The fight against age-related skin changes will be successful if you start it as soon as possible. “Solcoseryl” - an ointment for wrinkles that appear as a result of the facial muscles of the face. Shallow folds are smoothed after a course of application of the product.
Material Content:
Composition and properties of Solcoseryl
This is a therapeutic drug for the restoration of epidermal cells and wound healing, not a cosmetic product. Ointment and gel for external use contain an ingredient that promotes the regeneration of damaged skin - deproteinized dialysate, a product of the processing of blood of dairy calves.
The composition does not contain protein and large particles. There are inositol phospho-oligosaccharides that increase the synthesis of ATP - a substance necessary to supply cells with energy, oxygen saturation and increase metabolic activity.
The two dosage forms of the drug are different: the gel contains 4.15 mg of active substance in each gram of the product, ointment - 2.07 g. The differences in composition can be explained by the fact that the ointments penetrate deeper into the skin. To provide the same effect in the gel include more active substance.
- The basis of the ointment is petroleum jelly. Cetyl alcohol in this dosage form is an antiseptic. The presence of petroleum jelly is not typical for cosmetics. This ointment base is undesirable for oily skin, prone to rashes, inflammation. Vaseline does not interfere with wound healing, as it protects against excessive evaporation of moisture, drying out, and the penetration of microbes.
- The basis of the gel is water. Contains: emulsifier, preservative and thickener.The gel is closer to the cream in texture and properties: does not contain fats, is easily applied and washed off even with cold water. The product does not leave oily sheen on the skin and stains on clothing.
Gel / ointment improves microcirculation, collagen and elastin production.
The destruction of these substances leads to wrinkles. The skin's ability to regenerate collagen fibers and other skin structures decreases with age.
Indications for appointment
A topical pharmaceutical preparation is intended to heal minor skin lesions, namely cuts, deep abrasions and scratches. "Solcoseryl" is applied to previously cleaned wounds, ulcers, frostbite, burns of 1 or 2 degrees, arising under the influence of the sun and other etiologies. The tool can be used for difficult to heal trophic ulcers, bedsores.
Indications for the use of gel / ointment are the same. It is recommended at the initial stage to apply gel to damaged skin. Ointment is used to heal dry wounds.
Manufacturers did not anticipate that the therapeutic agent would be used for rejuvenation. Ways to combat facial wrinkles with a gel / ointment have not been formally developed. Known in cosmetology techniques are based on the effects of the active ingredient, as well as instructions for the use of the pharmaceutical preparation.
Indications for the appointment of anti-aging agents based on the Solcoseryl gel / ointment:
- traces of inflammation, acne;
- facial wrinkles;
- loose, flaccid skin;
- scars and scars.
The anti-aging effect of the drug is manifested as a result of regular procedures. Gel / ointment "Solcoseryl" in cosmetology is most often used for masks.
According to reviews, the gel is more convenient to use due to its light consistency, it is easily washed off with water. Masks based on it do not "weight" the skin.
The ointment is oily, viscous, clogs the pores, which is a minus. However, this dosage form is longer lasting.
The use of ointments in cosmetology: recipes for masks
Preventive use of the product - 1 time per month, to combat the signs of skin aging after 30 years - 1 or 2 times a week. Course - 10 procedures. Then you should take a break of 3 months.
Before the first procedure, a test for hypersensitivity to the drug is done. Lubricate a drop of the skin behind the ear. If after 15 minutes burning, itching, redness does not appear, then the mask can be applied - it will not cause allergies.
The skin must be prepared before each procedure. Wash, additionally cleanse the face with a steaming mask. Apply the composition with Solcoseryl for 10 to 60 minutes. After the end of the action, the remnants of the product are removed with a cotton pad moistened with warm water. In conclusion, a moisturizer is applied to the face.
Purifying, healing and toning mask
Ingredients (take 1 tsp.):
- "Solcoseryl";
- blue or green cosmetic clay;
- starch.
- Mix the ingredients.
- The homogeneous mass is applied in a thin layer on the face along the massage lines.
- Wash off after 10 minutes.
With vitamin E
Age skin especially needs vitamins A, E, C. Bioactive substances help the dermis cope with such problems as inflammation, moisture loss, and a decrease in the amount of collagen.
Ingredients (1 tsp):
- "Solcoseryl";
- Vitamin A (in ampoules or vial);
- vitamin E.
- Mix the components.
- Apply a mask to the face.
- Wash off the product after 15 minutes.
For the skin around the eyes
The first expression lines appear. The crow's feet at the outer edge of the eyes are noticeable in 25-year-olds. A mask for wrinkles under the eyes will help get rid of small folds and make deeper creases of the skin less noticeable. The tool can be used after 30 years.
Ingredients (½ tsp each):
- Solcoseryl gel;
- grape seed oil or cosmetic cream with this oil in the composition.
- Mix the components until smooth.
- The mass is applied in a thin layer on the wrinkles around the eyes.
- Leave it all night.
- Wash off in the morning.
For mature skin
It is better to use Solcoseryl for wrinkles in adulthood in combination with the Dimexid pharmacy. This substance is a kind of "carrier" for drugs. "Dimexide" helps other external preparations reach the deeper layers of the dermis.
- "Dimexide" - 1 ml;
- gel / ointment "Solcoseryl" - 1 tsp;
- water - 10 ml.
- Wet a cotton pad with a solution of "Dimexidum" in water.
- Wipe your face.
- Apply Solcoseryl.
- Leave for 1 hour.
With aloe juice
A natural stimulator of tissue regeneration is aloe juice (agave or faith). It is advisable to prepare the raw materials in advance: cut the leaves, wash, wrap in paper and refrigerate for 3 days. Then you need to remove the thorns (at the agave), grind the leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Use plants that have reached the age of 3 years.
- Solcoseryl gel - 1 tsp;
- aloe juice - 1 tsp;
- sea buckthorn oil - 5 ml.
- Mix the ingredients.
- Apply to clean steamed skin.
- Leave the mask for 20 minutes.
Contraindications and side effects
The tool is not applied with hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. Caution should be exercised if the skin is sensitive, prone to allergic reactions. "Solcoseryl" is not recommended for use during pregnancy. The use of this medication during lactation should also be avoided.
Solcoseryl is not a cosmetic cream. A pharmaceutical product performs completely different functions. Thoughtless use of it as a cosmetic product will do more harm than good.
Among the side effects of Solcoseryl, the instructions mention irritation, redness, itching, rashes, that is, signs of an allergic reaction. If symptoms appear, it is recommended to wash off the gel / ointment and not to use the product in the future.