An uncomfortable and painful delicate problem, which is usually silent, hemorrhoids is now recognized as the most common disease that affects both men and women. It can be treated with conservative therapy, but what if the disease made itself felt during the period of gestation? What ointments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be used so as not to harm the unborn baby?

What is hemorrhoids and why occurs during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are called varicose veins located on the inner surface of the rectum. The disease can occur at any age and in any person. If he does not move much, eats improperly, is in constant stress, has a hereditary predisposition to diseases of veins and blood vessels, an unpleasant illness will sooner or later make itself felt.

There are several exclusively “female” causes of this disease.

  1. Direct dependence of the general condition on changes in the hormonal background. Often, a hemorrhoid appears or worsens during menstrual bleeding.
  2. The increased emotionality of women explains the excessive reaction to stimuli. As a result, the body is in tension for a long time, which leads to involuntary contractions of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.Many women have irritable bowel syndrome or psychogenic constipation, which also provokes the development of the disease.
  3. Bearing a child. During pregnancy, serious hormonal changes occur. In the early stages, progesterone is produced in large quantities, which allows preserving the fetus, but negatively affecting intestinal motility. Its walls stop moving, pushing the contents out, constipation occurs. A woman begins to strain more in the process of bowel movement, due to a rush of blood and a violation of its outflow, the first nodes arise. In late pregnancy, an enlarged uterus compresses the pelvic organs, disrupting blood circulation, thereby exacerbating the situation in the intestine. Itching, fullness, soreness and swelling in the rectum become permanent. Traces of blood may appear on toilet paper.
  4. Childbirth and breastfeeding. During childbirth, in the process of trying, the nodes often go outside. In the future, the course of the disease is aggravated by the diet of a nursing mother, postpartum depression, and the lack of adequate therapy.

When the first signs of hemorrhoids appear - a feeling of fullness of the intestine, the presence of a foreign object inside, burning and discomfort in the anorectal region - you need to visit a proctologist to begin treatment in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Table of allowed antihemorrhoidal ointments

Having discovered the symptoms of hemorrhoids, a pregnant woman begins to look for medications that are allowed to be used while carrying a child. For treatment during this period, non-toxic, safe, single-component suppositories and ointments are used. Even local products should not contain antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, potent substances and possible allergens.

In order for ointments with a natural composition to be effective, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Safe hemorrhoids ointments

Name of medicationFeatures of composition and application
Heparin ointmentIt contains blood-thinning heparin, peach oil, water, glycerin, and the antiseptic nilagin. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, quickly copes with the inflammatory process.
Hepatrombin GHeparin is also present in the composition, there is also the hormone prednisone, which is approved for use, as it is non-toxic when used locally and quickly relieves swelling, itching and irritation.
Ichthyol ointmentContains ichthyol - a natural substance that quickly copes with pain and has a bactericidal effect. It is used in case of infringement of nodes, the appearance of wounds with subsequent infection.
ReliefThe composition of the ointment contains a vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine, which has a hemostatic effect. The active substance of the ointment, as well as the entire line of products, is shark fat, which has an anti-inflammatory, reparative effect on damaged tissues. The tool is used with caution if an allergy to fish and seafood has previously been observed or if symptoms of hypertension are present.
Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky)The product contains castor oil and tar. It disinfects well, has immunomodulating properties, and quickly cures inflammation. There is a strong aroma, so you need to be careful in the presence of allergies.

To quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease, the use of local products needs to be connected to thorough hygiene of the anus, the use of wet wipes instead of toilet paper, and washing with decoctions of herbs.

Instructions for use

Antihemorrhoidal ointments are applied in a thin layer to the affected areas after hygienic procedures in the anus, as well as cool baths. The use of this dosage form as part of complex therapy is especially effective for inflammation of the external cones.

Such popular natural preparations as sea buckthorn ointment, Troxevasinum, Levomekol, Posterizan, Vishnevsky ointment have similar recommendations for use.

  1. The substance covers the external nodes up to three times a day.
  2. The tool is applied in a thick layer in the form of a compress under a bandage overnight.
  3. With some ointments, you can soak swabs and place them inside the intestine to cope also with submucosal hemorrhoids.

A proctologist will tell you in detail about the methods of using drugs, the peculiarities of the composition, drug interaction and the admissibility of use during pregnancy, which should include a woman with a history of hemorrhoids.

List of drugs

During pregnancy, the range of drugs that help cope with an unpleasant ailment is limited. You can not use systemic drugs in the treatment in tablet form, do medicinal enemas. Doctors advise using local funds for different purposes.

Ointments against inflammation and infection

To prevent the occurrence of infection and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, ointments such as Methyluracil, Levomekol, Fleming Ointment, Posterizan, balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) that help get rid of external hemorrhoids are used in the treatment. The substances that make up these local medicines also relieve aches and pains, get wet, and reduce the size of the cones.

Drugs with vasoconstrictor and venotonic properties

If thrombosis of the external nodes occurs, proctologists advise introducing ointments and gels into the composition of therapy, which normalize blood circulation and reduce edema. The list of local medicines allowed during pregnancy with the indicated action includes ointments “Relif”, “Troxerutin”, “Procto-Glivenol” (from the second half of the term), “Troxevasin”.

With analgesic effect

Any anesthetics during pregnancy at different periods are used with caution, only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor.

The pain syndrome with exacerbation of hemorrhoids is very pronounced, interfering with the usual lifestyle, therefore it is necessary to stop it with the help of medications that are acceptable for use during child bearing. So, in medical practice, the following analgesic ointments for the treatment of pregnant women are widely used: Relief Advance (in acute conditions), Propolis (suppositories and ointment), Ichthyol ointment, Anestezol (with caution).

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

To cope with hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you can also use ointments prepared on your own. Such funds are harmless, but have low efficiency.

Ointments according to folk recipes are prepared from the following components:

  • propolis and butter;
  • grated raw potatoes and wax;
  • chopped garlic and any animal fat;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil and wax.

Ointments, prepared according to folk recipes, contribute to the healing of cracks, relieve inflammation. Potatoes in the composition of such products have a drying effect, reduce puffiness, and garlic stops bleeding and disinfects damaged tissues.

General treatment recommendations

The information contained in the instructions for use of any of the ointments is indicated there for practicing doctors. In pregnancy, self-medication can harm both the mother and the baby. Therefore, even local preparations can be used only after a visit to a proctologist. At the first visit, the doctor conducts a digital examination, determines the degree of neglect of external hemorrhoids and prescribes medications with a gentle effect.

If the nodes have internal localization, additional diagnostic procedures may be required, which the doctor will try to postpone until delivery, so as not to create a stressful situation. In this case, he will prescribe suppositories to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and the main treatment will be after birth.

It should also be remembered that hemorrhoids can not be managed only with the help of ointments or suppositories.

It is important to start fractional and proper nutrition, drink more fluids, take time to walks and physical activity, perform Kegel exercises, avoid constipation, and do not forget about thorough hygiene.


The presence of toxic substances, teratogenic components, antibiotics, anesthetics, glucocorticosteroids in the medication is a direct contraindication to use during child bearing. If the composition contains lidocaine, gentamicin, tetracycline, hydrocortisone, you should consult a specialist about the advisability of using such ointments.

Part of antihemorrhoidal medicines is used in the treatment of exacerbation of an ailment only in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. At this time, doctors introduce such ointments as Relief Advance, Ultraprokt, Neo-Anuzol into the composition of the therapy. In the first and second trimesters, during the formation of the fetus, it is permissible to use only products with natural components.