The metabolic diet today is widespread. Its action is not only based on food restrictions, but also on the restoration of hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, the effect of such a system persists for a long time.

A detailed description of the metabolic diet

The action of the presented program is aimed at suppressing the production of substances that lead to the accumulation of fat in the human body, as well as the activation of fat-burning hormonal agents.

The diet menu includes all the components that are indispensable to health, and, therefore, it is absolutely safe, and you can stick to it for a long time.

The meaning of such a nutrition system lies in planning the use of diverse products throughout the day.

Eating complex carbohydrates at breakfast. Such a meal is considered the most high-calorie. Subsequent approaches are aimed at lowering calories consumed. Therefore, for dinner, only low-calorie protein foods and vegetables are selected.

A similar diet is used to “accelerate” the metabolism in healthy people who want to lose weight, as well as in patients with a similar syndrome - a condition that occurs in obesity caused by metabolic disorders.

In this case, the phenomenon of insulin resistance can be observed when the cells are insensitive to insulin and there is an increase in its concentration in the blood plasma.

In addition to problems with the metabolism of certain substances, a person may be disturbed by high blood pressure. A similar phenomenon is a whole complex of disorders, and a metabolic diet helps to reduce them, improve the metabolic process in the body.

Basic principles

All products are divided into five subgroups based on their nutritional value.

The classification in the form of a point system is used, where the smaller one corresponds to the lower calorie content of the dish. From this it follows that the lower the indicator of the product, the less fat will be deposited after its use. When planning a menu, its components are added up taking into account the allowable number of points, calculating separately for each meal.

The principles of eating:

  • You can reduce the number of "eaten points", but you can not exceed the norm.
  • If you didn’t manage to have a meal in time, then these indicators “burn out”, since it is no longer possible to add them to the next portion of food.
  • The time intervals between the previous and next meals should be no more than three hours.
  • Serving Size - 250 milliliters (no more).
  • Waking up in the morning, you must drink 1.5 glasses of water.
  • The last meal is no later than three hours before bedtime.
  • For a day you need to consume 2-2.5 liters of water.
  • During the diet, it is important to drink a vitamin-mineral complex.
  • Eliminate food prepared by frying.
  • Limit salt intake as much as possible.
  • Exclude convenience foods from the diet.
  • Raw seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and sour milk in any form should prevail in the diet.
  • Meat is allowed to be eaten only once a day, the rest of the time, fish fillet and egg protein are used as a source of protein.
  • It is advisable to include whole grain bread or bread rolls in the diet.
  • Improving diet results is facilitated by regular exercise. Exercise will have a positive effect on metabolism, help get rid of extra pounds, improve body proportions and allow you to maintain the effect for a long time.

During the diet period, it is important to constantly monitor your own feelings! If you experience weakness, visual impairment, or sweating, you can drink sweetened tea or replace it with a spoon of honey. If there are no improvements, consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

A positive feature of the metabolic diet is the lack of hunger. This nutritional system includes restrictions on the consumption of certain foods at any time of the day. Therefore, just eating according to a certain plan, you can significantly speed up the process of losing weight, get a quick and long-term effect.

The main disadvantage of the diet is a possible change in the hormonal background, which can lead to poor health.

It is important to remember that people with diabetes and pregnant women should not follow this diet without the permission of a doctor!

Diet Phases for Weight Loss

The metabolic diet takes place in three stages.

Fat burning

This phase is aimed at accelerating metabolism. Thanks to her, hated kilograms disappear much faster. The period is rather complicated, since fast carbohydrates are not included in the diet, and all fats are contained in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, which must be added during cooking. The stage lasts up to 2 weeks, but it can be reduced, taking into account your well-being.

In the fat burning phase, let’s take products with a rank of 0 points (+ tbsp. Vegetable oil). The main components of the menu are protein dishes (meat with low fat content, milk and its derivatives), as well as fiber (vegetables).


The upcoming stage is the most important and the longest. Its period is determined by the person himself. Proceed to the next phase only after obtaining the desired result.Weight loss at this stage is not very fast, but safe for health.

The preparation of the diet occurs according to the following plan:

  • For breakfast (from 8 to 10) it is allowed to eat products for 4 points.
  • The 2nd breakfast (11–12) includes 2 points.
  • Lunch is also “two-point”.
  • In the afternoon snack (16-18 hours), only 1 point is permissible.
  • Dinner (up to 20 hours) should be 0.

In this case, the eaten volume cannot exceed 250 ml.

It is preferable to take low-grade foods and combine them with food.

Result fixing

This period can be perceived as a simple system of healthy nutrition, which has already become part of life. Gradually, the remaining products are connected to the diet in 2 steps of the diet.

For starters, 1 point is added to each meal, except dinner. All 7 days must be weighed regularly. If at the end of this period the kilograms continue to leave, then in the new week you can add another 1 point.

When the weight stabilizes, it is recommended to switch to food according to the plan. If weight gain is again observed, then it is necessary to resume the decline by 1 point until the mass reaches the desired values.

