This medicinal plant is similar in action to mint. Everyone knows the pleasant lemon balm aroma of lemon balm, which soothes and relieves irritation. But what else does Melissa have medicinal properties and contraindications?
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Melissa: useful and healing properties
Lemon mint (also called melissa) has an impressive list of healing components in its composition. It is rich in vitamins, essential oils, trace elements and nutrients.
Therefore, the plant has a comprehensive healing effect on the body:
- Soothes, normalizes sleep, reduces the risk of developing neurosis;
- increases stress resistance, improves mood, fights with signs of depression;
- lowers high blood pressure;
- relieves bouts of pain with migraines, rheumatism;
- activates the brain;
- eliminates spasms (hepatic and intestinal colic);
- restores normal heart rhythm;
- strengthens the immune system, prevents viral diseases;
- improves sweating, promotes the elimination of toxins;
- normalizes digestion, improves appetite;
- eliminates inflammation;
- heals wounds (erosion, ulcers);
- relieves cramps;
- has an antiseptic effect (with inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis);
- removes stones from the kidneys, liver;
- eliminates allergic skin irritations (rash, eczema, boils);
- normalizes the hormonal balance of the female body (with PMS, menopause, pregnancy, in the postpartum period).
A distinctive feature of lemon balm grass from other medicinal plants is that it practically does not cause unwanted side effects if the dosage is accidentally increased.
The safety and healing properties of lemon grass allow it to be used both in therapy and for the prevention of many diseases.
Recipes of traditional medicine with lemon balm
Traditional healers have proven funds based on the healing properties of lemon balm. For the treatment of diseases, different parts of the plant are used and excellent methods of preparation are used.
Effective recipes of traditional medicine:
- Infusion for colic, cramping. Dry lemon balm (1/2 cup) pour boiling water (0.5 l). To sustain 1 - 2 hours. Consume 3 times a day 150 g of tincture 1 hour before meals for a week.
- Soothing infusion. Chopped leaves of grass (8 tsp) pour hot water (0.5 l). Insist in a thermos 5 - 6 hours. Drink 3 times a day 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals.
- Decoction from bloating. Fresh or dry leaves (100 g) toss in boiling water (1 l). Cook for 5 - 7 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cups of broth 3 times a day after meals.
- Infusion to stabilize the heart rhythm. Dry raw materials (2 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (0.5 l.). Insist 1 - 2 hours, strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
- Syrup to normalize sleep. Melissa leaves (150 g) pour cold water (0.5 l). Simmer until the amount of liquid is reduced by 2 times. Strain, let cool. Add honey (1 tsp). Use 1 tbsp. l before bedtime. Store syrup in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks. The therapeutic effect occurs very quickly, and the unique aroma of the product calms and gives a good mood.
- Refreshing rinse. Pour lemon mint (8 tsp) with boiling water (400 g). Insist 45 minutes under the lid, cool. Gargle 3 to 4 times a day.
- A decoction of dandruff. Boil the leaves of lemon balm (4 tbsp.) For 8-10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Strain, cool. Rinse hair after washing.
- Tincture to strengthen the immune system. Plant essential oil (20 ml) pour alcohol or vodka (200 ml). Soak for 14 days in a dark place. Consume 1 tsp. 2 times a day after meals. Such a tincture as a compress helps to get rid of joint pain.
- Poultices for skin diseases. Leaves of lemon balm (25 g) pour boiling water (1 l), stand for 1 hour. Soak gauze with infusion, apply to a sore spot for 1 - 2 hours. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
Before using folk remedies based on lemon balm, you should consult a doctor.
Application in cosmetology
Lemon mint is used in cosmetics, as it has beneficial effects on the hair, face and body:
- makes the dermis supple;
- nourishes hair and skin;
- prevents baldness;
- relieves inflammation, peeling;
- relieves rashes, blackheads;
- gives shine to hair;
- rejuvenates the skin.
Popular recipes using lemon balm for cosmetic procedures:
- Moisturizing mask of crushed leaves (2 tbsp. L.), Honey (1 tbsp. L.), Aloe juice (1 tsp.) And lemon juice (2 drops) nourishes the skin and whitens it. Mix the components, apply to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes and lips. Hold for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold.
- Nourishing cream, which includes fresh lemon balm leaves (50 g) and butter (10 g), makes the skin of the face, neck and hands soft, removes peeling, protects from wind and frost. Heat the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath, cool, add honey (1 tsp).
- The compress from the dark circles under the eyes also eliminates edema. Dip bread crumb or cotton swab in lemon balm juice (10 g). Put forever on 15 - 20 minutes.
- A mask of crushed lemon balm leaves (10 g) and raw egg yolk strengthens hair, makes it shiny, promotes growth. Mix the components, rub into the roots of the hair. Cover with cellophane, wrap with a towel for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water. Use once a week.
Lemon mint essential oil is used to improve the beneficial properties of creams, shampoos, balms and tonics. For a relaxing aromatic bath, add a few drops of lemon balm oil to the water.
Melissa herbal tea - benefits and harms
The aromatic drink made from brewed lemon mint tastes good and is good for the body.
Tea with lemon balm has a lot of healing properties:
- soothes with neurosis;
- removes depression;
- normalizes sleep;
- improves appetite;
- struggling with symptoms of a cold;
- relieves increased muscle tone, spasm;
- increases lactation;
- interferes with the urge to vomit (in pregnant women);
- contributes to weight loss;
- effectively quenches thirst.
You can drink tea cold and hot.
Doctors do not advise people with arterial hypotension to get involved in the drink.
Useful and healing properties for children
Are the beneficial properties of lemon balm spread to the child's body?
Regarding the question of how many years you can give babies tea, decoction or infusion based on lemon balm, there are several opinions of experts:
- Some, based on the safety of the composition of the plant and the absence of special contraindications, recommend giving lemon mint from 4 months of age.
- Many doctors, referring to the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), insist that before six months no fluid should be taken except mother's milk.
- Other experts recommend introducing lemon balm into the diet of children no earlier than 3 years.
Lemon grass contributes to the development of perseverance, calms the child, helps to fall asleep normally. It is better to take tea with lemon balm before bedtime. But despite its positive properties, you should not decide on your own whether to drink lemon balm tea for the baby. In this case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
Contraindications and possible harm
When do doctors not recommend the use of lemon grass products?
Contraindications are:
- individual intolerance;
- allergic reactions (itching, rash, tearing);
- epilepsy;
- hypotension;
- pregnancy in the 2nd trimester;
- disturbances in the central nervous system;
- gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
- liver failure.
Since the grass has a relaxing effect, you should not drink tea or a decoction from it before sitting behind the wheel, or before working with complex mechanisms.
It is advisable for men not to get carried away with useful lemon mint tea, since in large doses it reduces potency.
And in all other cases, lemon balm in the form of tea, decoction or other means will give the body health and peace of mind.