal pain, gas, an unpleasant aftertaste of metal. Typically, these manifestations disappear on their own in 7 to 10 days, but to ease the body’s addiction, you can take Espumisan, Motilium, No-shpu, Smectu, or reduce the dose.
In people with allergies, the drug can cause skin rashes, itching, which requires a dose reduction or refusal of the medication. With long-term use, a deficiency of B12 and B9 often develops and megaloblastic anemia caused by it.
The most severe undesirable effect that occurs in single patients is lactic acidosis. The condition requires emergency medical care in a hospital. More often, lactic acidosis develops in people with diseases of the kidneys, heart, diabetes, bronchopulmonary pathologies, asthma, in age-related patients from 65 years old and people engaged in heavy physical labor or undergoing sports activities.
Symptoms of lactic acidosis: pain in the head, behind the sternum, in the muscles, abdomen, tachycardia, shortness of breath, severe weakness, nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin or proteins.
What results can be achieved by taking the drug
If the medication is taken in order to lose weight, then you can wait for the results in a week. The use of this hypoglycemic agent will give a noticeable effect of losing weight along with moderate physical activity and a low-carb diet, leading to weight loss of up to 3 kg in 4 weeks.
On average, there is a weight loss of 2 - 2.5 kg per month, which is considered the most favorable indicator, which does not require increased physical activity, sagging skin does not occur, there are no pronounced negative reactions.
With proper use of the medication, taking into account all contraindications and body characteristics, Metformin:
- normalizes weight in healthy people, as well as in patients with polycystic ovary, or gaining extra kilograms while taking birth control pills, in people with obesity due to diabetes, taking antipsychotics, hormones;
- inhibits the aging process;
- prevents atherosclerosis by lowering the level of low-density cholesterol fraction;
- reduces the content of liver enzymes, helping in the treatment of fatty liver dystrophy.
Which is better, metformin or formin
“Formin” and “Metformin” belong to the class of biguanides and contain the same substance, metformin, as a medical base.
Therefore, the therapeutic effect of both drugs when using the same doses is similar.
The only thing that distinguishes the drugs is the number and type of inactive components, some of which the patient may be allergic to. Therefore, before purchasing a medicine, you need to read the instructions in detail.
Reviews of nutritionists about pills
Among the many reviews of nutritionists about the medication, the main opinions expressed can be highlighted:
- "Metformin" really reduces weight if prescribed taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.
- Pharmaceuticals is relevant and effective in the comprehensive fight against obesity in people suffering from metabolic disorders.
- The drug helps to reduce body weight without strenuous exercise.
- "Metformin" is safe under safety precautions. The most common adverse reactions are dyspeptic disorders, which occur when crushing the daily dose into 3-4 doses.
However, some nutritionists note that body weight while taking “Metformin” is reduced to a certain level, and with a further intake, the dynamics are not observed.