The representatives of the Maine Coon breed are frequent guests at cat shows. They attract attention with huge sizes, a beautiful color of fluffy wool and a rather austere look. But despite the formidable appearance, the character of Maine Coon is livable and flexible. He is able to become a true friend for an adult or a child and is completely loyal to other representatives of the animal world. But before you get a cat or cat of this breed, it is worth studying in detail the nature and habits of Maine Coon.

Breed description

Maine Coon is home to North America. At the place of origin, they got their second name - North American semi-long-haired.

There are many versions of the appearance of this breed. Some sources claim that the population has a natural origin and was formed without human intervention. Others consider the Maine Coon breed the result of the work of breeders.

The North American half-length cat was officially registered at the beginning of the 19th century.

Description of the breed includes the following characteristic features of these animals:

  • large body sizes;
  • weight from 6.5 to 11 kg in males and from 4.5 to 7 kg in females;
  • large head with an elongated muzzle;
  • oval eyes of various colors;
  • triangular ears with tassels;
  • wide and powerful chest;
  • high paws with tufts of wool between the toes;
  • long and fluffy tail.

Most often, black, white and red Maine Coons are found. Individual representatives of the breed grow to especially large sizes and weigh 15 - 16 kg, and the life expectancy of cats and cats can reach 20 years.

Did you know? The length of some Maine Coons from the tip of the nose to the tail can reach 1 m.Representatives of this breed are recognized as one of the largest on the planet.

The nature and habits of Maine Coons

Maine Coon cats are smart and smart, have a balanced and accommodating disposition.

Let's consider their features in more detail:

  • Behavior. Such a pet is very peaceful and will never come into conflict first. He clearly divides all the objects in the house into his own and others. Due to their large size, these animals do not like space restrictions and prefer to move around the house freely.
  • Activity level. The pet spends most of the time in motion. It cannot be limited in this, since the load contributes to the development of the skeleton and the muscular system. Maine Coon's hunting instinct for cats and cats is well developed, they are able to track down and wait for potential prey for a long time.
  • Level of intelligence. Maine Coon is a born contemplator, he is observant and thoughtful, has a wonderful memory. These animals are able to hit the hosts with their quick wit and resourcefulness.
  • Learnability. Representatives of the breed not only perfectly capture the mood of the owners, but also discover the ability to train. A good memory allows the cat to remember many commands and execute them.
  • Relation to other animals and strangers. With a stranger, the Maine Coon cat will never allow himself familiarity and requires the same attitude to himself. To begin with, he needs to learn a new friend and only after that go on to communication. With children and other pets, these cats get along well and never offend.

Attention! Maine Coon positive traits are revealed only if they are well treated and properly educated. If the animal is ignored, not engaged in or offended, it will quickly detach itself from humans.

What is the difference between cats and cats

In addition to body weight, size, and, naturally, sexual characteristics, there are other differences between cats and Maine Coon cats.

Females are more independent than males. At the sight of the owner, they show joy and love, but the demonstration of feelings does not last long. Allowing himself to pet and purring with pleasure, the darling will go about his cat affairs.

Cats behave somewhat differently, in this respect they are more simple-minded. Some Maine Coon males are more like dogs in character, everywhere following the owner.

Hunting instincts are better developed in cats. It is generally accepted that they are smart enough and understand perfectly the difference between a hamster living in the house and a field vole running from the street. But it is better not to conduct dangerous experiments and protect small rodents from the furry predator. The same goes for parrots and canaries.

Features of the behavior of cats

Maine Coon from its relatives of other breeds is distinguished by a number of features, which include the following behavioral traits:

  • Love of water. Owners of cats are well aware of how difficult it is to bathe a pet. But this has nothing to do with Maine Coons - they love water and will be happy to take bath procedures.
  • Using paws with food. A cat or a cat of this breed will not stick their nose in a bowl, they will eat with their paws, using claws, picking up pieces of food.
  • Lack of habit to steal. Often left unattended products quickly move into the cat’s stomach, but Maine Coon will never be flattered by someone else’s food. If he climbs onto a table in the kitchen, it is only to better explore the surroundings.
  • Vote. Cats of this breed rarely meow and almost never hiss. The purrs they publish are very melodic and reminiscent of bird twitter.
  • Parental instinct. Unlike representatives of many breeds, Maine Coon popes do not show aggression towards offspring, they touchingly care for the kittens, taking an active part in their upbringing.

In addition, Maine Coon is able to quickly get used to the collar and will be happy to walk on a leash.

Maine Coon Maintenance and Care

In order for the pet to be healthy and cheerful, it must be properly looked after.

Consider the main principles of Maine Coon:

  • Food. Animals need not only special feeds, but also boiled meat and fish, eggs, vegetables, cereals and dairy products. In addition, the pet must be provided with sufficient water.
  • Restroom. Maine Coons are neat and will not allow themselves to leave “tags” anywhere. But the tray such an animal needs a large and voluminous, in accordance with its dimensions.
  • Hair care. These cats are bathed with special shampoos and combed at least once a week.
  • Brushing eyes, ears and teeth. For hygiene of the organs of vision, hearing and the oral cavity, you will need to purchase special cleaning products and use them as necessary.
  • Claw cutting. The cat will be happy to sharpen them about a special device, and in its absence, use furniture for these purposes. But periodically shearing his claws is necessary.

Pedigree cats need vaccination and regular health monitoring, so do not neglect trips to the veterinary clinic.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

You can talk endlessly about the virtues of Maine Coons. These animals are intelligent, non-conflict and intelligent, perfectly adapt to new living conditions.

However, the health of the cat or cat will have to be taken care of. The most common diseases among members of the breed are hip dysplasia and arthritis. The reason for this is the large size and impressive weight. In addition, Maine Coons often have cardiological problems, and you will need to regularly monitor the condition of the animal.

Another not very pleasant moment is abundant hair loss during molting. At this time, the owners will often have to take up a vacuum cleaner, otherwise the whole apartment will be “decorated” with fluffy lumps.

And the last of the small disadvantages of Maine Coons is their intolerance to loneliness. If the owners have no time to pay attention to the animal, it is better to get a cat of a different breed.

When purchasing a pet of this breed, you need to be aware that this animal does not fully comply with the widespread notions of what a cat should be like. And to ensure Maine Coon a comfortable existence can only be considered its features.