Division of products into groups

All food is divided according to its nutritional value, expressed in points.

Zero points:

  • eggs
  • chicken fillet;
  • seafood;
  • milk up to 2%;
  • greens and vegetables;
  • lemons, lime;
  • edible algae;
  • peas;
  • garlic and onions;
  • fiber (as a standalone product);
  • mushrooms (especially champignons);
  • vinegar (apple or grape);
  • various spices (preferably include mustard).

1 point:

  • beans;
  • juices from seasonal vegetables;
  • ripe berries as they ripen.

2 points:

  • vegetable oil;
  • boiled vegetables (beets, zucchini, carrots);
  • cereal bread;
  • olives;
  • goat cheese;
  • fruits (unsweetened);
  • brown rice, buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • nuts
  • "Milk" from 2 to 4%;
  • beef, chicken, lamb;
  • meat offal.

3 points:

  • chocolate (from 70% cocoa);
  • cheese;
  • fruit juices;
  • millet groats;
  • corn;
  • granola without sugar;
  • yogurts.

4 points:

  • dairy products from 4%;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • mayonnaise;
  • all types of canned food;
  • potatoes;
  • semolina;
  • flour;
  • bread and other cotton products;
  • pig meat, duck meat, goose;
  • sweets.

In the process of planning the menu, the presented classification must be taken into account.

Daily menu

Let's look at the approximate menu of the metabolic diet for the stage of stable "fat burning", because at the very beginning of this stage often there are problems with scoring.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal without milk with a handful of berries; kefir 1 percent.
  • 2 breakfast: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: boiled veal, a salad of seasonal vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: 2% cottage cheese with berries.
  • Dinner: scrambled eggs with broccoli.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal; green tea.
  • 2 breakfast: salad with feta cheese.
  • Lunch: okroshka (from cucumbers, onions, eggs, chicken).
  • Snack: white yogurt with berries.
  • Dinner: sea kale and egg.


  • Breakfast: omelet in the oven, black tea.
  • 2 breakfast: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: stewed chicken hearts, salad.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with berries.
  • Dinner: seaweed, steamed cod fillet.


  • Breakfast: millet, kefir.
  • 2 breakfast: orange.
  • Lunch: grilled vegetables.
  • Snack: zucchini with tomatoes and spices.
  • Dinner: chicken breast with a vegetable side dish.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir.
  • 2 breakfast: steamed vegetables.
  • Lunch: a salad of seasonal vegetables.
  • Snack: apple.
  • Dinner: turkey fillet in the oven, green peas.


  • Breakfast: boiled egg; slice of goat cheese, tea.
  • 2 breakfast: fruit salad.
  • Lunch: Greek salad with feta cheese.
  • Snack: fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: baked rabbit meat, boiled broccoli.


  • Breakfast: green beans with rice; tea.
  • 2 breakfast: salad.
  • Lunch: casserole with vegetables.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with berries.
  • Dinner: grilled fish steak, seasonal vegetables.

Cooking recipes

Stewed zucchini with tomatoes and green beans (1 point)

  1. Zucchini and tomatoes cut into cubes.
  2. Pour a little water into the stewpan, toss the zucchini and green beans.
  3. Close the dishes, simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, throw tomatoes, crushed garlic, salt, chopped herbs and black pepper.

You can add lemon juice.

Greek salad (2 points)

  1. For dressing, combine lemon juice, dried basil, black pepper and olive oil.
  2. Chop the cucumber, purple onion, tomato and feta cheese.
  3. Add the resulting sauce and mix everything.

Garnish the salad with olives.

Oven turkey cheese patties (3 points)

  1. Chop the turkey fillet, like minced meat, add salt and spices to your taste, as well as herbs.
  2. Hard cheese cut into cubes and add to the fillet.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly, give the products the desired shape, send the workpieces to the oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.

Oatmeal with berries (4 points)

Cook oatmeal in water, slightly salting the liquid.

Cooking time - according to the instructions on the packaging.

After receiving the dish, add a handful of berries.

The right way out of the diet

Exiting a diet is its 3 stage. As already mentioned above, during this period they add 1 point to all meals (except dinner) every 7 days until a stable body mass index is obtained.

How many kilograms of excess weight you can lose

The number of kilograms lost will depend on the person’s initial weight and duration of the steps (especially the first, when each gram is lost very quickly). If there is a large amount of excess body weight, you can lose about 10 kg in the first month of such a diet.

But don't get carried away! No need to strive for a value that is below normal. This is fraught with further health problems.


It is forbidden to follow a metabolic diet without a doctor’s recommendation:

  • women bearing a child and nursing mothers;
  • people with diabetes;
  • cancer patients;
  • with metabolic disorders in the body;
  • in the presence of other severe pathologies.

A diet to speed up metabolism will help to acquire the desired form. In addition, the effect of the achieved results will remain for a long time, because the action of the presented nutrition system is based on the physiological characteristics of the human body.