Nature is rich in miraculous potions that can maintain and enhance human health. Royal jelly also belongs to one of such remedies, the useful properties of which and how to take it will be discussed in the article.
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What are the benefits and how does milk of bees affect the body
If you do not know, but such milk is a product of beekeeping, in particular, it is the gland of a non-working bee that feeds the larvae. He has a white jelly-like color with a pearlescent hue.
The product contains proteins (properties similar to blood serum proteins), fats and carbohydrates (fructose, glucose and sucrose), as well as:
- fatty acids (essential) with amino acids;
- macro-and microelements;
- vitamins A, C, D, E and group B;
- mineral salts;
- hormones - estradiol and progesterone with testosterone;
- neurotransmitter acetylcholine and enzymes.
An interesting fact: in the composition of the product there are 5% of components that are not yet fully understood.
The main useful property of royal jelly is the strengthening of immunity, including the prevention of bacterial and viral infections.
The healing qualities apply to the following organs and systems of the human body:
- Digestive sphere - appetite improves, the intestines function normally and many chronic ailments are healed.
- The nervous system, making the body more stress resistant, and sleep more sound.
- The product helps to maintain vision for many years.
- CCC, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing the symptoms of VSD and protecting against thrombosis.
- The endocrine system, normalizing and restoring hormonal balance, regulating the activity of the thyroid gland and establishing reproductive function.
- The genitourinary sphere, healing gynecological diseases, improving the well-being of women during pregnancy and lactation, eliminating infertility, normalizing the menstrual cycle and reducing the manifestations of menopause.
- Respiratory system, helping with ailments of a viral or bacterial nature, and eliminating chronic diseases.
- Musculoskeletal system, eliminating inflammation of the joints, restoring bones with tissues when they are damaged.
The regular use of a beekeeping product quickly returns the energy spent, which is very useful for people who work hard physically or mentally.
Another beekeeping product regulates blood sugar, making it a useful diabetes sufferer. Only taking the drug in this case should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.
In which cases royal jelly is used
The scope of the product is very extensive, for example, it treats iron deficiency anemia, bleeding disorders and lipid balance with salts, as well as:
- ischemia with angina pectoris, arrhythmia, heart attack and many other diseases of CVS;
- pneumonia and asthma, tuberculosis, rhinitis and sinusitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, acute respiratory infections, flu and bronchitis;
- oral problems represented by stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease;
- blepharitis and poor eyesight, glaucoma and cataracts, conjunctivitis;
- gastrointestinal ailments - gastric ulcer with gastritis, pancreatitis and enterocolitis, flatulence and diarrhea, heartburn, hemorrhoids and constipation, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, removes stones of their gall bladder;
- kidney problems - renal failure and pyelonephritis (chronic);
- insomnia and psychosis, depression and alcoholism, schizophrenia and epilepsy, neurosis and migraine;
- articular and muscle diseases - arthritis and arthrosis, fractures with bruises and sprains, and other more serious ones;
- diabetes with lupus erythematosus, psoriasis with eczema and multiple sclerosis are also on the list;
- skin problems - acne and dermatitis, neurodermatitis, dandruff and baldness, burns;
- obesity and underdevelopment in a child, senile weakness and onco disease.
Separately, it is necessary to highlight the benefit of milk of bees for certain categories of citizens of our planet.
For women
Women are shown a product for pain during menstruation, cycle instability, amenorrhea and infertility, toxicosis, to reduce the symptoms of menopause and in the absence of lactation, with endometriosis, polyps and inflammatory ailments of the gynecological sphere.
Not only health helps to improve the milk of bees, but also appearance, preserving youth and beauty of the skin with hair.
For men
It is recommended to use the product for men if prostate adenoma or prostatitis, premature ejaculation or impotence, as well as male infertility are diagnosed.
For children
The formation of the immune system lasts up to 5 years, so it is not able to counteract pathogenic bacteria until this age. Royal jelly improves the activity of immune agents, killing trace elements that enter the body, not allowing them to multiply.
It is still useful for kids in that it reduces fatigue and increases mental and physical endurance. It also stimulates the growth of organs and systems.
Important: since royal jelly of bees has high biological activity, its use in childhood should be after the appointment of a doctor and under his supervision.
It is safest to purchase the product in processed form at drugstores, although many do it at home, especially beekeepers. But this option is valid after a conversation with a specialist.
Release Forms
Through pharmacy chains, various drugs are sold with this beekeeping product, used for preventive and therapeutic purposes:
- In the form of dragees and in ampoules, a lyophilized product is recommended, recommended for such ailments as asthenia and anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome and after a severe illness, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as women with ovarian failure.
- Melkaltsin, in addition to milk of bees in its composition, has honey and calcium. It is indicated for children to strengthen bones and muscles, for pregnant women - to replenish the lack of calcium and relieve toxicosis, during lactation, the drug promotes the flow of milk.
- With painful menstruation and menopause, proceeding with pathologies, it is recommended to take Melbrozin.
- A pure 2% KolGel solution perfectly copes with eye ailments.
