Levomekol ointment is known for its wound healing and antimicrobial action. It is used in such fields of medicine as dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. It deserves attention due to its quick healing effect and rare side effects. It contains potent substances, therefore, requires careful handling.
Material Content:
- 1 The composition of the drug
- 2 Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
- 3 What helps ointment Levomekol
- 4 Instructions for use for children and adults
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Special instructions for use
- 7 Drug interaction
- 8 Contraindications and side effects
- 9 Analogs ointments Levomekol
The composition of the drug
The composition of Levomekol is a mixture of four active ingredients. It has no fillers that are added exclusively for volume.
All components of the mixture have one or another effect:
- Methyluracil - is added to the ointment in an amount of 40 mg per 1 g of the drug. Stimulates cell division. Promotes the formation of new tissues. Accelerates the process of scarring and healing.
- Chloramphenicol is a very powerful antibiotic used for streptococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the form of oral forms, it is available under the names Levomycetin and Sintomycin. It is added to the composition in an amount of 7.5 mg per 1 g of ointment.
- Macrogol-1500 and macrogol-400 are two types of polyethylene glycol, in the aggregate they occupy a little more than 95% of the total volume of the drug mixture. Chloramphenicol is transferred from crystalline to liquid form. Show independent action. They have great osmotic power. They force the fluid accumulated in the areas of inflammation to migrate back to the blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling and pain.
The ointment has a thick structure.It looks like a dense, whitish, cloudy gel. When applied to the skin under the influence of body temperature, it melts and spreads, passes into a liquid state, becomes transparent.
It is packaged in aluminum or laminated polyethylene tubes of 30, 40 and 50 g. The composition is intended for use within three and a half years from the date of manufacture.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
The components of the ointment penetrate well into the deep layers of the skin, leaving a greasy and sticky mark on the surface. At the site of concentration, the drug draws inflammatory exudate from the lesions. Reduces pain. Stops the growth and reproduction of rotting bacteria. The activity of the ointment remains at a high level, even if pus and semi-decomposed tissues are partially present in the wound at the time of treatment.
The regenerating component of the drug has a beneficial effect on tissue trophism, causing the cells around the wound to actively divide. The use of ointment accelerates healing and promotes the formation of an imperceptible scar.
What helps ointment Levomekol
The annotation describes cases of ointment treatment of wounds at the stage of suppuration, as well as pressure sores, corns, infected abrasions, surgical sutures and boils. This composition can be used to treat herpetic rash provided that pustules appear. The drug is used for external processing of the auricle in the event of any suppuration on its outer side.
The tool well cleanses wounds from pus, and prevents the development of a pathological process.
As an aid, this drug can be prescribed for external treatment of inflamed lymph nodes with a rare form of external infection.
With the permission of the doctor, the ointment is laid in the nose with sinusitis, despite the fact that the annotation does not directly allow such a treatment method. Using this treatment, you can reduce swelling in the nasopharynx and speed up the healing process. Turundas with ointment are laid in the nasal passages after a puncture and pumping of pus from the maxillary sinuses. Only inflammation caused by bacterial infection can be treated.
The tool is used in dentistry. They are treated with edematous gums to relieve pain after tooth extraction or implant implantation. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of stomatitis, as well as various sores, within the oral cavity.
In gynecology, some doctors allow the use of Levomekol to restore the vaginal mucosa with colpitis. With the help of such manipulations, it is possible to relieve swelling and accelerate the healing of tissues. Ointment lubricates wounds and sutures in the postoperative and postpartum periods.
The drug is an effective drying and healing agent for hemorrhoids. Ointment relieves itching and burning. Cleans wounds. Accelerates the epithelization of cracks. It stops the reproduction of microbes, and prevents the appearance of complications.
The tool is used as an independent medicine only in the treatment of external injuries. If inflammation or ulcers arose against the background of internal diseases, an integrated approach is needed. In this case, the ointment is prescribed as an adjuvant.
Instructions for use for children and adults
The composition is applied to the damaged areas treated with an antiseptic. As a general rule, a sterile gauze cloth is abundantly moistened with ointment, and then this piece of gauze is loosely placed in the wound cavity. On top of the treated area is covered with a dry bandage.
If it is difficult to get close to the abscess, it is allowed to inject the composition directly into its cavity using a drainage tube and a syringe. This is done, for example, with boils. After opening and washing the abscess at the final stage, ointment is laid. The agent is injected into the wound cavity warmed up to body temperature.
Chloramphenicol present in the composition is a very strong antibiotic.In high doses, it is toxic, and therefore the composition can not be used indefinitely.
If the surface to be treated is too large, the dose must be observed and do not apply more than three grams in terms of antibiotic.
