A smear on the flora is the most simple but informative method of examining women's health. It allows you to identify many pathological processes. Before visiting a gynecologist, it is advisable to find out what a smear shows on the flora in women.
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What does a smear show on the flora?
The vagina has its own flora, which is inhabited by beneficial microorganisms. With the development of pathogenic microflora, unpleasant sensations arise, for example:
- lower abdominal pain;
- change in volume, color or consistency of secretions;
- itching or burning in the vagina;
- unpleasant odor from the genitals.
A gynecological smear shows the state of the microflora with which it is populated by microorganisms. With it, you can judge inflammation, hormonal disorders and infectious diseases. It allows you to identify the causative agents of chlamydia, gonorrhea, candidiasis and other diseases that are sexually transmitted.
Important. In order to prevent gynecological diseases, a smear should be taken every 6 months.
Vaginal purity
By purity, one can judge the microflora, whether it is normal or pathogenic. A total of 4 degrees are distinguished, but only the first two are the norm.
- I degree. It is rare. The acidic environment, pH = 4-4.5. White blood cells, Dederlein sticks and other indicators are within the normal range.
- II degree. The acidity of the vagina decreases, the pH rises to 5. This indicates that a small number of pathogenic microorganisms inhabit the flora. There is no inflammatory process, so white blood cells are not exceeded. The infection is at the initial stage of development, so Candida and cocci can appear.
- III degree.There is an increase in pathogenic microflora, but the number of lactobacilli is significantly reduced. The vaginal environment becomes alkaline, pH = 5-7. Epithelial cells indicate inflammation.
- IV degree. The pH changes, it is 7-8. White blood cells, mucus and other inclusions far exceed normal values. Lactobacilli are absent, pathogenic flora.
III and IV degrees need treatment.
Standards for the results of a smear on the flora
According to the data in the table, the smear is decoded to the flora. The results are compared with normal values. If at least one parameter is not normal, then treatment is necessary.
Indicator | Normal values | ||
Vagina | Cervical canal (cervix) | Urethra | |
White blood cells | Up to 15 | Up to 30 | To 10 |
Epithelial cells | 5 to 10 | ||
Slime | Little | - | |
Key cells | - | - | - |
Microflora | Gram + sticks | - | - |
Yeast | - | - | - |
Gonococci | - | - | - |
Trichomonads | - | - | - |
Deciphering the results
To indicate the place where the smear comes from, the doctor uses the following Latin letters:
- V - contents from the vagina;
- C - from the cervix;
- U - from the urethra.
Also, letters indicate inclusions that were detected, for example, white blood cells (L), squamous epithelium (Ep), gonococci (gn), trichomonads (trich).
Epithelial cells must be present, if they are not, then this is a sign of atrophic processes in the uterus. With inflammation, the content of mucus and leukocytes increases.
Exceeding the number of beneficial microorganisms may indicate pregnancy, but their decline is a bad sign. This happens with an infectious disease in the initial stage.
Key cells appear with bacterial vaginosis, yeast with thrush. An increased cocci content indicates infections of the reproductive system.
Coccobacillary flora in a smear
In conclusion, you can see the word "cocci". They can be present even in a healthy woman, but in this case their number is very small.
If the number of cocci increases, then the coccobacillary flora in the smear develops. This indicates severe inflammation, a woman is diagnosed with nonspecific colpitis.
It is important to consider which cocci are gram-positive or gram-negative. Treatment depends on it. Gram (+) cocci are streptococci or staphylococci. They are less resistant to antibiotics. Gram (-) cocci is more dangerous. They cause gonorrhea, are more resistant to antibacterial treatment.
What are Dederlein sticks?
If the conclusion says "rod flora", then this is good. Dederlein sticks populate the vaginal microflora, so their number should be large. They include lactobacilli and gram-positive bacilli.
Dederlein sticks maintain high vaginal acidity, inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora and provide a high degree of purity.
Leptotrix smear
This is a bacterium that indicates a change in the composition of microflora. It is not sexually transmitted, but appears against other infections, such as chlamydia or Trichomonas. Also, its appearance may be associated with thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
Important. If leptotrix is detected, an additional examination will be necessary, for example, PCR diagnostics.
Norm and pathology during pregnancy
To give birth to a healthy baby, microflora must be brought back to normal at the planning stage. In order to prevent gynecological diseases, a pregnant woman should take a smear 3 times: when registering, at 30 and 38 weeks.
Important. If you change the nature of the discharge, you must immediately consult a gynecologist.
The composition of the microflora of a pregnant woman differs from the normal indicators of a healthy woman. The differences are as follows:
- The number of gram-positive sticks increases dozens of times, respectively, the acidity of the vagina increases. Such changes are needed to protect against infections. Lactobacilli inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that die in an acidic environment. The norm of gram-positive bacteria in the vagina is up to 20, in the urethra - up to 5, in the cervix - no more than 30.
- The number of epithelial cells is increasing.They are food for lactobacilli.
Other indicators do not differ from the norm. The smear should be free of yeast, cocci, trichomonads and other pathogenic infections. They cause inflammation, can cause infection of the fetus and miscarriage. That is why, before pregnancy, it is important to normalize the state of microflora and cure all diseases.
How to prepare for the analysis?
The accuracy of the analysis depends on the preparation for the study, therefore, 2-3 days before visiting the gynecologist, it is necessary to abandon sexual intercourse, not to take a bath, not to use suppositories and creams, not to douche, not to take pills.
On the day of the analysis, you need to take a shower. An important component of preparation is intimate hygiene. You should not use soap, shower gel or other means to cleanse the skin when washing, otherwise the result may be false. 2-3 hours before you go to the gynecological chair, it is not advisable to urinate.
You can take a smear on any day of the menstrual cycle, except for the days of menstruation themselves.
How valid are smear tests for flora?
You can find out the result the next day. It is valid for 10 days. In case of poor analysis, treatment should be started immediately.