- In the form of sweet pasta (in jars) Vitas is produced, consisting of milk of bees, pollen and pollen. This is an excellent biostimulant, and it is also recommended to use it for ailments of the liver, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
- Apilak can be found in the form of tablets, suppositories, cream and ointments.
- Apitok consists of a mixture of milk and honey, which is indicated for gastrointestinal problems, physical exhaustion and long-term use of antibiotics.
- Apitonus also contains honey in its composition, and is recommended for use in atherosclerosis and in the recovery period after suffering from SS ailments - heart attack or stroke.
Propolis ointment ointment is used to get rid of burns and wounds when there is skin damage.
Royal jelly intake
Royal jelly is taken for prevention and treatment in several ways - sublingual, oral, rectal and external.
The most rational is the first, which is carried out by the absorption of the substance in the oral cavity (under the tongue). This is necessary to preserve the active elements in the digestive tract and their better absorption in the venous flow of blood, the blood vessels of which are under the tongue.
With oral administration, preparatory procedures are needed to neutralize the gastric juice - just drink 200 ml of mineral water (alkaline) or a weak soda solution.
The rectal method, as a rule, is prescribed for children, for which candles at home are prepared from special oil and beeswax. There are diseases in which this type of treatment is indicated for adults.
External use is recommended for applying face and body masks. Royal jelly goes well with an alcohol solution that is used to rub the skin and apply compresses.
Fresh milk of bees
Fresh milk should be used with caution - no more than 1 g 2 times a day sublingually, with a duration of the resorption process up to 15 minutes.
The tablet form is applied 2-3 times during the day before meals in 30 minutes, absorbable under the tongue. For children, the dose is given less, which is adjusted by the doctor individually.
Such a composition can be prepared independently - for 1 part of the mother product, 20 parts of an alcohol solution (40 degrees) are taken - mix. This kind is used mainly externally.
Spray can.
This is a universal form of medicine prescribed for skin ailments and ENT orientation.
Sometimes there is a need for intramuscular administration of a drug, which is done in a hospital. As a rule, such appointments are made to elderly people to increase their tone and overall strengthening of the body.
Honey with royal jelly is a common compound, although you need to know that it is completely destroyed when it enters the stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to take the composition only by resorption.
Acceptance of the product should be course - up to 3 weeks. The dosage for adults is 100 mg per day, for children - 75. It is difficult to ensure a clear dosage, therefore it is recommended to mix milk with honey.
The correct dosage in a particular individual case will be prescribed only by the attending physician - you cannot engage in self-medication.
Contraindications and possible harm
If everything is done correctly, then health safety will be guaranteed.An absolute contraindication is an allergy to honey and other beekeeping products. There may be bleeding in the colon (in very rare cases), which is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and diarrhea with blood.
If moderation is not observed when applying milk to the skin, then inflammation and a rash may appear.
Special precautions are recommended in the following cases:
- if you decide to give the product to the child;
- it is advisable for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from using royal jelly due to the incompletely studied effect of the product on the body during these periods of life;
- with dermatitis, which only worsens the condition;
- with asthma and allergies;
- with low blood pressure.
Problems can occur with excessive use of bee milk, expressed by sleep disturbances, nervous system disorders, dry mouth and endocrine system disorders.
Important: simultaneous administration of royal jelly and medication Warfarin enhances the action of the second, which may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding.
To prevent this from happening, just follow the recommended dosage and rules of use.
How to store royal jelly at home
To keep all the benefits of this product at home in its pure form is a little difficult, since it is suitable for use after removing it from the mother liquor for only a couple of hours.
But subject to certain rules and the use of special forms, the duration of storage increases significantly:
- Put the milk of bees in a container made of glass with the possibility of airtight clogging and put in the refrigerator, maintaining the temperature not higher - 6 degrees. Under such conditions, the product will retain all its benefits throughout the year.
- The connection of the beekeeping product with alcohol, the recipe for which was given earlier. The finished composition is also poured into a glass dish, preferably dark and placed in the refrigerator. Such a tool is considered the most high-quality.
Regardless of the purpose of preparation and use of royal jelly, whether it is prevention or treatment, first consult with a specialist and get all the necessary recommendations from him.
Royal jelly and honey - healing properties
And now we’ll take a closer look at the healing properties of bee milk in combination with honey, in addition to the fact that this composition is the strongest immunostimulant:
- increases working capacity and reduces the consequences of experienced stressful situations;
- stabilizes blood pressure and protects against manifestations of atherosclerosis;
- beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system, helping with diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis;
- a positive effect extends to the respiratory system with bronchitis, rhinitis and pneumonia;
- the composition is indicated for liver and endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus. But prescribe this medicine must be an endocrinologist;
- anemia and inadequate weight gain in infants is also “within the power” of royal jelly.
In the cold period, the product protects against all kinds of infections. Although there is one “but” - if you caught a light virus, it can accelerate the processes of its spread in the body.
But this fact should not scare you and encourage you to refuse to use royal jelly for your own purposes. After all, a product fills our body with many necessary elements, many of which are irreplaceable. The main thing is compliance with the recommended dosage and admission rules. Health to you and your loved ones!