Some drugs can be considered almost universal. Ointment Levomekol in indications for use has a wide range of pathologies in various fields of medicine. This drug has been used for more than a dozen years and helps the effective healing of wounds and other injuries.
Material Content:
Composition and form of release
100 g of the drug contain two active components: chloramphenicol (0.75 g) and methyluracil (4 g). To provide the drug with the form of an ointment, two types of polyethylene oxide are added to it: 1500 and 400. The resulting substance has a cloudy white or yellowish color and a characteristic odor.
Levomekol is packaged in iron tubes of 40 g of the content of the finished medicine. The ointment is packed in small boxes of thin cardboard, where the instructions for use are placed. This intake format is best suited for home use.
To treat damaged large-sized surfaces, ointment was released in dark glass jars of 100 g and 1000 g each. They are packed in boxes of thin cardboard and provided with printed instructions. Such volumes are often used in hospitals or in patient care with a significant area of damage.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
The ointment provides an antimicrobial dehydrating effect. It is applied externally to areas requiring treatment. The drug helps to get rid of signs of inflammation, and also accelerates the restoration of damaged areas.
Antibacterial effect was noted in relation to E. coli, staphylococcus and pseudomonas. The activity of the drug does not decrease in the presence of pus and necrotic masses. This is especially important when treating long-existing wounds.
Indications for use for children and adults
Levomekol is prescribed in the presence of an inflammatory process, accompanied by suppuration.
These conditions include:
- pressure sores;
- wounds;
- boils, carbuncles and other types of abscesses;
- hemorrhoids in the last stages;
- injured herpetic eruptions;
- open corns;
- rashes on the face and body of a purulent nature;
- inflammation with suppuration, localized in the outer part of the ear;
- chronic and acute lymphadenitis;
- sinusitis and rhinitis of bacterial origin;
- stomatitis;
- periodontal disease;
- trophic ulcers;
- postoperative period when removing teeth and installing implants;
- postpartum injuries and scars;
- colpitis;
- balanitis, balanoposthitis.
Levomekol ointment in gynecology is often prescribed for the treatment of postpartum sutures. This product is safe and non-toxic. Due to the regenerating action, the healing process is accelerated, which gives the woman in labor the opportunity to recover faster.
Instructions for use ointment Levomekol
The drug is intended for external use. If there is an open wound, the ointment is applied to a small sterile gauze cloth, which covers the affected area. The compress should be fixed with a bandage or plaster to ensure the longest possible exposure.
If the patient has a cavity filled with pus, Levomekol is injected through a drainage tube or catheter using a syringe without a needle. The temperature of the ointment should be 35-36º C, at which its consistency becomes more liquid. Procedures are carried out daily until the wound is completely clean.
Boils and other large abscesses are treated with a compress with Levomekol. Before applying it, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution. Then a sterile gauze with ointment is applied to the site of inflammation and is fixed on it with a band-aid.
Attention! In the presence of a large lesion area, the amount of ointment is adjusted so that no more than 3 g of chloramphenicol is released per day. Treatment lasts no longer than 4 days in order to avoid side effects.
Levomekol is prescribed for open calluses in order to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. Ointment is applied to a sterile napkin, applied to the wound and fixed. Dressings do not leave for more than 2-3 hours. If the corn contains liquid, it is treated with an antiseptic and opened with a sterile needle in two places. The contents of the bladder are removed with a cotton pad, and a compress with Levomekol is applied to the remaining trace.
In bacterial rhinitis, compresses with Levomekol in the form of nasal tamponade for 4 hours can be prescribed. If the patient has purulent sinusitis or inflammation of the external part of the ear canal, heats of ointment-soaked tows of sterile gauze are inserted into his ears. The duration of the procedure is 10-12 hours. It is not recommended to prescribe and perform it on your own, this can lead to ear injuries and deafness.
Attention! Levomekol ointment is not prescribed for children under 3 years old!