These recommendations are about a daily dose.
Procedures continue until the wound is completely cleansed of pus and begins to heal. On average, wounds are treated for four days. For longer than seven days, the medicine is not recommended because of the high osmotic strength of its main components.
A macrogol creates a pressure difference, due to which the inflammatory exudate is drawn from the intercellular space into neighboring intact cells. When using the ointment for a long time, healthy cells swell and overexert, which invariably leads to their death.
The effectiveness of treatment consists in observing dosages and duration. When the swelling subsides, and the wound is completely freed from putrefactive masses, it begins to be treated with another regenerating composition.
For special cases, there are other recommendations for use:
- Ointment helps to speed up the healing of bursting corns. After opening the bladder, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic, and then generously coated with ointment every 2-3 hours. The wound is isolated from the environment with a gauze dressing.
- With a purulent process in the maxillary sinuses, accompanied by the separation of thick green mucus from the nose, a turunda moistened in the composition is inserted for half an hour in each stroke. The procedure is repeated in the morning and evening.
- The drug is applied after tooth extraction or implantation of the implant with careful circular movements on the site of the inflamed gum twice a day. After processing for half an hour, you should not eat or drink anything.
- To inject the ointment into the vagina, a gauze swab is formed from the bandage. The tip of the bandage is left outside. The swab is abundantly impregnated with the agent and introduced inside. The frequency of swab replacement is determined by the doctor. Such a procedure cannot be carried out without the recommendation of a specialist. A woman should be examined for tumors. If she has erosion or dysplasia of the cervix, methyluracil - a component of the ointment can act as a provocateur of the appearance of neoplasms.
- The ointment is applied before bedtime for a week for better healing of tissues after surgical removal of hemorrhoids. The anus is pre-washed with cool water. The oiled surface is covered with a gauze napkin.
- Levomekol ointment is used in acne for home cosmetology. The composition is dried painful purulent formations. It is applied pointwise with the tip of a cotton swab for 2-3 days.
The tool has gained confidence in veterinary medicine. They are lubricated by bites, inflamed wounds, postoperative sutures in animals. Bandages are saturated with ointment. Lay them on the wound surface. Top fixed with a bandage. Dressings are done daily.
During pregnancy and lactation
Manufacturers do not undertake to claim that the ointment is completely safe for pregnant women. This question is left to the attending physician. If the specialist decides that such a treatment is necessary for the expectant mother and the benefit from it will significantly exceed the risk to the fetus, then the medicine is prescribed.
In nursing women, the instruction directly prohibits the use of ointment. If such a need arises, feeding should be discontinued.
Special instructions for use
With prolonged use of the ointment, allergies can develop on the components that make up its composition. This should be remembered and not resort to the tool at every opportunity. In addition, an antibiotic that prevents the development of infection is a highly toxic substance. In case of prolonged use of the drug (over a month), it is necessary to monitor the state of the body, in particular, to control the blood picture.
Drug interaction
It has not been clinically established whether the components of the ointment, when used locally, can react with other drugs. It is believed that such an interaction is unlikely.
Contraindications and side effects
Due to the imperfection of metabolic processes in children younger than one year of age, the biological decomposition of the components of the ointment can be delayed, making the toxic effect of these substances more pronounced. The instruction warns of the impossibility of using the product in infants who have not reached the indicated age.
In some categories of individuals, a vivid reaction may occur to the components of the ointment.
With hypersensitivity, the following phenomena can be observed:
- itching
- small rashes around the treated area, similar to hives;
- severe tissue edema, accompanied by redness of the lubricated areas.
Hypersensitivity is a direct contraindication to the appointment of the drug in question.
No cases of poisoning as a result of an overdose have been reported.
Analogs ointments Levomekol
On the pharmaceutical market, there are absolutely identical analogues of Levomekol, and similar preparations in terms of composition and action. A complete analogue of the drug is Levomethyl ointment, which is sold in volumes of 30 and 40 g. This drug contains the same active components, but costs half the price of the original.
A similar therapeutic effect has ointment "Levosin". In addition to the components already considered, it includes another antimicrobial agent sulfadimethoxin and a local anesthetic trimecaine. It not only disinfects, relieves swelling and promotes healing, but also faster relieves pain.
Another analog, Olazol, produces aerosol in a convenient form. It contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol, as well as other disinfecting and pain-relieving components. The action of "Olazol" is enhanced by sea buckthorn oil, a well-known natural antiseptic that promotes the rapid healing of wounds.
Levomekol ointment is a relatively safe and very effective remedy, which is almost impossible to find negative reviews. But do not forget that the composition contains an antibiotic, which means that with frequent use, hypersensitivity to it can develop.