It is no secret that malfunctions in the menstrual cycle are a sign of existing disorders within the female body. Often, women are faced with a situation where there is no menstruation, the test is negative, and it is not possible to immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Without a doctor, you are unlikely to establish the exact cause of the delay in menstruation, so you should not delay the visit to a competent specialist.
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The normal course of menstruation
Every month, cyclical changes occur in the uterus and ovaries, which are caused by hormonal changes in the body. At the initial stage, an egg is formed under the influence of estrogen hormones. If in the middle of the cycle the level of female hormones reaches the required maximum, the germ cell enters the fallopian tubes, and then enters the uterine cavity. This process is called ovulation.
Further, the concentration of hormones in the body decreases sharply, and in the event that conception has not occurred, the egg dies and the cycle ends with bloody discharge. The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, however, within the normal range, a regular cycle of 21-35 days is considered. Also, fluctuations within a few days are considered normal. Spotting is observed within 3-7 days.
All kinds of external factors, whether it’s stress, lack of vitamins or first sex, can negatively affect the regularity of the cycle. 1-2 times a year, such violations can occur in any woman. If spotting does not occur within 10 days, delayed menstruation in this case is considered normal (provided that the next menstruation occurs on time). It is only necessary to sound the alarm if hormonal disruptions are systematic.
Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy
The female reproductive system is such a complex mechanism that any, even the most insignificant factors, can affect the duration of the cycle. In addition, delays often occur in women after 40 years of age, when a slow extinction of reproductive function begins. It is necessary to identify the origin of such a failure as soon as possible in order to prevent the subsequent development of gynecological diseases. Experts identify several main reasons for the delay of menstruation, in addition to pregnancy.
Inflammatory diseases
As a rule, it is inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs that provoke various disorders of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Often, poor ecology, erratic sexual relations and, as a result, weakening of the immune system lead to such consequences. The causative agents of inflammatory diseases are pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, be it chlamydia, staphylococcus, streptococcus or a fungus of the genus Candida.
Please note that inflammatory processes can be asymptomatic, transforming over time into a chronic form. The lack of timely treatment can lead to the most dire consequences, up to infertility.
As for the symptoms that are manifested, in addition to delaying menstruation, vaginal discharge with a smell, pain and burning in the genital area can also be observed.
The consequence of such violations can be:
- ectopic pregnancy;
- adhesions in the fallopian tubes and uterus;
- neoplasms and cysts in the ovaries;
- miscarriages.
Stress and Exercise
Physical overwork, as well as systematic stressful situations, negatively affect the health of the endocrine system. It is nervous breakdowns that lead to hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, is the main culprit in the irregular cycle.
Hormonal diseases are most difficult to treat. Doctors usually prescribe oral contraceptives or progestogens to their patients to restore cycle disorders. After drug withdrawal, as a rule, the situation returns to its previous course.
Weight problems
Overweight, as well as lack of weight, provokes malfunctions of reproductive function. Adipose tissue plays an important role in the formation of hormonal levels. In addition to female hormones, a large amount of androgens is also formed in fat cells.
In overweight women, the level of testosterone exceeds the permissible norm, as a result of which further violations of the reproductive system occur. Extra pounds are the cause of such a common disease as polycystic. In the multifollicular ovaries, the process of ovulation does not occur, as a result of which there are constant delays in menstruation.
Possible diseases
The causes of an irregular cycle can be not only ailments associated with the female reproductive system. Very often, a delay is provoked by colds such as SARS or the flu. Hormonal failure occurs due to a decrease in immunity. Also, the disease can be caused by various chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
An irregular menstrual cycle is observed if serious malfunctions in the pituitary have been diagnosed. Such consequences are caused by diseases of the adrenal gland, thyroid gland, or central nervous system.In some cases, the main cause of the development of hormonal disorders is diabetes.
Why constant delays are dangerous
Sometimes girls confuse reproductive system disorders with pregnancy, as in either case the symptoms can be identical: pulls the lower abdomen, chest pain is noted, menstruation is absent. Systematic delays, the duration of which exceeds a week, signal the presence of serious gynecological problems.
In addition to delayed menstruation, women with hormonal disorders also have symptoms such as increased hair growth, stretch marks on the skin, acne, or male hair loss. Without timely treatment, such pathologies lead to irreversible consequences.
Constant malfunctions of the menstrual cycle cause the following ailments:
- ovarian dysfunction;
- cancerous tumors;
- disorders of the cardiovascular system;
- early menopause;
- decrease in the immune system;
- infertility.
In addition, hormonal imbalances in the female body increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Diagnostic measures
If the test is negative, the delay in menstruation causes the woman many different experiences. A timely examination by a specialist will dispel all fears and concerns, and will also help to avoid possible complications.
Diagnostics includes a number of the following studies:
- A smear for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and endocrine glands. It is carried out to detect hormonal disorders, as well as to diagnose tumor formations and other diseases of the reproductive system.
- Blood test for hormones. Allows you to accurately determine the hormonal background of a woman.
- Histological examination of the pelvic organs. For analysis, a piece of tissue is taken from the uterine cavity, after which the material is examined for cancer, endocrine and venereal diseases.
- HCG analysis. As a rule, pregnancy is determined with its help. However, elevated hormone levels may also indicate the presence of cancerous tumors.
When is treatment required?
Do not panic if you notice a malfunction in your menstrual cycle. Remember that nervous strain also adversely affects women's health, provoking even greater disorders of the pelvic organs. One negative pregnancy test may show a false result. In this case, an analysis of hCG demonstrates more reliable indicators, since the hormone n in the blood is much higher than in the urine. Tumors, fibroids, inflammatory processes detected during the examination require immediate treatment.
Also, a disturbed hormonal background needs therapeutic correction. For girls who do not plan to conceive, the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives, such as Yarina or Diane-35. Patients seeking to become pregnant are prescribed Dufaston, thanks to which it is possible to normalize the level of female hormones. The delay after Duphaston or oral contraceptives is considered normal, since the hormonal background undergoes a radical restructuring.
When is the best time to see a doctor?
If no discomfort or abdominal pain is observed, then you can wait for 10 days. After this period, in the absence of menstruation, it is recommended to seek help from a gynecologist. The specialist will prescribe the delivery of appropriate tests, on the basis of which a further treatment plan will be drawn up. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if during the delay you experience unpleasant pain. The sooner the cause of the pain is established, the more effective the treatment methods will be.
A regular menstrual cycle is the key to long youth and well-being.Do not allow the disease to flow into the chronic stage, systematically undergo examinations by a competent specialist, avoid stress and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Remember that it is much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it.