Diclofenac is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that is appropriate in many situations. It is beneficial for joints and soft tissues. Diclofenac ointment is inexpensive, so it is often used. It is important for patients to know how to apply it correctly, and for how long it is allowed to apply.

Composition (active substance), release form

Diclofenac is an ointment for external use. It is usually applied to the surface of the skin.

It is sold in three volumes:

  • 40 g;
  • 50 g;
  • 100 g

In all cases, the drug is packaged in an aluminum tube with a screw cap.

The composition of the medication includes the chemical substance diclofenac sodium in proportions of 100: 1. Additional activity may be shown by dimexide. It not only relieves inflammation along with diclofenac, but also accelerates the release of tissues from toxins, and is also able to kill some microbes.

All other components of the ointment form its basis. These are preservatives, organic acids, propylene glycol.

Pharmacological properties of pharmacokinetics

Diclofenac is one of the most popular NSAIDs. All such drugs are designed to fight inflammation. The active substance enters the tissue and changes the enzymatic activity at the cellular level. Specifically, it suppresses the enzyme cyclooxygenase. Further, the synthesis of prostaglandins, compounds that provide the course of inflammatory processes, slows down.

"Diclofenac" helps with severe pain. In this case, the tool does not work by blocking the receptors and stopping the transmission of signals from the source of discomfort to the cerebral cortex, as is the case with traditional analgesics. "Diclofenac" acts on the main cause of unpleasant sensations, therefore, eliminates, but does not drown out the pain.

Experts note that Diclofenac can not only eliminate inflammation, but also reduce body temperature due to a moderate antipyretic effect.

The drug in the form of an ointment is quickly absorbed into the epidermis and begins to work within 20 to 30 minutes after application. It does not enter the bloodstream, as is the case with injections or tablets, when the active component binds to albumin proteins and is distributed throughout the body with blood. The medicine immediately enters only in those areas where inflammatory processes are active and are delayed there for a long time, which ensures a therapeutic effect.

The spent drug in the form of metabolites - glucuronide conjugates - leaves the body with urine. Part of the drug is excreted through the kidneys in an unchanged form.

What helps diclofenac ointment

The drug is prescribed for joint pathologies, which are accompanied by severe pain and swelling. At the same time, it is important that the uncomfortable sensation is provoked precisely by inflammatory processes. So, with osteochondrosis or similar diseases, the cause of the pain is pinching of the nerve endings. In this case, Diclofenac can be used, but only as an element of additional therapy.

The list of main indications for the use of ointment includes:

  • joint pain (hands, feet, knees);
  • degenerative changes in the spinal column (sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • muscle pain resulting from injuries, bruises, sprains.

In all of these cases, the ointment will become an effective assistant that improves well-being and accelerates recovery.

Age restrictions on use

Medicines for external use are considered the most sparing, since they do not affect the gastrointestinal tract and do not provoke the destruction of its mucous membranes. However, even ointments can be dangerous, so you need to use them only after consulting with your doctor.

Diclofenac does not contain hormonal substances, but it is not prescribed to all patients. Doctors must take into account the age of the person who has applied. So, ointment is allowed for adults and adolescents. It can be applied to children, but they must be at least 6 years old.

Instructions for use ointment Diclofenac

The ointment treatment process is rarely difficult. It is enough to strictly observe the scheme proposed by the doctor or indicated in the annotation to the medication.

The ointment is applied directly to the focus of pain and inflammation. A small amount is squeezed out of the tube and rubbed into the skin with light circular movements. During the day, the drug can be used no more than 3-4 times. Children under 12 years old should reduce the dosage and apply the ointment only twice.

As soon as the first improvements are noticed, you need to switch to double use, and later apply the ointment only once a day to avoid excess active component in the tissues.

Important! Do not apply ointment to damaged skin. The drug is not used for deep cuts, abrasions. The agent must not be allowed to penetrate the wound.

