Boils most often occur due to inflammation of the hair follicles. Usually the pathogenic microorganisms that cause this process are concentrated on the skin of people. But when favorable circumstances arise for them, they lead to furunculosis. Before choosing an ointment from boils, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition.
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The list of drugs for boils
Instructions for use indicate that an effective remedy is selected depending on the stage of furunculosis. At the beginning of the development of pathology, when the formation of a boil begins, during the first days antiseptic, purulent exudate-stretching, anti-inflammatory drugs are selected.
If there is a risk of further spread of the infectious process, an ointment with antibiotics is selected. In addition, the antibacterial agent is widely used after opening the abscess. In this case, it is used as a healing drug. The following is a list of ointments used to treat single boils, their clusters:
- Vishnevsky ointment. This drug allows you to prevent putrefactive processes in the inflamed area. It is based on natural substances, has widespread use in various diseases. The ointment consists of tar, which has antibacterial, antiseptic effects. This component activates blood circulation, relieves minor pain. Xeroform acts as an antiseptic, leading to the death of bacteria.Castor oil has a healing effect, contributes to better penetration of other active substances into the tissue. Vishnevsky ointment is characterized by a specific smell.
- Ichthyol ointment consists of a sulfur-containing compound, which enhances the therapeutic effect of ichthammol. This tool is a powerful antiseptic, helps to relieve the inflammatory process, removes purulent masses, dries the boil, does not allow further decay. In the area treated with ointment, blood circulation improves, healing processes accelerate, and pain is relieved. In addition, ichthyol ointment is able to destroy the pathogen of furunculosis, it has proved its effectiveness against staphylococcus.
- Heparin ointment is a combination drug based on heparin. Its action is aimed at preventing the formation of pus, relieving inflammation, blocking thrombus formation. Benzocaine, which is also an active substance, relieves pain in the area of the boil.
The choice of ointment for furunculosis must be agreed with the doctor, since each drug is effective in a certain stage of the disease.
Important! You should not be independently treated for furunculosis, otherwise serious consequences may develop.
Indications for the use of funds
Local preparations are used when the boil has manifested itself, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- an abscess in the center of an inflamed place;
- the presence of purulent exudate with a blood admixture;
- the presence of a yellow spot in the center of the boil;
- heat;
- growing pain.
An immediate visit to a dermatologist is required if the pathology has formed in the following areas:
- lymph nodes;
- in the head area;
- groin.
In addition, the indication for complex treatment is multiple boils, frequent relapses. Moreover, at different stages, the application of certain ointments is required:
- if the abscess only forms, then drugs that stimulate its maturation, for example, ichthyol ointment, will be required;
- Further, an ointment from boils is required. Most often, heparin ointment is used for this;
- after the abscess has opened, prescribe agents that have a healing effect. Usually this is Vishnevsky Ointment.
In severe situations, an integrated approach with the appointment of antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy is necessary. In case of impaired immunity, immunotherapy will be required.
Instruction for use
The instructions for the use of ointments indicate that before applying them, it is necessary to clean the area, disinfect it with an antiseptic, which can be used as a weak solution of manganese. Ointments can not be applied before going out soon, especially in sunny weather, on the wound surface, contact with mucous membranes should also be avoided.
Advice! It is better to apply the ointment not with your hands, but with cotton pads or sticks.
Ichthyol ointment is applied to the area of the boil in a small layer. Moreover, it is better to capture a small area of healthy skin. The drug should be distributed evenly over the inflamed area, without rubbing.
Apply a gauze napkin to the treated area, fix it with a band-aid or bandage, leaving for several hours. Ichthyol ointment is applied up to 3 times per day. Before re-applying the ointment, you should remove the old one, rinse the area of the boil with a warm soapy solution. For these purposes, tar soap is the best option.
On a note! When determining a sufficient amount of ointment, you should pay attention to ensure that the skin is not visible through it.
An ointment based on heparin allows you to stop the inflammatory process. This tool is applied to the affected area up to 3 times a day with a thin layer. In this case, the ointment should be gently rubbed. Heparin ointment does not require the application of gauze discs.
Vishnevsky ointment
This ointment is not recommended to treat an unripe boil. Vishnevsky ointment is applied with a bandage to a painful place up to 3 times a day. For this, the previously impregnated gauze dressing needs to be rolled up five times, to fix it. The drug should completely fill the wound surface. Treatment is carried out until the boil is completely cleansed.
During pregnancy and lactation
Vishnevsky ointment is allowed during the period of bearing a child only if necessary, with a minimum acceptable therapeutic course. Ichthyol ointment does not harm the expectant mother and fetus. It is widely used during lactation. Heparin ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant, lactating women.
Contraindications, side effects
Ointments for furunculosis, like other medicines, have a number of contraindications. The smallest number of them is in Ichthyol ointment. This tool is not shown to be used only with hypersensitivity to the active substance. Against the background of treatment with this tool, the appearance of burning, itching, redness, light rashes is possible.
Heparin ointment is not indicated for use with a predisposition to thrombosis, hypocoagulation, and hypersensitivity to heparin. As a result of the use of this tool, reduced sensitivity in the treated area, redness, itching, rashes may develop.
Ichthyol ointment is not recommended for use with intolerance to the active ingredient, serious kidney damage. Side effects are manifested by swelling, itching, urticaria, redness. With the development of unwanted reactions from the body, treatment of the boil should not be stopped immediately, you need to consult a doctor.
To date, there are many ointments for furunculosis, which can be used at different stages of the disease.