In dentistry, ointment compresses are not used. A preparation is applied in a thin layer on the treated area, then the place is easily massaged in a circular motion. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. After holding it for 30 minutes, drinking, eating and rinsing the mouth is prohibited.
Levomekol is used as a means of accelerating regeneration in gynecology. Ointment compresses are done on the site of postoperative or postpartum sutures. It is also possible to install a swab of sterile gauze inside the vagina. In this case, part of the tissue should remain outside to facilitate removal. Dressing replacement procedures should be daily.Thus, pus and the remains of dead cells from the wound are removed.
If the patient is diagnosed with balanitis or balanoposthitis, before applying the ointment, the area of inflammation should be washed with a slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. Levomekol is finely distributed over the desired area. The multiplicity of processing is 1-3 times a day.
For hemorrhoids, Levomekol is prescribed both in the acute phase and after surgery. The treatment site is washed with water at room temperature and blotted with a cloth. Then, ointment is applied to the anus area and closed on top with a sterile napkin. The course of therapy is 10 days.
Ointment is prescribed if the patient has burns of any severity and area of damage. Levomekol is not the only means, but is part of complex therapy. Before applying the compress, the treatment site is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Napkins with the drug are changed up to 5 times a day, depending on the degree of damage.
In the presence of purulent rashes on the face, the ointment is finely distributed over the areas of their greatest accumulation. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day. The same pattern is followed when opening herpetic vesicles and the formation of ulcers in their place.
During pregnancy and lactation
Nursing women are forbidden to apply the drug to the area of the nipples and chest. Since the medicine refers to external means, it can be used in areas not in contact with the baby. During the bearing of a child, Levomekol can be used without restrictions according to the instructions.
Drug interaction
Levomekol can interact with individual groups of drugs. Ointment is not used with sulfonamides, cytostatics and pyrazolone derivatives. They cause inhibition of hematopoiesis, which can affect the course of the disease and the patient's well-being.
Contraindications and side effects
In some cases, Levomekol ointment for adults and children after 3 years is not prescribed even if there is evidence.
These conditions include:
- eczema;
- fungal lesions;
- allergic reactions to chloramphenicol or methyluracil;
- psoriatic skin changes.
If the patient has one of the contraindications, another drug with a similar effect is selected for him. If this principle is not observed, side effects may develop.
These include:
- redness of the treatment site;
- itching
- localized edema;
- rash;
- burning sensation;
- hives;
- Quincke's edema;
- dermatitis.
If the patient has adverse effects on ointment therapy, its use is discontinued. For proper correction of the condition, you should contact a specialist. The patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment and a drug is selected for replacement.
Analogs ointments Levomekol
If a patient has undesirable reactions when using an ointment, a drug is selected for him for a replacement. Complete structural analogues can be considered Netran and Levomethyl. These drugs act the same way as Levomekol, so they are better suited for replacement than others.
By the method of exposure to microorganisms, analogues include Levosin, Protagentina ointment, Streptonitol, Levomycetin, Fastin 1, Lingesin. These drugs have other active ingredients, but are able to replace Levomekol in the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the ointment. The method of application and dosage is different for them, so before using it is worth contacting a specialist.
For the treatment of gynecological problems and hemorrhoids, methyluracil suppositories can be prescribed. They help relieve inflammation and speed healing. This form of release is most convenient for insertion into the rectum or vagina.
Kalanchoe juice, D-panthenol, Carotolin, Panthenol and Vulnuzan have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect of lesser strength. These drugs are not used for serious and massive lesions of the skin and internal organs.But in the presence of small purulent processes on the surface of the body, their use can be justified by fewer restrictions on the use and the almost complete absence of side effects.
Levomekol is an effective and affordable ointment for the treatment of purulent complications and their prevention. It has been used by specialists and patients for many years in a hospital and at home. This medicine is considered universal and indispensable in any medicine cabinet.