Can I use the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Hormonal drugs during child bearing are strictly prohibited, but non-steroid drugs are sometimes prescribed, especially if there are indications for their use. Diclofenac ointment is appropriate during pregnancy, but precautions should be taken with this treatment.

Ointment can be used exclusively in the first two trimesters.In the later stages, it is impossible to influence the synthesis of prostaglandins. These compounds are not only responsible for the formation of foci of inflammation, but also stimulate the timely onset of labor. In other words, with their lack, a woman gives birth much later. Because of this, the fetus suffers. It is constantly growing, and the volume of amniotic fluid decreases, which is fraught with hypoxia or entanglement of the umbilical cord.

The ban is also associated with the fact that prostaglandins are involved in maintaining the normal tone of the uterus and the formation of its muscle layer. Without them, a woman’s body simply cannot maintain a pregnancy for all 40 weeks.

Lactation is another contraindication to the use of any form of medication, including ointment. The active substance will accumulate in milk and be transmitted to the child, which should not be allowed, in order to avoid disruption of the normal rate of its development.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

Diclofenac is well tolerated by the body and combines with almost all other drugs, so there are no specific restrictions, with the exception of any medications that can increase susceptibility to UV rays. In this case, photosensitization is enhanced.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

"Diclofenac" is ideal for relieving inflammation, as it practically does not cause side effects.

In the rarest cases, a local allergic reaction occurs on the skin in the area of ​​regular application, which manifests itself as:

  • itching
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • local increase in temperature.

The listed symptoms can cause inconvenience, but they disappear on their own after the ointment is canceled.

Among the signs of an overdose, the active substance is called excessive thickening of the blood, which can provoke the formation of blood clots in the vascular bed with subsequent clogging of the arteries or capillaries. In practice, a similar phenomenon is observed only with prolonged use of tablets or injections. Ointment is considered the safest version of the medication, therefore it is allowed in all countries.

Theoretically, Diclofenac can cause gastrointestinal pathologies associated with damage to the mucous membranes lining the tract from the inside. This is due to the fact that during treatment the amount of prostaglandins decreases sharply, which normally regulate the formation of protective mucus on the walls of the esophagus and stomach. If it becomes too small, then the shells begin to collapse. The situation may be aggravated by the intake of aggressive food or alcohol, as well as weakened immunity, followed by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract. According to this scheme, gastritis and peptic ulcer develop.

Doctors urge not to panic, but to reason sensibly. Diclofenac can really provoke a violation of the digestive tract, but there are ways to prevent the development of pathologies.

Doctors usually recommend:

  • strictly adhere to dosages;
  • further strengthen immunity;
  • Do not use Diclofenac with alcohol.

The tool in the form of an ointment is considered effective and most safe, since it does not affect the digestive or vascular system. Side effects are minimized, so you can safely get the ointment and use it, but doctors warn that there are still a number of limitations.

The list of main contraindications includes:

  • hemophilia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • lactation period;
  • final trimester of pregnancy;
  • age to 6 years.

In some cases, the ointment is allowed to be used, but you need to carefully monitor your well-being and, if it worsens, consult a doctor immediately. These conditions include heart failure, pregnancy (1st and 2nd trimesters), and advanced age.

Analogs ointments Diclofenac

"Diclofenac" in the form of ointment is an inexpensive and effective tool, which largely explains the increased demand for it. However, pharmacies also offer analogues of the drug.

  1. Voltaren. This is a similar drug in a milder form, which contributes to the rapid absorption into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The effect is achieved due to the base of liquid paraffin and the presence of the active substance in the form of diethylamine.
  2. Ortofen. An ointment with an increased concentration of diclofenac and a complete absence of dimexide. It is used for severe pain associated with inflammatory processes.
  3. Ibuprofen. The composition of this tool includes the substance of the same name. It works by analogy with diclofenac and also helps get rid of edema and pain.

To choose a suitable drug and quickly recover, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will find out the true causes of the pain and will be able to determine whether ointments based on diclofenac will help, or if the patient will need to choose another treatment regimen.