For the successful treatment of diseases, it is necessary not only to eliminate the cause of the disease, but also to restore damaged tissues. So, with diseases of the central nervous system and dyscirculatory disorders of the brain, it is important to restore the integrity of nerve fibers and blood vessels. Mexidol helps in this, the indications for use of which are encephalopathy, acute cerebrovascular accident and other pathologies.
Material Content:
Form of release and composition of Mexidol
Mexidol is available in several forms:
- pills;
- solution for injections.
Release form | Active component | Additional components |
Pills | 2-Ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate (in 1 pc. - 125 mg). | Croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, PVA, magnesium stearate, food coloring E171, PEG, talc. |
Injection | 2-Ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine (50 mg in 1 ml of solution). | Sodium pyrosulfite, water for injection. |
The pills are round, biconvex. The color is white (sometimes with a cream tint).
Means for injections has a yellowish tint, transparent. A solution is issued in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml.
Indications for use of the drug
In domestic medicine, Mexidol is appreciated for a number of active therapeutic actions:
- membrane-protective - helps protect cells from damaging agents (negative effects of the environment, free radicals);
- nootropic (stimulant of VPF) - improves memory, activates attention, coordination, thinking, helps to improve learning;
- antihypoxic - significantly increases the resistance of body tissues to oxygen starvation, normalizes the metabolism of oxygen in the blood;
- antiepileptic - helps to reduce muscle cramps, relieve convulsive syndrome (even an unknown etiology);
- anxiolytic (tranquilizing) - helps to reduce feelings of anxiety, feelings of fear and anxiety;
- protects the body from stress, increases stress resistance;
- slows down the processes of damage to the structures of the nervous system.
Mexidol 125 mg tablets are indicated for use in cases of:
- minor head injury and their consequences;
- acute cerebral discirculatory disorders;
- prevention of decompensated pathologies of GM caused by impaired cerebral circulation;
- encephalopathy of various etiologies of a non-inflammatory nature;
- neurotic and pseudo-neurotic conditions, accompanied by anxiety and dysfunction of the NS;
- in the complex of treatment of coronary heart disease;
- pseudo-neurotic and post-withdrawal disorders, which are manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
- symptoms of intoxication with antipsychotics;
- chronic fatigue syndrome (asthenia).
IMPORTANT! The tablet form of Mexidol is prescribed for the treatment of symptom complexes caused by stressful situations and their pathological effect on organs and systems.
In ampoules for injections
Administration of the drug intramuscularly and intravenously is indicated in such conditions:
- acute stage of cerebrovascular accident;
- encephalopathy;
- TBI;
- the initial degree of cognitive impairment (attention, thinking, coordination, and others), which has an atherosclerotic nature;
- VVD and NDC;
- conditions like neurosis and psychoneurosis with symptoms of anxiety;
- vegetative-vascular disorders with alcohol withdrawal;
- symptoms of intoxication with antipsychotic drugs.
Sometimes a medicine is used as part of a complex treatment:
- with glaucoma of the primary type (open-angle);
- with myocardial infarction;
- with inflammation in the abdominal cavity with purulent discharge.
Instructions for use of the drug
The drug is used only as directed by a specialist.
Instructions for use of tablets:
- Take 1-2 tablets in the morning, at lunch and in the evening;
- Daily dose max - 750 mg;
- They drink the medicine regardless of the meal, drinking plenty of fluids;
- The therapeutic course is prescribed by a doctor. It lasts from 7 days to 4 weeks;
- Therapy should be stopped gradually, reducing the dosage of the drug in a few days.
Mexidol injections are given in / in or in / m (drip or infusion). Recommendations for the injection:
- Cerebral discirculatory processes, decompensated cerebrovascular insufficiency, head injury - several times a day iv / drop 200-400 mg. The treatment course is about 10 days;
- The initial degree of cognitive impairment (attention, thinking, coordination, etc.), which has an atherosclerotic nature - 100-300 mg per day / m. The duration of therapy is up to 1 month;
- Abstinence - a daily dose of 200-500 mg. Treatment lasts up to 10 days.
Injections of Mexidol IM are given 3-4 days after the start of the infusion of the drug. Drug withdrawal occurs gradually, on the basis of a satisfactory diagnosis.
During pregnancy and lactation
There is no confirmed data on any effect of the active component on the child's body. Therefore, the drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy. It can be prescribed for acute vital indications.
It is not known whether the active ingredient passes into breast milk. Nursing women should refrain from using Mexidol. With therapeutic need, termination of breastfeeding is recommended.
Drug interaction
It was noted that Mexidol enhances the result of treatment with tranquilizers, nootropics, antihypoxants, membrane protectors and antidepressants.
When combining these drugs, you need to adjust the therapeutic dose.
When taking Mexidol and ethyl-containing drugs, a decrease in the toxic effect of ethanol is noted.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Contraindications to taking the medicine:
- idiosyncrasy (intolerance to the components of the drug) and hypersensitivity reactions;
- periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- age up to 12 years;
- kidney or liver dysfunction.
Side effects:
- From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspeptic disorders, impaired stool.
- From the side of the National Assembly: drowsiness, apathy, lethargy.
- Allergic phenomena: itching, burning, sometimes urticaria.
Symptoms of an overdose: lethargy, increasing drowsiness. After stopping the drug, the condition normalizes. With increasing drowsiness with the inability to "stir up" the patient, it is necessary to consult a therapist.
Mexidol can be replaced with other drugs similar in therapeutic effect:
- Cerecard. Antioxidant drug. The active substance is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Producer: "ECOFARMPLUS", Russia. The cost is about 130 rubles;
- Emoxibel Antioxidant drug. The active substance is emoxypine (methylethylpyridinol). Producer: "BELMEDPREPARATIONS", Republic of Belarus. The cost is about 80 rubles;
- Vitagamma Multivitamin preparation. Active substances: thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine. Manufacturer; Bryntsalov-A, Russia. The cost is about 130 rubles.
Mexidol as an antioxidant, membrane-protective, nootropic and hypoxic drug has gained wide popularity in the Russian Federation.
Both medical specialists and patients noted the powerful therapeutic effect of the drug in cases of circulatory disorders in GM and disorders of higher mental functions.
And the average price and availability in pharmacy chains make it affordable for almost every resident.